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Center for Teacher Leadership Virginia Commonwealth University Dr. Terry Dozier, Director VCU Center for Teacher Leadership Mrs. Stacey Branch Coordinator,

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Presentation on theme: "Center for Teacher Leadership Virginia Commonwealth University Dr. Terry Dozier, Director VCU Center for Teacher Leadership Mrs. Stacey Branch Coordinator,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Center for Teacher Leadership Virginia Commonwealth University Dr. Terry Dozier, Director VCU Center for Teacher Leadership Mrs. Stacey Branch Coordinator, Clinical Faculty Program

2 Chesterfield County Public Schools Hanover County Public Schools VCU School of Education Richmond Public Schools Henrico County Public Schools META

3 META’s goal is to increase student achievement by developing and retaining more effective teachers by...  Ensuring consistency and quality in clinical placements by recruiting and training teachers for the VCU Clinical Faculty Program which is based on the New Teacher Center, Santa Cruz program, a nationally-recognized, research-based mentoring model.  VCU Clinical Faculty support the growth and development of preservice teachers, helping to shape their attitudes and dispositions about teaching and enhancing their knowledge and skills in the classroom.

4  The Foundations in Mentoring for Clinical Faculty Level 1 is a foundational training that focuses on the knowledge, skills, and understandings that are critical for those who work to support the growth and development of preservice, novice, and veteran teachers.

5  Eligible participants should… ◦ be recognized as accomplished teachers with positive human relations skills; ◦ hold a valid Virginia Collegiate Professional Certificate and Virginia Teaching Endorsement in the area in which they are teaching; ◦ have a minimum of three years of successful classroom teaching experience; ◦ have a full-time teaching assignment with Chesterfield County Public Schools, Hanover County Public Schools, Henrico County Public Schools, or Richmond Public Schools; ◦ and have a teaching assignment in one of the following areas:  Art Education  Special Education (General Curriculum or Early Childhood Special Education)  Elementary Education  Middle or High School Education (English, Math, Social Studies)*  High School Science (Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Physics)*  *Teachers at the middle and high school level may teach a maximum of two AP, and/or non-core classes. *Music teachers interested in the program should contact Dr. David Greennagel, Director of Music Education of VCU Department of Music at

6 Complete an application process that includes a principal endorsement. Apply Attend five Clinical Faculty modules - one full-day module on a Saturday followed by four modules after school. Attend Training Practice using the coaching tools and language with a pre- service, novice, or veteran teacher. Coach Collect and reflect on data of your coaching practice. Collect & Reflect Submit coaching tools, a video recording of a reflecting conference, and responses to two reflective questions. Complete Assessment Process

7 FallSpringTopicLearning Activities Saturday, August (TBD) 8:30am- 4pm Saturday, January (TBD) 8:30am- 4pm Module 1: The Coaching Philosophy Coaching Philosophy Coach’s Role Coaching Language Use of Collaborative Log Practice using the coaching language Use the Collaborative Reflection Log with your preservice or colleague teacher. Review the continuum with your preservice or colleague teacher. September (TBD) 4:30-7pm January (TBD) 4:30-7pm Module 2: Observation and Data Collection Data Collection Tools Clinical Evaluation Continuum Experiment with data collection tools. Share the data with your preservice or colleague teacher. Complete a Plan for Reflective Growth. September (TBD) 4:30-7pm February (TBD) 4:30-7pm Module 3: Coaching Cycle Planning Conference Observation and Data Collection Analyzing Data Giving Feedback Engage in a Planning Conference using the Planning Conference Protocol and the Notetaking Guide. Observe your preservice or colleague teacher and collect data using one of the data collection tools. Complete the Preparation Guide for Analyzing Data. Collaboratively reflect on your preservice, novice, or veteran teacher’s lesson, including the data you collected, using a Collaborative Reflection Log. Complete a Plan for Reflective Growth. Please bring copies of these tools to turn in as well as your Clinical Faculty Binder with your coaching artifacts. October (TBD) 4:30-7pm February (TBD) 4:30-7pm Module 4: Coaching Cycle Reflecting Conference Plan for Reflective Growth Assessment Process for Earning the Clinical Faculty Designation Conduct a complete coaching cycle with your preservice teacher or colleague teacher using the formative assessment tools introduced in training. Video or audio record the Reflecting Conference. Respond to two reflective questions. October (TBD) 4:30-7pm March (TBD) 4:30-7pm Module 5: Formative Assessment Differentiation of Tools Artifacts of the Coaching Practice Reflecting on Your Practice Coaching Cycle tools with video/audio of the Reflecting Conference and responses to two reflective questions due at designated times each semester.

8 By the conclusion of this training, participants will be able to…  create professional growth environments for pre- service teachers grounded in the norms of continuous inquiry, ongoing assessment, and problem-solving;  recognize and practice the attitudes, behaviors, and skills of effective coaching;  use various tools that support an integrated system of formative assessment and support.

9 To be successful in the training…  Attend all five training modules;  Coach a VCU preservice teacher, or if not assigned a VCU preservice teacher during the training, make arrangements to work with a teacher in your school;  Join the Clinical Faculty online community;  Consistently demonstrate best practices in content/subject area;  Maintain a portfolio of examples showcasing the use of the coaching tools and language; and  Complete all learning activities and the assessment.

10 VCU Clinical Faculty are part of a select and highly trained corps of teacher leaders. Members receive:  Verification for recertification points (up to 45 points)  VCU library privileges  10% off of purchases at the Barnes and Noble@VCU Bookstore  Honorarium for hosting an intern/student teacher  Training and experience to enhance teaching skills  Opportunities for further professional growth and leadership roles

11  META is piloting a unique teacher leadership opportunity – a powerful program that will provide teachers with skills needed for successful teacher leadership – whether a teacher is currently a leader or aspires to be one.  The META Teacher Leadership Program includes seven domains based on the Teacher Leader Model Standards developed by a national consortium.  Earning the Clinical Faculty Designation fulfills the requirements for achievement in Domain IV of the program. Interested? Contact your META representative. (Contact information is included at the end of the presentation.)

12 Chesterfield County Public Schools Mrs. Angela Stewart Professional Development Program Manager Hanover County Public Schools Dr. Amy Thompson Professional Development Coordinator 365-4558 Henrico County Public Schools Dr. Angela Thompson Educational Specialist Instructional Leadership 804-652-3273 Richmond Public Schools Dr. Darlene Currie Director, Office of Professional Development 780-7775

13 Stacey Branch Coordinator, VCU Clinical Faculty Program Center for Teacher Leadership VCU School of Education 3600 W. Broad Street, Suite 300 Richmond, VA 23230 780-0330

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