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TEMPUS IV PROJECT: 145165 – TEMPUS – 2008 – SE – SMHES (2008 – 4763) “Designing and implementing of NQF” Descriptors of the qualifications for Master in.

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Presentation on theme: "TEMPUS IV PROJECT: 145165 – TEMPUS – 2008 – SE – SMHES (2008 – 4763) “Designing and implementing of NQF” Descriptors of the qualifications for Master in."— Presentation transcript:

1 TEMPUS IV PROJECT: 145165 – TEMPUS – 2008 – SE – SMHES (2008 – 4763) “Designing and implementing of NQF” Descriptors of the qualifications for Master in Pharmacy studies and PhD studies in Biomedical and Health Sciences, field Pharmacy Faculty of Pharmacy, University “Ss Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje, Macedonia 1

2 BACKGROUND :  Established in 1977  First HEI in the RoM for graduate studies in pharmacy  First HEI in the RoM that introduced ECTS  Academic and professional study programmes at all levels of study  App. 100 students/yr at the 1 st and 2 nd integrated cycle of studies for Master in Pharmacy  App. 40 students/first scholar year for PhD studies 2

3 MSc studies (2 nd cycle, 2 yrs, 4 semesters, 120 ECTS-credits) Graduate studies Master of Pharmacy (1 st and 2 nd cycle integrated, 5 yrs, 10 semesters, 300 ECTS-credits) Laboratory Bioengineer (1 st cycle, 3 yrs, 6 semesters, 180 ECTS-credits) Postgraduate studies PhD studies (3 rd cycle, 3 yrs, 6 semesters, 180 ECTS-credits) Professional (specialist) studies Health specializations (2 nd cycle, 3 yrs) Academic specializations (2 nd cycle, 1 yr, 2 semesters, 60 ECTS-credits) Undergraduate studies 3

4 Graduate studies - Master of Pharmacy  Actual study curriculum was introduced in 2009/10  Study program designed within TEMPUS JEP-18016-2003 (2004-2007)  Title of the project: Restructuring of Pharmacist Education in RoM  Partners: Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Copenhagen, Denmark Faculty for natural sciences, University of Stockholm, Sweden  In accordance with Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (Recognition of Professional Qualifications)  1 st and 2 nd cycle integrated, 5 yrs, 10 semesters, 300 ECTS-credits  Compulsory subjects 75%, elective subjects 25%  10% of the compulsory and 10% of the elective subjects - clinical practice  One semester of professional practice  Study curriculum is both product- and patient-oriented 4

5 Type of description Cycle of study Descriptors of qualifications Knowledge and understanding 1 st and 2 nd cycle integrated Knowledge of/for: -medicines and substances used in the manufacture of medicines; -formulation of safe and efficacious pharmaceutical dosage forms and of pharmaceutical technology; -physical, chemical, biological and microbiological testing of medicinal products; -metabolism and effects of the medicines and medicinal products; -action of toxic substances; -functional food, clinical nutrition and dietotherapy; -medicinal plants, herbal drugs and natural products; -use of medicinal products and medical devices; -legal and other requirements related to the pharmacy profession. 5

6 Type of description Cycle of study Descriptors of qualifications Knowledge and understanding 1 st and 2 nd cycle integrated High level of professional competence in: -practicing pharmacy within the legislation and according to the professional standards and ethical principles; -designing and testing of medicines and medicinal products; -formulation, production and quality assurance of medicinal products; -preparation, testing, storage and supply of medicinal products in community and hospital pharmacies; -providing pharmaceutical care; -providing efficacious communication and provision of information and advice on medicines and medicinal products; -storage, protection and distribution of medicines at wholesale; -providing primary health care and implementation of plans for using of medicinal products; -implementation of management skills in pharmacy practice. 6

7 Type of description Cycle of study Descriptors of qualifications Implementation ofknowledge and understanding 1 st and 2 nd cycle integrated Evidence based knowledge is integrated and implemented in the pharmaceutical science and practice: -Implementation of multidisciplinary approach, modern technology and marketing concept in the pharmacy profession; -Implementation of management skills in the pharmacy practice; -Providing adequate pharmacotherapy and outcome of the therapy, autonomously or in cooperation with other health professionals; -Formulation, production and ensuring quality of the medicinal products; -Management of health systems, provision of inspection and audit, and rational use of human, material and financial resources; -Participation in social activities and protection of the drug consumers from the health risks; -Providing health care at primary level and plans for using of drugs. 7

8 Type of description Cycle of study Descriptors of qualifications Ability for evaluation 1 st and 2 nd cycle integrated Ability for evaluation, with complete or with limited data, of: -pharmaceutical care plans based on evidence, which are specific for a given patient; -information for prevention, identification and solving of problems related to the pharmacotherapy; -professional and scientific literature and other information sources for the medicines and medicinal products; -adequacy, efficacy and safety of the therapy for a given patient (evaluation of drug prescribing); -quality of the medicines and medicinal products; -complying with the standards of GMP, GLP, GCP and GPP. 8

9 Type of description Cycle of study Descriptors of qualifications Communication skills 1 st and 2 nd cycle integrated Professional communication by adequate use of oral and written communication forms: – Delivery of clear and accurate information to the patients and other health professionals and receiving feedback information; – Communication with different populations, manifesting sensitivity and tolerance for the cultural, social and economical differences of the patients; – Education and counseling of the patients; – Defense, approval or refusal of certain intervention or activity and documentation of the activities; – Respect of principle of hierarchy and subordination; – Coordination, motivation of coworkers and conflict management; – Delivery of clear, accurate and on-time information to/via mass communication media to the population. 9

10 Type of description Cycle of study Descriptors of qualifications Learning skills 1 st and 2 nd cycle integrated Skills for: -Identification of personal needs and interest for CE and CPD (self- directed learning); -Design, use and critical evaluation of strategy and plan for promotion of personal intellectual growth and CPD; -Activity for improvement of knowledge, acquiring of new skills and competences related to the personal, civil and social perspectives and to the perspectives of the working position; -Critical evaluation of realized aims, adequacy and efficacy of the plan for personal development, correlation of the plan with the activities; -Critical evaluation of adequacy of the learning methods, their influence on knowledge, skills, competency and of practice; -Documentation of the learning activities – creating an individual portfolio. 10

11 PhD studies – Biomedical and Health Sciences, field Pharmacy  PhD study curriculum was accredited in Dec. 2010  Study program designed according to the:  Position paper from ORPHEUS (ORPHEUS2009 Conference, Setting Standards for PhD Education in Biomedicine and Health Sciences, Aarhus, 2009, Aarhus University, Denmark)  Directive 2005/36/EC (Recognition of Professional Qualifications)  European PhD Programme in Biomedicine and Health Sciences, 2004  Doctoral Programme for European Knowledge Society, 2005  Fourth EUA Convention of Higher Educational Institution, 2005  Towards the European Higher Educational Area: Responding the Challenges in a Globalised World, 2007  3 rd cycle, 3 yrs, 6 semesters, 180 ECTS-credits 11

12 Type of description Cycle of study Descriptors of qualifications Knowledge and understanding 3 rd cycle High level of competency for qualified research in the area of pharmaceutical, biomedical and health sciences, and for performing independent, autonomous research. Generic knowledge and skills for research; Systematic knowledge of pharmaceutical, biomedical and health sciences; Perfect knowledge of methodology, experimental design, analysis, interpretation and presentation of scientific data within these scientific fields; Knowledge of relevant subdisciplines in the scientific field. 12

13 Type of description Cycle of study Descriptors of qualifications Implementation ofknowledge and understanding 3 rd cycle Integration and implementation of evidence based knowledge in the pharmaceutical, biomedical and health sciences. Implementation of knowledge and skills for: - experimental design of scientific research; - critical evaluation of the scientific literature; - analysis and interpretation of the scientific results; - presentation of scientific data evaluated at the level of national and international meetings and reviewed publications; - academic theoretical and practical teaching; - supervision of students; - coordination of project activities; - establishing national and international contacts. 13

14 Type of description Cycle of study Descriptors of qualifications Ability for evaluation 3 rd cycle Ability for evaluation of: - scientific literature; - scientific data; - scientific idea; - ethical issues; - aims and results of the research. 14

15 Type of description Cycle of study Descriptors of qualifications Communication skills 3 rd cycle Skills for presentation of scientific work in front of the academic society via formal presentations and participation in group discussions; Skills in writing reports, papers, reviews and scientific columns in professional and scientific journals and printed media; Skills for establishing collaboration network with the colleagues, domestic and international academic community and the society within their area of expertise. 15

16 Type of description Cycle of study Descriptors of qualifications Learning skills 3 rd cycle Skills for promotion within the academic and professional context, and technological, social and cultural development; Skills that are not directed only to the topics of the doctorial study program, but also to the more general topics adequate for the extended working activities and for more efficacious cooperation with other persons. 16

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