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Santa Rosa Plain Groundwater Management Situation Assessment Jay Jasperse, Sonoma County Water Agency Gina Bartlett, Center for Collaborative Policy January.

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Presentation on theme: "Santa Rosa Plain Groundwater Management Situation Assessment Jay Jasperse, Sonoma County Water Agency Gina Bartlett, Center for Collaborative Policy January."— Presentation transcript:

1 Santa Rosa Plain Groundwater Management Situation Assessment Jay Jasperse, Sonoma County Water Agency Gina Bartlett, Center for Collaborative Policy January 12, 2010

2 Alexander Valley Study Area Completed 2006 Santa Rosa Plain Study Area Initiated 2005 Sonoma Valley Study Area Completed 2006 Petaluma Valley Study Area Agency/USGS Groundwater Studies Systematic Program to Characterize Major Groundwater Basins in County Evaluate Linkage of Groundwater and Russian River Supplies

3 3 Sonoma Valley Groundwater Management Program Example  Convened Stakeholder Group in June 2006 Agricultural alliances, environmental organizations, water purveyors, and residential groundwater users  Groundwater Management Plan Adopted by Sonoma County Water Agency, City of Sonoma & Valley of the Moon Water District in Late 2007 Non-Regulatory and Collaborative Process with emphasis on local control and management  Currently entering Third Year of Implementation

4 Overview of Santa Rosa Plain USGS Groundwater Study  Santa Rosa Plain Basin Study – 5 Yr Study Began December 2005  Complete in December 2010 with publication in Spring 2011  $2.2 Million ($1.5 M local/$0.7 M USGS)  Cooperating and Funding Agencies:  Sonoma County Water Agency  Cities of Santa Rosa, Rohnert Park, Cotati, Sebastopol, Town of Windsor  County of Sonoma  Cal American Water Co.

5 USGS Santa Rosa Plain Study Objectives Develop an updated assessment of the hydrogeology & geochemistry of the Santa Rosa Plain (SRP). Develop a fully-coupled surface water/groundwater flow model for SRP. Evaluate the hydrologic impacts of alternative ground- water management strategies on the basin. What are efficient strategies for surface-water/ground- water management that will assure the long-term viability of water supply in the SRP?

6 Center for Collaborative Policy Stakeholder Assessment Impartial Mediators Interviewed 55 Stakeholders Representing 37 Organizations –Agriculture –Business & Developers –Conservation & Environmental –Government (State, County & City) –Rural Residential Well Owners –Scientists –Tribal –Water Supply & Groundwater Technical People

7 Findings Lack of understanding –Groundwater basin and its capacity –Sustainable yield and cumulative effects of pumping –Groundwater management & planning Technical information needed Planning is critical, but some are skeptical Interest group dynamics: low trust Need to identify rural residential well owner representation

8 Center for Collaborative Policy Recommendations Step 1: Convene Santa Rosa Plain Steering Committee Step 2: Initiate a robust public education on USGS technical study and groundwater planning options Step 3: Re-assess interest in groundwater planning and identify key representatives Step 4: Contingent on Step 3, develop a phased-approach to groundwater planning

9 Mid- JanAuthorization to proceed Jan – FebConvene Steering Committee Feb - April Plan technical workshops and develop educational and stakeholder outreach plan May-AugConduct technical workshops and educational outreach events May-AugStaff and Steering Committee to conduct outreach to identify stakeholder representatives and address concerns OctSteering Committee make recommendation on if, when, and how groundwater planning might move forward. NovStaff report back to Board of Directors with recommendation Spring 2011 USGS Publishes Technical Study SANTA ROSA PLAIN GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT Summary of Proposed 2010 Work Plan

10 Requested Board Actions Authorize Staff to Implement the 2010 Work Plan for Santa Rosa Plain Groundwater Management Preliminary Planning

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