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Lee’s Migration Model By: Vivian Sisson and Chloe Ford.

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Presentation on theme: "Lee’s Migration Model By: Vivian Sisson and Chloe Ford."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lee’s Migration Model By: Vivian Sisson and Chloe Ford

2 Purpose Separates Factors of Migration into Push and Pull Factors Pull- what makes people want to move to a location Push- what drives people away from a place Factors are economic, cultural, or environmental

3 Intervening Factors It is selective because people respond differently to the factors based on age, gender, and social class Personal factors matter: Education Family ties Other factors may include distance, presence or absence of dependents, and physical/political boundaries

4 Economic Factors Push Lack of jobs Pull Jobs are available- certain areas attract certain types of jobs United States and Canada have been appealing to European migrants A region’s attractiveness can change with economic change

5 Cultural Factors Push Slavery Political instability Pull Slavery is banned; escape slavery for freedom A country is more stable People become refugees when they leave to escape political instability

6 Environmental Factors Push Hazardous ones Pollution Adverse physical conditions Water Too much: floodplains Too little: droughts or deserts Pull Physically attractive areas Mountains, seasides, and warm environments Improved communication and transportation makes living in rural “pretty” areas possible while still being connected to the outside world

7 Features Range of attributes Can be positive, negative, or neutral People perceive the factors differently Can be used to predict migration patterns

8 More Factors Push Pull ●Not enough jobs/ little opportunities ●Primitive conditions ●Desertification ●Famine/ drought ●Persecution/ political instability ●Poor medical care ●Natural disasters ●Lack of political/religious freedom ●Pollution ●Job opportunities ●Better living conditions ●Political/environmental freedom ●Education ●Good medical care ●Attractive climates ●Security ●Family links ●Industry

9 Pushes and pulls are complementary Migration occurs when the push has a desired opposing pull at a desired location

10 Examples Push People in Syria are fleeing from political instability caused by their civil war Pull They seek the political stability in the US and in Europe

11 Summary The most common reason is for economical reasons One factor becomes the most important People make the decision Factors have a role in helping someone decide to take a chance and migrate somewhere Factors are interpreted differently because of intervening factors Three major factor categories: economic, cultural, and environmental

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