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50 200 + + - - + + - - + + - - NCAIE Conference, March 8, 2013 START.

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Presentation on theme: "50 200 + + - - + + - - + + - - NCAIE Conference, March 8, 2013 START."— Presentation transcript:

1 50 200 + + - - + + - - + + - - NCAIE Conference, March 8, 2013 START

2 50 200 + + - - + + - - + + - - Part 1 1. What is the smallest country? The Vatican 2. What country has no rivers? Saudi Arabia 3. What country covers 12 time zones? France 4. The Galapagos Islands are part of which country? Ecuador 5. What country is the home of the platypus? Australia

3 50 200 + + - - + + - - + + - - Part 2 6. What is the name of national highway in Germany? Autobahn 7. What desert has an area larger than the continental US? The Sahara 8. Does Chile boarder the Pacific or Atlantic Ocean? Pacific

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