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Unit 2 Main task. 翻译下列词组: 1. 一双白鞋子 2. 使她自己看上去更有力量 3. 帮助她感到宁静 4. 觉得有点压抑 5. 一个很好的搭配 与 …… 很相配 6. 一个好的果汁广告 a pair of white shoes make herself look more powerful.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 2 Main task. 翻译下列词组: 1. 一双白鞋子 2. 使她自己看上去更有力量 3. 帮助她感到宁静 4. 觉得有点压抑 5. 一个很好的搭配 与 …… 很相配 6. 一个好的果汁广告 a pair of white shoes make herself look more powerful."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 2 Main task

2 翻译下列词组: 1. 一双白鞋子 2. 使她自己看上去更有力量 3. 帮助她感到宁静 4. 觉得有点压抑 5. 一个很好的搭配 与 …… 很相配 6. 一个好的果汁广告 a pair of white shoes make herself look more powerful help her feel peaceful feel a little bit stressed a good match match … very well a good fruit juice advertisement

3 7. 红色代表强大和力量。 8. 黑色代表强大和保护。 9. 绿色代表活力和自然。 10. 桔色代表成功和快乐。 11. 黄色代表智慧和温暖。 12. 白色代表平静和安宁。 13. 蓝色代表悲伤或平静。 14. 那就是他为什么穿红色。 15. 红白是很好的搭配,因为热烈的红可以平衡 宁静的白。 Red represents power and strength. Black represents power and protection. Green represents energetic and nature. Orange represents success and joy. Yellow represents wisdom and warmth. White represents clam and peace. Blue represents sadness or clam. That’s why she is wearing red. Red and white are a good match, as the powerful red balances the calm white.

4 sadness or calmcalm and peace calm colours

5 success and joy wisdom and warmth warm colours orange yellow

6 green energy and nature red power and strength energetic coloursstrong colours

7 blackpower and protection

8 1. 将颜色和其代表的含义连线 1. black 2. blue 3. green 4. orange 5. red 6. white 7. yellow a. calm and peace b. power and protection c. wisdom and warmth d. power and strength e. energy and nature f. sadness or calm g. success and joy

9 black power and protection blue sadness or calm green energy and power orange success and joy red power and strength white calm and peace yellow wisdom and warmth Look at the table and the picture, complete the report on P39.

10 look at the picture, answer the questions. 1. How many people are there in the picture? 2. Where are the people? 3. What’s the man wearing?

11 1. What is the colour of the woman’s …? 2. What does … represent ? 3. Why does she wear …?

12 Colours and what they represent Wang Mei, Class 1, Grade9 The woman in this picture is wearing a ________ dress and a pair of _______ shoes. This is interesting because red and white are very different colours. Red represents ________ and ________.Maybe she feels weak and that is why she is wearing red, or she just wants to make herself look more powerful. Her handbag and ________ are white. The colour white represents ________ and ________. She could be ________ and the colour white helps her feel peaceful. I think the woman is feeling weak and a little bit stressed, but she is wearing the right colours to help herself. Red and white are a good match, as the powerful ________ balances the calm _________. red white powerstrength shoes calmpeace stressed red white

13 Introduction Main body Conclusion (Para 1) colours (Para 2-3) …represent…affect … (Para 4) opinions

14 The woman is wearing… Red /white represents…, Maybe …feels… I think… Introduction Main body Conclusion

15 Colour of T-shirt: ____________ Represents: ________________ Colour of skirt: _____________ Represents: ________________ Colour of hat: __________________ Represents: ________________________ Colour of shoes: ____________________ Represents: ________________________ Moods: ____________________________ Reasons: ______________________ green energy and nature yellow wisdom and warmth white calm and peace blue sadness or calm relaxed, peaceful, bright, cheerful, fresh Because of the outdoor sunshine and the scene, it looks like the woman is on holiday.

16 Do you think it is a good fruit juice advertisement? Why? Free talk: Sunshine and beaches make you thirsty. The juice looks refreshing.

17 Colour of shirt: __________ Represents: _____________ Colour of trousers: _______ Represents: _____________ Colour of glasses: ________ Represents: ___________________ Colour of shoes: ____________________ Represents: ________________________ Moods: ____________________________ Reasons: __________________________ orange success and joy blue sadness or calm black power and protection white calm and peace fast, powerful The man looks very busy and he is running fast. He might be doing something important.

18 Is it a good mobile phone advertisement? Why or why not? Strong and powerful colours are used to give the feeling of success.

19 The man in the advertisement on the right ___________________T-shirt and _____ trousers. This is very _______because two colours have ________________. Orange represents _______ and can ____ you______ if you__________ sad. Blue ___________sadness and _______.I think success is _______ to him, but he also looks like he needs to _____ ______. is wearing an orange blue interesting different meanings success cheer upare feeling reprensents calm important calm down

20 His shoes are ________.It represents ______ and ______,but his glasses are black.Black represents ______ and ______. I think this man has trouble _____ _______.He seems to be moving very fast and doing many things ________________. I do not think this is a good advertisement because most people _____ ______ relax and feel ______than be very busy like the man in the picture. However, red is a good colour for the phone white calm peace power protection making decisions at the same time would rather calm

21 Because red is the colour of ____ and _______.Busy people also like to feel _____ and _______. power strength strong powerful

22 1. 李老师穿着一件红色女服和一双白 鞋子. Miss Li is wearing a red dress and a pair of white shoes. 2. 我想使自己看上去更强壮. I want to make myself look more powerful. 回扣目标(一)

23 3. 绿色象征着活力和自然. Green represents energy and nature. 4. 红色和白色是一个很好的颜色搭配. Red and white are a good match. 5. 橙色代表着成功和喜悦. Orange represents success and joy.

24 二 动词填空 1 climbing 2 look 3 have; have 4 skating; skiing 5 will feel; taking 6 was held 7 reminds 8 are turned 9 has practised; playing; was 10 advise; to wear 11 to come 12 sounds 13 to be

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