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Today Blue/White screening Surface sterilization Sequence editing.

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1 Today Blue/White screening Surface sterilization Sequence editing


3 15 minute powerpoint topics(G+) datetopicname 21-SepDiscovery of DNA structureJanette Mendoza 25-SepRestriction enzymesGabriela Perales 28-SepSouthern blottingCarlos GarciaG 2-OctCloningTimothy McBrideG 6-OctThe first sequenced geneConrad Greaves 13-Oct(q)PCR, specificity and sensitivity Krystal Charly 16-OctESTsIan Keller 20-OctBLAST and database searchesRyan HeimrothG 23-OctMicroarraysBianca Myers 26-Oct Genome sequencing, the $1000 genome Ayesha ArefinG 30-OctForensicsJennifer Gutierrez 2-NovNext generation sequencingLeslie Janet LopezG 6-NovBioinformaticsAmalia Parra 9-NovEpigeneticsClyde Moya 13-Novnon-coding RNAHelen Nordquist 16-NovC-value paradoxKelsey CookG 20-NovPhylogenetic genomicsJennifer Cooksey 23-Nov Genes associated with Type 1 diabetes Katie Kesler

4 PARASITES AND SNAIL BIOLOGY “identity, possibilities” phylogenetics “intentions” transcriptomics PCR rDNA/mito Bioanalyzer DNA-free, direct sequencing gel electrophoresis nanodrop spec Sequence ID (BLAST) editing Phylogenetics electrophoresis RT-PCR gel CTAB Trizol TA cloning, B/W screening M13 sequencing Primer design, walking Qiagen plasmid extraction Restriction digests DNA RNA GenBank submission

5 1) Do 10 minutes 7) Spread 10 on one plate and 100 on another

6 Monday

7 Surface sterilize

8 DNA SEQUENCING PCR with conserved primers, WHY? DNA PCR clean up, WHY? Amplicon (direct) sequencing, HOW? Reading extension products….. “*.ABI” Sequence analysis?

9 + strand sense coding primerF primerR A - strand antisense non-coding primerF primerR A 5’ 3’ sense ATCG GGAA A antisense TACG CCTT A 5’ 3’ sequencing NEED TO KNOW WHY SEQUENCE THIS?

10 sequencing forward + strand sense coding primerF primerR A - strand antisense non-coding primerF primerR A 5’ 3’ sense ATCG GGAA A - strand antisense non-coding TACG CCTT A 5’ 3’ ATCG 5’3’ Forward primer sequencing reaction

11 sequencing results + strand sense coding primerF primerR A - strand antisense non-coding primerF primerR A 5’ 3’ - strand antisense non-coding TACG CCTT A 5’3’ ATCG 5’3’ generates sense strand Forward primer sequencing reaction ggaa

12 + strand sense coding primerF primerR A - strand antisense non-coding primerF primerR A 5’ 3’ sense ATCG GGAA A antisense TACG CCTT A 5’ 3’ sequencing reverse

13 + STRAND SENSE CODING ATCG GGAA A - strand antisense non-coding tagc cctt A 5’ 3’ SENSE ATCG GGAA A 5’3’ Reverse primer sequencing reaction CCTT 5’ 3’ antisense TACG CCTT A 5’3’

14 sequencing results + STRAND SENSE CODING ATCG GGAA A - strand antisense non-coding tagc cctt A 5’ 3’ SENSE ATCG GGAA A 5’3’ Reverse primer sequencing reaction CCTT 5’ 3’generates - strand tagc

15 sequencing results + STRAND SENSE CODING ATCG GGAA A - strand antisense non-coding tagc cctt A 5’ 3’ SENSE ATCG GGAA A 5’3’ Reverse primer sequencing reaction CCTT 5’ 3’generates - strand ABI File generated 5’-3’ TTCC 3’ 5’dnarts - setareneg Sequence is reverse complement of coding sequence ! tagc cgat

16 ATCG 5’3’ sequencing generates + strand Forward primer sequencing reaction CCTT 5’ 3’generates - strand TTCC 3’ 5’dnarts - setareneg tagc cgat ggaa Reverse primer sequencing reaction reverse complement yields + (coding) sequence ATCG 5’3’ sequencing generates + strand ggaa two confirmatory sets of sequence data

17 ATCG 5’3’ sequencing generates + strand Forward primer sequencing reaction CCTT 5’ 3’generates - strand tagc ggaa Reverse primer sequencing reaction dye blobs






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