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Visit our Focus Rooms Evaluation of Implementation Proposals by Dynamics AX R&D Solution Architecture & Industry Experts Gain further insights on Dynamics.

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1 Visit our Focus Rooms Evaluation of Implementation Proposals by Dynamics AX R&D Solution Architecture & Industry Experts Gain further insights on Dynamics AX Industry Solution Offerings Resolution Guidance on Solution Roadblocks Networking Risso 8A Risso 7B Risso 7A Risso 6C Risso 6A/B



4 DISCLAIMER ©2011 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. All pre-release product release dates and features specified are preliminary based on current expectations, and are subject to change without notice. Microsoft may make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time, without notice. Sample code included in this presentation is made available AS IS. THE ENTIRE RISK OF THE USE OR THE RESULTS FROM THE USE OF THIS CODE REMAINS WITH THE USER. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION. NO LICENSE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, BY ESTOPPEL OR OTHERWISE, TO ANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS IS GRANTED BY THIS PRESENTATION. Microsoft products are not intended for use in medical, life saving, or life sustaining applications.

5 Today we will show you… Planning for a successful upgrade Guided upgrade on source system Guided upgrade on Dynamics AX 2012 system

6 Components in action today

7 Pains and challenges Tim: IT Manager Need to minimize business downtime Simon: System Implementer/Consultant Need to proactively manage data quality for upgrade Need an intuitive upgrade experience Isaac: Developer Need to identify and upgrade code customizations Need to write developer data upgrade scripts

8 When to use the Feature Upgrading business data from Microsoft Dynamics AX 4/2009 to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Earlier versions are a 2-step upgrade

9 Concepts & Definitions Source & Target system: AX 4/AX 2009 and AX 2012 “Source-to-Target” upgrade model: Parallel execution of data copy, data transformations, & sync- on-the-fly to the target AX 2012 Preprocessing framework: A new upgrade approach to allow data upgrade on a LIVE source AX system within the staging area (no impact to LIVE source system) and manage running tasks Delta preprocessing: Delta records processed Single-user mode: No active user transactions (downtime) Task prioritization: Task priority to minimize downtime Post-processing: Post-synchronize upgrade scripts

10 Production Active on AX 3/AX 4 Production Active on AX 2009/AX 4 Preprocessing Data Copy Post Processing Production Active on AX 2009 Single User Processing Delta Preprocessing Production Active on AX 2012 Production Active on AX 2012 Before Now

11 Planning for a successful data upgrade Best Practices Complete Code Upgrade Analyze/Configure hardware required for testing environment Run through cleanup routines in some Periodic menus (e.g., SalesParam/PurchParm) AOS settings to improve performance (Max buffer size = 120 – default (blank) is 24) Dedicate new AOS instances to preprocessing Engage with VAR/ISV so they can start writing their upgrade scripts Make sure your timeframe is reasonable Create a list of post-upgrade validation tasks and plan how they will be tested Tools Purge and Archive data via Intelligent Data Management Framework before upgrade – Understand your data retention policies – Do thorough testing of the consequence of the data retention policy

12 Intelligent Data Management Framework Pain Points Over time, database size grows, which impacts your data upgrade Features Analyze database trends (missing indices, usage information, queries optimized) Archive (move) data from one database to another (e.g., SalesOrders) Purge (delete) data (e.g., PostingJournals) Benefits Reduce the size of the database to minimize the time spent on upgrade Archive/Purge data based on data retention policies

13 demo Intelligent Data Management Framework

14 Visual Reports

15 Archiving

16 Purging

17 E2E Process : Product Demo (How to Use the Feature) E2E Name : Data Upgrade DEMO 1: Guided upgrade on source system Upgrade readiness checks Upgrade preprocessing framework Live and delta preprocessing DEMO 2: Guided upgrade on Dynamics AX 2012 Parallelized execution of data copy and synchronization Mapping Bulk/Copy framework Project Mobilization Analysis Preparation Readiness Preprocessing Live Delta Single User Go Live Target

18 Demo 1 : Enhanced Developer Experience PersonaPain Points and ChallengesFeatures CoveredResults and Benefits Isaac API construct required long list of parameters Definition and body of the scripts are separated Attributed-based upgrade framework Simplifies script development Optimize upgrade script execution

19 Demo 1 : Guided upgrade on Source System PersonaPain Points and ChallengesFeatures CoveredResults and Benefits Simon, Tim, Administrator Difficult to identify bad source data System is unavailable during upgrade Upgrade readiness check Upgrade preprocessing framework Live and delta preprocessing State Transfer Tool Identify and fix source data quality issues up front Upgrade mapping of upgrade data on the source system Bulk of the processing on live system leading to higher system availability

20 Preprocessing Model Source & Target Fields String field needs to be transformed A staging table is created and linked to the source table Changes are made in shadow table Link is maintained using foreign key SELECT MySampleTable.DataAreaID, MySampleTable.RecID, Shadow_MySampleTable.Shadow_String, MySampleTable.IntField FROM MySampleTable JOIN Shadow_MySampleTable ON (MySampleTable.RecID = Shadow_MySampleTable.RefRecID AND MySampleTable.DataAreaID = Shadow_MySampleTable.RefDataAreaID)

21 Source-to-Target Model Preprocessing Staging Area Modified Tables Post-processing

22 Demo 2 : Guided upgrade on Dynamics AX 2012 PersonaPain Points and ChallengesFeatures CoveredResults and Benefits Simon, Tim Cannot maximize hardware resources No self-optimization based on data distribution Parallelized execution of Data Copy and Synchronization Mapping/Bulk Copy framework Maximum hardware utilization and reduced downtime Data distribution drives upgrade scripts scheduling

23 Top Tips for Data Upgrade 1.Resolve all production readiness errors 2.Back up DB after each step! 3.Plan at least two full test runs that are successful prior to running the live upgrade – You will have multiple test runs to get to the final two full test runs 4.Only perform Upgrade Readiness in production AFTER a successful complete end-to-end test run – Use the State Transfer Tool to reuse work 5.Detail steps in project plan so each step is repeatable 6.SQL Profiler and AX Performance Analyzer are useful for debugging performance slowdownsAX Performance Analyzer 7.Oracle upgrade – Use Oracle to SQL migration tool

24 State Transfer Tool – Optional Tool Goal Requirement that you cannot run anything on production servers Enable data upgrade on production copies Features Save work and transfer across machines Capture state of the Preprocessing Upgrade Checklist Uses Microsoft SQL Server Bulk Copy Program (BCP) to copy tables Assumption Environment being copied into is in a known state (i.e., past Readiness – but no further) – Does not reconcile conflicts

25 demo State Transfer Tool

26 1.Install XPO & Fix All Readiness Issues Single User Processing Data Upgrade Workflow State Transfer Tool

27 What we showed you today… Intelligent Data Management Framework New source-to-target upgrade model – Preprocessing executes on live production system – No updates to production data – Minimal downtime during post-synchronization – Guided upgrade experience State Transfer Tool

28 Related sessions BRK 221: Code Upgrade for Developers

29 Visit our Focus Rooms Evaluation of Implementation Proposals by Dynamics AX R&D Solution Architecture & Industry Experts Gain further insights on Dynamics AX Industry Solution Offerings Resolution Guidance on Solution Roadblocks Networking Risso 8A Risso 7B Risso 7A Risso 6C Risso 6A/B

30 © 2011 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

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