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Muhittin Tolga Özsağlam Text Book: Kelly-Kate S.Pease,International Organizations, Pearson Publication. m.

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Presentation on theme: "Muhittin Tolga Özsağlam Text Book: Kelly-Kate S.Pease,International Organizations, Pearson Publication. m."— Presentation transcript:

1 Muhittin Tolga Özsağlam Text Book: Kelly-Kate S.Pease,International Organizations, Pearson Publication. m

2  International Organziation?  Requirtments for the foundation of International Organizations  1) Members  2) Aim and Actitivties  3) Structure  Historical Background of the International Organizations.  Industrial Revolution  Technical Cooperation, Foundation of Technical Organizations  Genesis of League of Nations

3  Global Intergovernmental Organizations  United Nations  Principal Organs of the United Nations  1) General Assembly  2) Security Council  a) Collective Security  Article 41-42 of UN Charter  3) ECOSOC  4) International Court of Justice  5) Secreteriat  6) Trusteeship Council

4  The European Union  The European Council  The Council of Minsiters  The European Commission  The European Parliament  The European Court of Justice  The Organization of Islamic Conference  The African Union  The Association of Southeast Asian States  The Commonwealth of Independent States  Colective Security Treaty Organization  Shangahai Cooperation Organization

5  Characteristics of the Nongovernmental Organizations  Amnesty International  Greenpeace  Doctors without Borders  Multinational Corporations

6  Realism  States are unitary actors  Power Politics  International Organizations as instruments of the states  Liberalism  The importance of International norms and law  International Organizations as the actors for stability  International Organiations as the venues for Cooperation and Mutual Benefits.

7  Marxism  Theory of Imperialism by V.I. Lenin  Immanuel Wallerstein-World System-Periphery,Semi-Periphery- Center.  International Organizations as the Instrument of the Center and World Capitalist System.  Feminism  Gender Equality  Critics to the International Organiaitons due to lack of sufficient women cadres.

8  Security and New Role of NATO  Collective Security  Case Studies: Iraq, Iran.  Concept of Responsibility to Protect (R2P)  Kosova, Libya, Abkhazia Cases  Enlargment of NATO  Madrid Summit, 1997.

9 History of International Trade World Trade Organization Intellectual Property Right Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI) Devleopment? The World Bank International Monetary Fund (IMF) UNCTAD UNDP

10  Environmental Problems  Conferences on Environmental Issues 1970s  UNCLOS  New Era 1990s  Rio, Kyoto

11  Immigration  Asylum Seeker  Refugee  Human Rights  Human Rights Under UN  Human Rights Under the Council of Europe  Individual Petition Right  Humanitarian Intervention

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