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Alex, Joseph, Trace. Basic Info of Armenian Genocide 1.History leading to the Genocide: The Turkish government cut off outside communication, there.

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Presentation on theme: "Alex, Joseph, Trace. Basic Info of Armenian Genocide 1.History leading to the Genocide: The Turkish government cut off outside communication, there."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alex, Joseph, Trace


3 Basic Info of Armenian Genocide 1.History leading to the Genocide: The Turkish government cut off outside communication, there were ordered robberies and killings, There was an alliance with Germany who took control of the Turkish military and warring on Russia with no warning, destruction of villages, forced labor 2.Where had it happened?: The Armenian Genocide occurred within the Ottoman Empire which existed in the Balkan region of the Middle East. 3.Who was involved?: Turkey government and others of Turkish descent, and the Armenians were involved.

4 Long Term Factors  A group of Armenian nationalists created a plan known as Operation Nemesis. The goal of this plan was to track down and kill the leaders of the genocide.  The Turkish government continues to deny the fact that the genocide had ever occurred and said it was necessary to kill them as the Armenians were enemies.  Today, Turkey is an important ally of the U.S. and other Western nations, and so their governments have likewise been reluctant to condemn the long-ago killings  24 countries and organizations have recognized the Armenian genocide so far: Uruguay, Cyprus, the UN Human Rights Committee, the European Parliament, Russia, Greece, Lebanon, Belgium, France, Italy, Vatican City, Switzerland, Argentina, Canada, Slovakia, The Netherlands, Poland, Venezuela, Germany, Lithuania, Chile, Swedish Riksdag, and Egypt.

5 Immediate Factors of the Genocide The population of Armenians after the genocide was estimated to be about 350 thousand to 400 thousand, about 1 to 1.5 million less than the original population. Unresolved issues The Turkish government continues to deny the Armenian genocide had ever happened and continues to say it was a necessary measure to wipe out the enemy which they consider to be the Armenians

6 To what Extent was Ultra Nationalism Involved in the Genocide Extremely involved because 1914 the Young Turks - an ultranationalist political party that controlled the Ottoman- Turkish government - ordered for the Armenians to be killed, orders which were often called the Ten Commandments.

7 Events of the Genocide  Armenian leaders and intellectuals were arrested, tortured, and killed. The 40 thousand Armenians in the military had their weapons confiscated and were forced into hard labour. Many died as a result of the brutal living and working conditions.  Property was taken. Men were killed outside their homes. Women, children, and the elderly were forced on death marches in the desert. The survivors were put into death camps. Everyone was killed with no discrimination, men, women, the old and the young.  The Turkish government created units to raid homes, kill villagers, and rape girls and women. Many women were kidnapped into a life of sexual servitude.

8 Genocide Leaders’ Primary Goals and Interests The purpose of the Armenian Genocide was to remove and wipe out the Armenians from the Ottoman Empire and make Turkey into a Turkish only country.

9 World Response  : In their May 24, 1915 joint declaration, the Allied Powers, namely Great Britain, France, and Russia had accused the Young Turk regime of crimes against humanity and civilization.  By signing the Treaty of Sèvres on August 10, 1920, Turkey obligated itself to the apprehension of those "responsible for the massacres." The international community did not question at the time the veracity of the reports on the extermination of the Armenians.  In 1923 the international community abandoned the Armenians when the European Powers agreed to the Treaty of Lausanne in which Turkey was absolved of further responsibility for the consequences of the policies of the expired Ottoman state.

10 The Extent of Ultra Nationalism They were killing and deporting and forcing the Armenians on death marches, killing anyone, man, woman or child without mercy.

11 AFTERMATH How did it end?: The Armenian Genocide ended when the Armenian community on the Eastern part of the land beat the Turkish in the battle of Sardarabad, consequently ended their killing rampage on Armenian soil but it did not truly end. What resolution was reached?: None by the Turkish government as they deny that it ever happened To this day, the country of Turkey says that the deaths of Armenians cannot be called ‘genocide.’ The Turkish government actively denies the intentional nature of the atrocities.

12 Situation since the event Even after the genocide, along with the newly created Soviet Union, the Turks invaded Armenia and re-conquered former Ottoman Empire land along with the Armenian provinces Kars and Ardahan that was given to the Armenians under the Treaty of Sèvres and the remaining land of Armenia was taken over by the Soviet army. After a brief period of cooperation with Armenian nationalist forces, the Soviets took complete control in 1921. Extent of Nationalism To this day, the Turkish government continues to deny that the Armenian Genocide has ever happened and said that it was a necessary measure to get rid of the enemy

13 How could it have been prevented The Armenian Genocide was caused by World War 1. The Ottoman Empire was allied with the Central Powers. The Minister of War, Enver Pasha, planned to destroy the Russian Army at Sarıkamış to regain territories lost to Russia after the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878. Pasha's troops were almost completely destroyed. Because of this event, the Armenians were blamed on helping the Russians and later be killed. A way to prevent a lot of things from happening could be if we just got along with each other and stopped blaming other people for the failures that occur. Another reason is that that if the Ottoman Empire never involved themselves in World War 1, they never would have had to fight Russia in the Battle of Sarıkamış.

14 Sources   8&oe=UTF-8&startIndex=&startPage=1&safe=active&gws_rd=cr&ei=pg- FUuS1KfLO2QXY1YCoBQ&safe=active#q=what+events+led+to+the+turkey+genocid e%5C& 8&oe=UTF-8&startIndex=&startPage=1&safe=active&gws_rd=cr&ei=pg- FUuS1KfLO2QXY1YCoBQ&safe=active#q=what+events+led+to+the+turkey+genocid e%5C&   survivors.2C_1914_to_1918 survivors.2C_1914_to_1918  +How+has+ultranationalism+caused+crimes+against+humanity%3F +How+has+ultranationalism+caused+crimes+against+humanity%3F      

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