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Why are Rainforests being Destroyed in Brazil Why are Rainforests being Destroyed in Brazil? Scott Ishida Zachary Rusk Per. 3 Scott Ishida Zachary Rusk.

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Presentation on theme: "Why are Rainforests being Destroyed in Brazil Why are Rainforests being Destroyed in Brazil? Scott Ishida Zachary Rusk Per. 3 Scott Ishida Zachary Rusk."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why are Rainforests being Destroyed in Brazil Why are Rainforests being Destroyed in Brazil? Scott Ishida Zachary Rusk Per. 3 Scott Ishida Zachary Rusk Per. 3

2 Outline 1.Title Slide 2.Outline 3.Summary 4.Rainforest Definitions 5.Why are Rainforest Disappearing? 6.Pros and Cons 7.Aerial View of Brazil 8.Graph of Deforestation in Brazil 9.Satellite View of Brazil 10.Reference Page “Book” 11.Reference Page “Internet” 1.Title Slide 2.Outline 3.Summary 4.Rainforest Definitions 5.Why are Rainforest Disappearing? 6.Pros and Cons 7.Aerial View of Brazil 8.Graph of Deforestation in Brazil 9.Satellite View of Brazil 10.Reference Page “Book” 11.Reference Page “Internet”

3 Summary So people who destroy rainforest around the world should know that they are also ruining 25% of the world CLEAN air. Destroying the rainforest causes rare animals to be extinct. It takes trees many years to grow back. So people who destroy rainforest around the world should know that they are also ruining 25% of the world CLEAN air. Destroying the rainforest causes rare animals to be extinct. It takes trees many years to grow back.

4 Rainforest Definitions 1)Rainforest-A dense evergreen forest occupying a tropical region with an annual rainfall of at least 2.5 meters (100 inches). 2)Deforestation- The removal of forest for land or agricultural purposes. 3)Agriculture- Is the art, science or practice of producing food, feed, fiber and many other desired goods by the systematic raising of plants and animals. foodfeedfiberfoodfeedfiber 1)Rainforest-A dense evergreen forest occupying a tropical region with an annual rainfall of at least 2.5 meters (100 inches). 2)Deforestation- The removal of forest for land or agricultural purposes. 3)Agriculture- Is the art, science or practice of producing food, feed, fiber and many other desired goods by the systematic raising of plants and animals. foodfeedfiberfoodfeedfiber

5 Why are Rainforest Disappearing? Rainforests are being destroyed because the increasing population of earth is demanding more natural resources.Rainforests are being destroyed because the increasing population of earth is demanding more natural resources. Example of natural resources is Trees, Land, Rich soil, and Rare animals.Example of natural resources is Trees, Land, Rich soil, and Rare animals.

6 Pros and Cons Cons 1)Different types of animals are destroyed. 2) By cutting down major rainforest provide 25% of the worlds clean air. Pros 1)Makes room for population. 2)Industrial Plants. 3)Agriculture (Farming) Pros 1)Makes room for population. 2)Industrial Plants. 3)Agriculture (Farming)

7 Aerial view of Brazil Deforestation Vegetation


9 Satellite View of Brazil Deforestation (RED) Bare Land (BLUE) Vegetation like Grasses (Green)

10 Reference Page “Books” Morrison Scott – Authors (2001) “Brazilian tropical forest: deforestation and human rights.” Pg 379Morrison Scott – Authors (2001) “Brazilian tropical forest: deforestation and human rights.” Pg 379 Andrea Cattaneo –Authors (2002) “Balancing Agricultural Development and Deforestation” in the Brazilian Amazon”Andrea Cattaneo –Authors (2002) “Balancing Agricultural Development and Deforestation” in the Brazilian Amazon” Morrison Scott – Authors (2001) “Brazilian tropical forest: deforestation and human rights.” Pg 379Morrison Scott – Authors (2001) “Brazilian tropical forest: deforestation and human rights.” Pg 379 Andrea Cattaneo –Authors (2002) “Balancing Agricultural Development and Deforestation” in the Brazilian Amazon”Andrea Cattaneo –Authors (2002) “Balancing Agricultural Development and Deforestation” in the Brazilian Amazon”

11 Reference Page “Internet” Deforestation info are available at info are available at Deforestation images are available at images are available at Deforestation graph are available at graph are available at Deforestation definitions are available at definitions are available at Deforestation info are available at info are available at Deforestation images are available at images are available at Deforestation graph are available at graph are available at Deforestation definitions are available at definitions are available at

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