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THIS IS With Host... Your 100 200 300 400 500 Health Skills: The Foundation Chapter 2 Promoting Social Health Chapter 5 Relationships : The Teen Years.

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Presentation on theme: "THIS IS With Host... Your 100 200 300 400 500 Health Skills: The Foundation Chapter 2 Promoting Social Health Chapter 5 Relationships : The Teen Years."— Presentation transcript:




4 With Host... Your

5 100 200 300 400 500 Health Skills: The Foundation Chapter 2 Promoting Social Health Chapter 5 Relationships : The Teen Years Chapter 6 Your Body Image Chapter 10 Vocabulary Potpourri

6 H.E.L.P A 100

7 What is Healthful, Ethical, Legal, Parental Approval? A 100

8 Make a decision and act. A 200

9 What is the 5 th step in the decision making process? A 200

10 State the situation. A 300

11 What is the 1 st step in the decision making process? A 300

12 Identify what you want out of life. A 400

13 What is the benefit of setting goals? A 400

14 Weigh the possible outcomes. A 500

15 What is the 3 rd step in the decision making process? A 500

16 Patience, Understanding, and Sense of Humor. B 100

17 What are qualities of good and caring parents? B 100

18 Good communication and similar values. B 200

19 What are Factors that affect a marriage? B 200

20 Act responsible and show that you care. B 300

21 What is factors that strengthen a family? B 300

22 Use honest communication skills. B 400

23 What is a way to strengthen relationships? B 400

24 60% B 500

25 What is the percentage of teen marriages that end in divorce? B 500

26 A friend tells you a secret and you tell others what you know. C 100

27 What is a way to lose a friend? C 100

28 Give compliments to others. C 200

29 What is a way to make friends? C 200

30 Refusing to participate in risky behaviors. C 300

31 What is abstinence? C 300


33 Listen to each others problems. C 400

34 What is a way to show affection? C 400

35 Self-Respect C 500

36 What is a reward of practicing abstinence? C 500

37 A measurement used to assess your body size taking your height and weight into account. D 100

38 What is Body Mass Index or BMI? D 100

39 Weighing more than the appropriate weight for gender, height, age, and body frame. D 200

40 What is being overweight? D 200

41 The best weight for your body. D 300

42 What is appropriate weight? D 300

43 The way you see yourself. D 400

44 What is body image? D 400

45 Less than the appropriate weight for gender, height, age, and body frame. D 500

46 What is underweight? D 500

47 The beliefs and ideals that guide a way a person lives. E 100

48 What are values? E 100

49 Goals that will take time, planning, and dedication to achieve them. E 200

50 What are long-term goals? E 200

51 Good Stress. E 300

52 What is Eustress? E 300

53 A form of non-verbal communication. E 400

54 What is body language? E 400

55 Communication skills that help you say no effectively. E 500

56 What are refusal skills? E 500

57 Hold a grudge against your best friend because they said something you don’t agree with. F 100

58 What is a way to lose a friend? F 100

59 The influence to go along with the beliefs and action of your peers. F 200

60 What is peer pressure? F 200

61 The process of making a choice or finding a solution. F 300

62 What is decision making? F 300

63 Evaluate the decision. F 400

64 What is the 6 th step in the decision making process? F 400

65 Behaving with confidence and clearly stating your intentions. F 500

66 What is being assertive? F 500

67 The Final Jeopardy Category is: TEACHERS Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin

68 The best health teacher in Bridgeton. Click on screen to continue

69 Who is Ms. Burger? Click on screen to continue

70 Thank You for Playing Jeopardy! Game Designed By C. Harr-MAIT

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