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Equality and Diversity: Disability Awareness

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Presentation on theme: "Equality and Diversity: Disability Awareness"— Presentation transcript:

1 Equality and Diversity: Disability Awareness
Learning Difficulties

2 Aims of Session What are learning difficulties?
How do people with learning difficulties live their lives? What responsibilities do BCH and NHS Bristol have to meet their needs.?

3 Learning Difficulties? Learning Disabilities?
What is the difference in terminology? Why do we use different words to describe the same population? What population are we talking about?

4 Learning Difficulties Why must we consider their needs
They represent about 2% of the population. They are 58 times more likely to die before the age of 50. High levels of unrecognised illness. Reduced access to cancer screening and health promotion.

5 Why must we consider their needs?
Experience multiple health inequalities and social exclusion. Evidence of discrimination abuse and neglect across health & social care Negative attitudes and lack of staff training.

6 Why must we consider their needs?
Legal Duty to do so. Human Rights Act 2005 Disability Discrimination Act Single Equality Scheme; Action Plan Reasonable Adjustments Equal treatment =Different treatment

7 Practical examples of reasonable adjustments
Promoting services using accessible posters/letters Giving accessible information about health conditions. Offering first, last or double appointments. Offering regular health checks

8 Practical examples of reasonable adjustments
Using a different employment process to recruit staff. Outcomes of health appt recorded in a personal health plan. Computer systems that are flagged to highlight special needs.

9 Final Slide If you get it right for people with learning difficulties, you will get it right for everyone. For information on the MISFITS contact

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