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ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use MOIMS Plenary Darmstadt, Germany 09-12Nov15 Mario Merri, ESA/ESOC Brigitte Behal, CNES MOIMS Status, Issues and Vision.

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Presentation on theme: "ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use MOIMS Plenary Darmstadt, Germany 09-12Nov15 Mario Merri, ESA/ESOC Brigitte Behal, CNES MOIMS Status, Issues and Vision."— Presentation transcript:

1 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use MOIMS Plenary Darmstadt, Germany 09-12Nov15 Mario Merri, ESA/ESOC Brigitte Behal, CNES MOIMS Status, Issues and Vision

2 MOIMS Plenary| 09-12Nov15 | ESA | Slide 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use MOIMS Agenda

3 MOIMS Plenary| 09-12Nov15 | ESA | Slide 3 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use MOIMS Mission Operations & Information Management Services Mission Operations Software Services

4 MOIMS Plenary| 09-12Nov15 | ESA | Slide 4 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use MOIMS Objectives The objective of the MOIMS area is to address all application-level standards and their associated information management that are required to operate spacecraft and robots, and their ground system in response to mission requirements and any data handling and archival systems making use of the information gathered by the mission. The focus of this area is primarily on the Mission Operations (MO) data and services that are required for preparing and conducting space mission operations and the archival systems maintaining the information obtained. These application-level standards will facilitate the availability of plug-in components exposing standard service interfaces, which will allow a simplified and economical assembly of both space and ground segments, enable interoperability and operations automation. Consistency at data and service level within MOIMS shall be achieved by adherence of new standards to the MO Service Framework and the Reference Model for Open Archival Information Systems (OAIS)

5 MOIMS Plenary| 09-12Nov15 | ESA | Slide 5 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use MOIMS Status  5 active WGs  DAI: data/metadata acquisition and ingestion in archives  Currently has little momentum and no nominated chair  NAV: flight dynamics message formats  Very active, standards appreciated and used by the community, little interest in NAV services at this time  SM&C: MO services  Very active and ambitious work plan, scope covers entire space system (space and ground)  TEL: Telerobotic services  Lately not very active, hopefully ramping up  MP&S: MP&S formats and services  newly created WG, stems from SM&C charter, undecided leadership Services

6 MOIMS Plenary| 09-12Nov15 | ESA | Slide 6 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use “London Agreement” endorsed by CMC in Nov14 (reported verbatim)  CCSDS shall maintain a single reference architecture and lexicon  Cross Support Transfer Services (CSTS) Framework and Cross Support Service Management (CSSM) shall be used for interfaces between the mission control systems and the ground network/stations, including for ground station planning and scheduling.  MOIMS Mission Operations Framework and Services shall be used for interfaces between the mission control systems and all other mission operations ground assets (except ground stations) and for E2E space- ground MO services via encapsulation/SLE tunneling, including mission planning and scheduling.  The CESG shall enforce a clear apportionment of tasks to WGs consistent with the above frameworks. Deviations are possible, but they need to be justified and approved by CESG

7 MOIMS Plenary| 09-12Nov15 | ESA | Slide 7 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use MOIMS Services are End-to-End

8 MOIMS Plenary| 09-12Nov15 | ESA | Slide 8 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use MOIMS Global Vision  To standardise a set of data/services interfaces for mission operations that is as much as possible  complete (i.e. covering the main generic interoperability needs)  homogeneous (i.e. consistently using the same approach to specify services => MO Framework)  spanning ground and space  The CCSDS Reference Architecture BOF should support this vision

9 MOIMS Plenary| 09-12Nov15 | ESA | Slide 9 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use MOIMS Vision for Services  We have completed the theoretical work (MO Framework): now we must get practical and raise the MOIMS Services TRL!  Space missions are not after SW engineering elegance, but rather want practical, economical, easy-to-deploy, and efficient solutions to their interoperability problems  The MOIMS Area, with the support of our Agencies, should facilitate these paths  WGs shall define new MOIMS Services that are required by missions  Agencies should invest in the development of concrete MOIMS Service APIs

10 MOIMS Plenary| 09-12Nov15 | ESA | Slide 10 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use MOIMS Services: how could they practically work?  Agencies/Missions identify the MOIMS services needed  They agree on Technology and Language Bindings  They agree on the API developments (who develops what)  Recommendation: develop the API only once for each MOIMS Service/Technology/Language and make it available as Open Source Software  Once a MOIMS Service API is available it can be clearly re-used by other missions MO Technology Binding (e.g. Binary/TCP-IP) MOIMS Service Specification (e.g. M&C) MO Language Binding (e.g. Java) +=+ MO M&C Java API (example) Re-usable Java code that implements both service provider and consumer sides

11 MOIMS Plenary| 09-12Nov15 | ESA | Slide 11 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use MOIMS Services APIs: usage  Approach similar to the success story of the CCSDS SLE (2 SLE APIs developed by NASA and ESA)  Eliminate mission concerns about the standard complexity  Missions will use standard interfaces with minimal investment and high level of confidence  It ensures interoperability 'off-the-shelf‘  Requires minimal out-of-band agreement, which is well documented Agency X Application MO M&C Java API Agency Y Application MO M&C Java API TCP-IP

12 MOIMS Plenary| 09-12Nov15 | ESA | Slide 12 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use What Could We Could do Better?  More system engineering  Upfront identification and apportionment of services across WGs  Upfront selection of a single service framework for CCSDS  => avoidance of the long discussions on overlapping  … do you remember the open letter we wrote?  Hopefully the Reference Architecture BOF may answer this  More promotion of MOIMS Services with future missions  More Open Source Software

13 MOIMS Plenary| 09-12Nov15 | ESA | Slide 13 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use MOIMS Proposed Evolution  DAI:  Finalise current work  Harmonisation with COM Archive?  Other?  NAV:  Continue NAV data messages standardisation  Support also a service oriented approach in selected cases  Other?  SM&C: MO services  Ensure continuity with the past  Maintain MO Framework  Define new generic/infrastructure MO services (e.g. Common, File Mgt, Time Mgt, …)  Spawn new dedicated WGs for specialised MO services requiring experts’ participation (e.g. Telerobotics, Planning)  Provide interoperability 'off-the-shelf‘ for missions  TEL, MP&S:  Use the MO Framework to specify and establish services

14 MOIMS Plenary| 09-12Nov15 | ESA | Slide 14 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use MOIMS Keywords  Data & Service Interfaces for Mission Operations  Service orchestration for increased Mission Operations automation  Components Plug & Play  One system of standards encompassing Space and Ground  Common specification approach across MOIMS WGs and common reference frame (and why not across CCSDS?), but respect historical differences  SW auto-generation  Open Source Software  More promotion of our standards

15 MOIMS Plenary| 09-12Nov15 | ESA | Slide 15 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use A Final Word …  Many thanks to Daniele who has chaired the DAI WG for many years: thank you for your leadership and dedication!  Please support Brigitte and me as we need to learn a lot from you in order to do a good job as MOIMS AD/DAD. Our doors are always open for any suggestion or proposal  Let’s work all together to improve team spirit in CCSDS as CCSDS is and must remain the forum where space enthusiasts meet to identify and solve technical problems for space missions

16 MOIMS Plenary| 09-12Nov15 | ESA | Slide 16 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use MOIMS Dinner: Tue 10Nov15 at 20:00 Darmstädter Ratskeller Hausbrauerei Marktpl. 8, 64283 Darmstadt,

17 MOIMS Plenary| 09-12Nov15 | ESA | Slide 17 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Have a successful workshop!

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