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New Experiments New Experiments Angel López University of Puerto Rico – Mayaguez Zdenek Dolezal Charles University, Prague.

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Presentation on theme: "New Experiments New Experiments Angel López University of Puerto Rico – Mayaguez Zdenek Dolezal Charles University, Prague."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Experiments New Experiments Angel López University of Puerto Rico – Mayaguez Zdenek Dolezal Charles University, Prague

2 The Intensity Frontier Search for New Physics with Precision Experiments Neutrino Physics HQL2012, New Experiments, 6/15/20122

3 The Intensity Frontier Challenges Backgrounds Increased Event Complexity Increased Data Rates Increased Detector Radiation Damage HQL2012, New Experiments, 6/15/20123

4 Presented at HQL2012 Accelerator ◦ LHCb Upgrade ◦ Belle II (Super KEKB) ◦ SuperB ◦ ORKA ◦ NA62 ◦ KOTO Neutrino ◦ Nova ◦ SNO+ Larger Scale – Longer Term ◦ Project X HQL2012, New Experiments, 6/15/20124

5 15/06/2012 B expts. do more than Bs SuperB Project - Stefano Germani 5 B physics D physics B s physics  physics

6 6 Why upgrade (is there something wrong with the current design…?) Superb performance – but 1 MHz readout is a sever limit can collect ~ 1.5 fb -1 per year, ~ 5 fb -1 for the „phase 1” of the experiment this is not enough if we want to move from precision exp to discovery exp cannot gain with increased luminosity – trigger yield for hadronic events saturates Upgrade plans for LHCb do not depend on the LHC machine we use fraction of the luminosity at the moment Upgrade target full event read-out @ 40 MHz (flexible approach) completely new front-end electronics needed (on-chip zero-suppression) redesign DAQ system HLT output @ 20 kHz, more than 50 fb -1 of data for the „phase 2” increase the yield of events (up to 10x for hadronic channels) experimental sensitivities close or better than the theoretical ones expand physics scope to: lepton flavour sector, electroweak physics, exotic searches and QCD Installation ~ 2017 - 2018

7 7 Tomasz Szumlak AGH – University of Science and Technology WIT Pisa 03 – 05/05/2012Tomasz Szumlak AGH – University of Science and Technology WIT Pisa 03 – 05/05/2012 7 Current trigger system Problem for hadronic channels saturation with increasing luminosity 5

8 8 8 … and the upgraded one Staged approach use Low Level Trigger (LLT) as a throttle enormous gain for hadronic final states such ΦΦ

9 9 What we must change to cope with the 40 MHz read-out VELO Si strips (replace all) Silicon Tracker Si strips (replace all) Outer Tracker Straw tubes (replace R/O) RICH HPDs (replace HPD & R/O) Calo PMTs (reduce PMT gain, replace R/O) Muon MWPC (almost compatible)

10 SuperKEKB machine parameters Small beam size (“nano-beam”) and higher currents to increase luminosity Smaller boost to improve LER lifetime 10 parameters KEKBSuperKEKB units LERHERLERHER Beam energy EbEb 3.5847 GeV Half crossing angle φ1141.5 mrad Horizontal emittance εxεx 18243.25.0 nm Emittance ratio κ 0.880.66 0.270.25 % Beta functions at IP β x * /β y * 1200/5.932/0.2725/0.31 mm Beam currents IbIb 1.641.193.602.60 A beam-beam parameter ξyξy 0.1290.090 0.08860.0830 Luminosity L2.1 x 10 34 8 x 10 35 cm -2 s -1 - e-e- e+e+  x ~10  m,  y ~60nm 60nm 10  m

11 e - 2.6 A e + 3.6 A Colliding bunches Damping ring Low emittance gun Positron source New beam pipe & bellows Belle II New IR TiN-coated beam pipe with antechambers Redesign the lattices of HER & LER to squeeze the emittance Add / modify RF systems for higher beam current New positron target / capture section New superconducting /permanent final focusing quads near the IP Low emittance electrons to inject Low emittance positrons to inject Replace short dipoles with longer ones (LER) From KEKB to SuperKEKB Belle II luminosity goal: 50 times the Belle dataset

12 Detector upgrade Critical issues at L= 8×10 35 /cm 2 /s: Higher background (×10-20) o radiation damage and higher occupancy o fake hits and pile-up noise in EM calorimeter Higher event rates (×10) o higher rate trigger (L1 trigg. 0.5→30 kHz) o DAQ, computing Target: o Maintain or improve over Belle I data quality in the high background/ high rate environment 12 II

13 13 Goal of Belle II/SuperKEKB We will reach 50 ab -1 in 2022 9 months/year 20 days/month Commissioning starts in JFY 2014. Shutdown for upgrade Integrated luminosity (ab -1 ) Peak luminosity (cm -2 s -1 ) Year Schedule – beam commissioning starts in JFY 2014

14 The SuperB Project Asymmetric e + e - machine o mainly Y(4S) mass o scan above/below Y(4S) o also feasible runs at  (3770) o e- polarization (~ 80%) Design luminosity: o 10 36 cm -2 s -1 @ 4S Power of Intensity o Precision measurements in the flavour sector sensitive to NP interference effects in known processes SM rare or forbidden decays o NP effects controlled by NP scale Λ and eff. couplings: measure the coupling ↔ disentangle different NP patterns 15/06/2012SuperB Project - Stefano Germani 14

15 Accelerator Concept SuperB will have beam currents and bunch lenghts similar to PEP II and KEK Design Luminosity (10 36 cm -2 s -1 @Υ(4S)) achieved by: o Larger crossing angle o Smaller beam emittance o Crab-waist collision scheme o Reduced boost 15/06/2012SuperB Project - Stefano Germani 15 Crab sextupoles OFF Waist line is orthogonal to the axis of other beam Crab sextupoles ON Waist aligned with path of other beam

16 The SuperB Detector 15/06/2012SuperB Project - Stefano Germani 16 e+ e- baseline concept design options FDIRC K/pi/p ID Drift Chamber Silicon Vertex Detector IFR μ/K ID EM Calorimeter Backward EMC Forward PID magnetic field: 1.5 Tesla 1 meter

17 Project Timeline 15/06/2012SuperB Project - Stefano Germani 17 LNF About 4.5 Km Decision in May 2011 for Tor Vergata Campus Site near Rome Cabibbo Lab start-up signed in October 2011 ( Accelerator Management now in place Starting first hires in May/Jun 2012 Ministerial review for all Flagship projects in fall 2012 Machine and Detector TDR by end 2012 Start civil engineering 2013 Start commissioning in 2018 LNF ~ 4.5 km

18 18

19 12 Some Plug plates will be retained to Carry Magnetic Flux

20 Comparison of ORKA and BNL E949 E949ORKA P p (GeV/c)21.595 Duty Factor (%)4144 P K (MeV/c)710600 Fraction of kaons that stop in target (%)2154 Average rate of stopping kaons/s (10 6 )0.74.8 Accidental loss (%)2328 Events/yr (SM)1.3210 20

21 Neutrino Landscape HQL2012, A.NormanNOvA21 The experimental picture for neutrino physics now shifts from trying to measure if θ 13 ≠0 to three general experimental thrusts: 1.Is δ≠0? Is there CP violation in the ν sector? 2.Is Δm 2 31 > 0? Is the neutrino mass hierarchy normal or inverted? 3.Make precision measurements of θ 23, θ 13, θ 12 Over constrain the standard mixing model to look for new physics.

22 NOνA NOνA is a program to investigate the properties of neutrinos It includes: – Doubling of the Fermilab NuMI beam power to 700 kW – An 15kTon totally active surface detector, 14 mrad off axis at 810km (first oscillation max for 2GeV ) – A 220 Ton totally active near detector It has been optimized as a segmented low Z calorimeter/range stack to: – Reconstruct EM showers – Measure muon track – Detect nuclear recoils and interaction vertices HQL2012, A.NormanNOvA22 Far Detector (15 kT) 2012-2014 Near Det Proto Det 2010

23 Accelerator Upgrades HQL2012, A.NormanNOvA23 Upgrading the FNAL accelerator complex to double the beam power NuMI (Neutrinos at the Main Injector) beam power increase from 350 kW to 700 kW Year-long FNAL accelerator shutdown started May 1, 2012 Converts Recycler from antiproton to proton ring Shortens Main Injector spill cycle from 2.2 s to 1.33 s Upgrades NuMI target station for 700 kW running Beam returns April/May 2013 5kT of detector mass operational Beam power ramps to full 700kW over 6 months Integrated exposure of 1 (kT MW yr) reached in first six months

24 Instrumented Detector CHEP2012, A.NormanNOvA DAQ24 Readout Region (2048 cells) The detector is instrumented in regions which are synchronized and CONTINOUSLY readout by single board computers. All of the data is buffered in a large computing farm and triggered on asynchronously by the DAQ and Accelerator Trigger Systems.

25 HQL2012, A.NormanNOvA25 Site Dedication (Apr 27, 2012)

26 HQL2012, A.NormanProject-X26

27 HQL2012, A.NormanProject-X27

28 HQL2012, A.NormanProject-X28


30 30 Evolution of the existing Fermilab accelerator complex with the revolution in Super-Conducting RF Technology, to provide mega-Watt class beam power to a wide range of experimental programs. Project-X: HQL2012, A.NormanProject-X

31 Reference Design 31HQL2012, A.NormanProject-X 3 MW @ 3 GeV 2 MW @ 120 GeV 200 kW @ 8 Gev Three Main Components to the Project-X Design:

32 Project-X Research Program Neutrino experiments A high-power proton source with proton energies between 1 and 120 GeV would produce intense neutrino sources and beams illuminating near detectors on the Fermilab site and massive detectors at distant underground laboratories. Kaon, muon, nuclei & neutron precision experiments These could include world leading experiments searching for muon-to-electron conversion, nuclear and neutron electron dipole moments (edms), precision measurement of neutron properties and world- leading precision measurements of ultra-rare kaon decays. Platform for evolution to a Neutrino Factory and Muon Collider Neutrino Factory and Muon-Collider concepts depend critically on developing high intensity proton source technologies. Nuclear Energy Applications Accelerator, spallation, target and transmutation technology demonstration which could investigate and develop accelerator technologies important to the design of future nuclear waste transmutation systems and future thorium fuel-cycle power systems. 32 4 Detailed discussion on Project X websiteProject X website HQL2012, A.NormanProject-X

33 Power Staging * Operating point in range depends on MI energy for neutrinos. ** Operating point in range depends on MI injector slow-spill duty factor (df) for kaon program. 11 33 Project X Campaign 20172021 HQL2012, A.NormanProject-X

34 Make Plans for HQL2014 in Mainz Make Plans for HQL2014 in Mainz Angel López University of Puerto Rico – Mayaguez HQL2012, 6/15/201234

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