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Warm up  What’s in the flask?  Put on your magic glasses and draw what you see!

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Presentation on theme: "Warm up  What’s in the flask?  Put on your magic glasses and draw what you see!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm up  What’s in the flask?  Put on your magic glasses and draw what you see!

2 Energizer  How is π useful/important in Earth Science?  Create a list with your table.

3 What does this diagram tell you?

4 Properties of air  Air moves (can push up or down or all around!)  Air has volume

5  What makes up the atmosphere?  Has it always been this way?

6 Evolution of the Atmosphere 1.Solar System forming – H throughout 2.Earth forms – Fusion starts in Sun, lose some light gasses during the explosions, also low gravity, low density stuff floats away

7 Evolution of Atmosphere  Planet crust solidifies, volcanoes begin erupting – spew gasses  CO 2, H 2 O (gas), N, etc …, too hot for liquid water  92% CO 2, - very warm, volcanic activity needs to slow for atmosphere to cool enough for H 2 O (gas) to condense to form clouds, rain, oceans etc …

8 Evolution of Atmosphere  3.8 bya – blue green algae evolves PHOTOSYNTHESIS  O 2 produced, not enough to affect the atmosphere for a long time, first reacts to form new minerals  Eventually affects atmosphere, removing CO 2 and increases the O 2  Begin forming the ozone layer

9 How does the Earth's atmosphere compare to that of other similar planets?

10 Greenhouse Gasses CO 2 (Carbon Dioxide) and CH 4 (Methane) even H 2 0 These gases absorb heat (blanket), release it slowly into space Greenhouse Effect - Greenhouse Effect -

11  Describe what's happening?  Explain what the molecules are doing?

12 Comparing Atmospheres

13 What's in this tree?

14  How does the plant get the food?

15 Plant Food?  Organisms, including plants, need food to survive. Which of these things do plants use as “food”?  Sunlightwater  Miracle growleaves  Sugaroxygen  Carbon dioxidechlorophyll  Soilvitamins


17 Carbon Cylce

18 Geologic Carbon Cycle


20  What does the work of George Washington Carver have to do with last night’s homework?


22 Warm up  How does the atmosphere change as you move away from the Earth’s surface?


24 What happened in each layer?  Troposphere – gets colder, airplanes, more O2, us, weather, living things  Stratosphere – spy planes, ozone, weather balloons  Mesosphere – meteors burn up,  Thermosphere – ionosphere, aurora, magnetosphere

25  How does energy move through the atmosphere

26 Energizer  How does energy get from the sun to the Earth?

27 Energy transfer  Radiation  Convection  Conduction  Insolation – incoming solar radiation  Absorption – energy absorbed  Reflection – bouncing off

28 Energy Transfer  Conduction – particle to particle  Convection – density differences  Radiation – “just floats”

29 How does cold air differ from hot air?  Cold air denser  Hot air – less dense, molecules further apart, more Kinetic energy – molecules are moving faster  Conduction convection radiation

30 Insolation  What is it?  How does it vary?

31 Insolation

32  Color & Texture affect whether energy is absorbed or reflected  Absorption – black, dark, dull or bumpy surfaces  Reflection – white, light, shiny surfaces

33 Yearly variations

34 

35 

36 Energizer  Summarize lab findings  How does this relate to the “real world”?

37 Earth’s surfaces  Water  Land  Soil –  Sand  Snow –  forest

38 Albedo  Percent reflecting

39 Π Wrap Up  What did you notice from your calculations?

40 What are the major points of this chapter?

41  What's the difference between infrared, ultraviolet and visible wave lengths?

42  Predict how each atmospheric gas behaves with visible and infrared rays?

43  What's the difference between the Greenhouse Effect and the hole in the Ozone Layer

44 Stratosphere  Ozone layer  Ozone molecule, O3, absorbs UV  With less O3  more skin cancer,  Less plankton  food chain disrupted

45 Green House Effect

46  Predict what will happen in each balloon?

47 How does this relate to heat transfer in the atmosphere?

48 Human behavior  So..... what does each of these effect?  Smog  CO 2  CFC’S  Replanting a forest

49 Friday's Test!!!!  Multiple choice  Open response

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