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8 Steps of Genocide. 8 Steps 1.) Classification 2.) Symbolization 3.) Dehumanization 4.) Organization 5.) Polarization 6.) Preparation 7.) Extermination.

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Presentation on theme: "8 Steps of Genocide. 8 Steps 1.) Classification 2.) Symbolization 3.) Dehumanization 4.) Organization 5.) Polarization 6.) Preparation 7.) Extermination."— Presentation transcript:

1 8 Steps of Genocide

2 8 Steps 1.) Classification 2.) Symbolization 3.) Dehumanization 4.) Organization 5.) Polarization 6.) Preparation 7.) Extermination 8.) Denial

3 Classification -Grouping of people into (often ranked) categories -Example: In Cambodia, circa 1975, educated professionals (such as teachers and doctors) were targeted by the oppressive government of Pol Pot and accused of political dissent.

4 Symbolization -Assigning symbols to represent targeted groups as well as those in power -Example: Like during the Holocaust, religious symbols were significant during the Armenian Genocide of 1915. The Ottoman Empire (Islamic) targeted non-Muslim Armenians ("infidels"). (Star or David; Swastika)

5 Dehumanization -Treating targeted groups as though they are second-class citizens, or not even fully human. -Example: Minority Tutsis (lighter-skinned, taller) were targeted by the majority Hutus in Rwanda...seemingly due to their ethnicity, though tension had been mounting between the groups for decades. (1994)

6 Organization -Genocide is typically very well-organized (the Third Reich was meticulously so...). -Example: The "Rape of Nanking" of 1937 was orchestrated by the very well-organized Japanese army, which stormed the city (and the not-so-well organized Chinese army), with orders to "kill all survivors."

7 Polarization -Targeted groups are kept separated from the general population, which helps to establish an "us vs. them" mentality. -Example: In the Republic of Bosnia- Herzegovina (1992-1995), the Serbian leader (Orthodox Christian) preached religious and ethnic intolerance against Muslims and Croats (who practiced Catholicism).

8 Preparation -Once targeted groups have been dehumanized, polarized, and separated from the rest of the population, preparations for the actual systematic killing begin. Example: When "purging" Indonesia of Communists, the army began in the capital (Jakarta) and later spreading to other parts of the country. 1965-1966

9 Extermination -The systematic killing of the targeted group -Example: It is estimated that between 40 million to 80 million (perhaps more!) Chinese and Tibetans were killed during "Chairman" Mao Zedong's reign (father of Communist China). He used guerrilla attacks to full-scale battles. 1945-1976

10 Denial -Claims that the organized killing of millions of people isn't happening, or never really happened, or that the "facts" are "twisted" in some way. -Because of continued international denial and inaction against North Korea, the systematic killing of its own people continues to this day.

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