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Key Question for today Explain how a worldview based on science and reason challenged and preserved social order.

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Presentation on theme: "Key Question for today Explain how a worldview based on science and reason challenged and preserved social order."— Presentation transcript:

1 Key Question for today Explain how a worldview based on science and reason challenged and preserved social order.

2 HW Review  What were major scientific advances and how did these change people’s worldview? Be specific.  What does the role of witchcraft tell you about both scientific thought and gender roles?

3 What did women gain and lose? Gender roles: Lower class women – new opportunities -worked ex: textile industry Upper class women – actually lost opportunities. They had access to education but no opportunity to use it. Women managed the home and domestic sphere. Their job was to preside over banquets, manage the household and the household’s appearance.

4 Social History Short Answer Practice! Assignment #9 Use the passage below to answer all parts of the questions that follows. “Even though God has often endowed many women with great intelligence, it would not be right for them to abandon their customary modesty and to go about bringing cases before a court, as there are already enough men to do so… However, if there are those who maintain that women aren’t intelligent enough to learn the law, I would contradict them by citing numerous examples of women… who were great philosophers and who excelled in many disciplines which are much more difficult than simply learning the laws and statutes of men.” Christine de Pizan, The City of Ladies, 1405 Identify AND explain the common assumptions and arguments about women in early modern Europe. Provide TWO specific examples of how Pizan’s writing embodies traits of Renaissance Humanism.

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