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How old are you? How old is he? How old is she? PAGE 37.

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Presentation on theme: "How old are you? How old is he? How old is she? PAGE 37."— Presentation transcript:

1 How old are you? How old is he? How old is she? PAGE 37

2 In French, expressing age is like asking: “What age have you/he/she? It is like asking how may years you have under your belt which is why you use the special word “ans” after age. J’ai douze ans.(I have 12 years.) Il a treize ans.(He has 13 years.) Elle a vingt ans.(She has 20 years.) WITHOUT THE WORD “ANS”, YOU ARE NOT EXPRESSING SOMEONE’S AGE!

3 Someone finding out YOUR age: Someone will ask you: Quel âge as-tu? (What age have you?) Notice the “tu”. As you know “tu” means, you therefore this question is bring directed to you. J’ai douze ans. (I have 12 years.) This is an example of your response. Of course the number will change depending on your actual age.

4 You finding out SOMEONE ELSE’S age: You ask: Quel âge a-t-il? ( What age he does he have?) Quel âge a-t-elle? (What age does she have?) How do you know if you are asking about a boy or a girl? ________________________________________________________________________. Responses: Il a ____ ans. (He has ____ years.) Elle a ____ ans. (She has _____years.)

5 You are NOT expressing age If you do not use the word “ans” after the number for the age

6 Pratique 1) Quel âge a ton père? (41)________________________________________. 2) Quel âge a ta cousine? (18) ______________________________________. 3) Quel âge a ta grand-mère? (68) ___________________________________. 4) Quel âge as-tu? _______________________________________________. 5) Quel âge a ton copain/ta copine? ________________________________. 6) Quel âge a Mlle. Fecteau? (44) __________________________________.

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