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___________________________________________________________________________WRF-SI ___________________________________________________Community Modeling.

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Presentation on theme: "___________________________________________________________________________WRF-SI ___________________________________________________Community Modeling."— Presentation transcript:

1 ___________________________________________________________________________WRF-SI ___________________________________________________Community Modeling and Analysis System 1 Data Sources and Programs

2 ___________________________________________________________________________WRF-SI ___________________________________________________Community Modeling and Analysis System 2 WRF-SI Programs gridgen_model.exe – Purpose: Define the mesoscale simulation domain(s). Read and interpolate static (non-time-varying)terrestrial datasets (terrain, landuse, soil type, deep soil temperature, vegetation fraction, maximum snow albedo, albedo, slope data) from (lat,lon) --> (x,y) projection grid. – The simulation domain is defined in the 'hgridspec' section of the 'wrfsi/data/static/' namelist input file. – Automatically run by the ‘’ perl script. grib_prep.exe – Purpose: Read GriB (gridded binary) files - input data from other regional or global NWP models. Degrib the data to acquire time-varying meteorological data. Write data out in simple "intermediate" format. – 'Vtables' (files in wrfsi/extdata/static directory) are used to select which variables are used from each model GriB file. You can copy and modify these files for your own GriB data sets.

3 ___________________________________________________________________________WRF-SI ___________________________________________________Community Modeling and Analysis System 3 WRF-SI Programs (continued) hinterp.exe – Purpose: Horizontally interpolate meteorological data degribbed by grib_prep.exe onto the simulation domain created by gridgen_model.exe. Method of horizontal interpolation is controlled by the ‘HINTERP_METHOD’ and ‘LSM_HINTERP_METHOD’ (land masked) variables in the 'interp_control’ section of the 'wrfsi/data/static/' namelist input file. Options are nearest neighbor, 4-point bilinear, and 16-point. vinterp.exe – Purpose: Vertically interpolate meteorological data from pressure or hybrid levels to WRF's eta-p (terrain following), NMM-h (hybrid), or zeta (old height) vertical coordinate levels. WRF vertical coordinate levels are defined by the user in the the ‘LEVELS’ array in the 'interp_control’ section of the 'wrfsi/data/static/' namelist input file.

4 ___________________________________________________________________________WRF-SI ___________________________________________________Community Modeling and Analysis System 4 WRF-SI Utilities siscan.exe – Purpose: A utility program which may be used to read and summarize domain and variable information in hinterp.d* output files. staticpost.exe – Purpose: A utility program that converts static.wrfsi.d0X files to WRF I/O API-conforming netCDF files, wrfstatic_d0X. – Automatically run by the ‘’ perl script. – wrfstatic_d0X files are not used by the WRF model yet; they will be used in the future as a simpler way to run one- and two- way nesting.

5 ___________________________________________________________________________WRF-SI ___________________________________________________Community Modeling and Analysis System 5 WRF-SI Utilities (continued) plotfmt.exe – A utility program that can be used to make simple graphics from intermediate files. – Plots every field in the intermediate formatted data file. – This utility is not automatically built when WRF-SI is installed. – To compile this program: cd wrfsi/src/grib_prep/util make plotfmt.exe – To run this program: plotfmt.exe intermediate_file_name

6 ___________________________________________________________________________WRF-SI ___________________________________________________Community Modeling and Analysis System 6 WRF-SI wrfsi data bin etc extdata src util graphics gui templates domains training katrina default training katrina gridgen_model.exe grib_prep.exe hinterp.exe vinterp.exe siscan.exe staticpost.exe extprd work static log

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