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VoiceXML – Speech Recognition Yousef Rabah. VoiceXML Markup Language Dialogs Dependencies Standalone Vs. Hosted Speaker Dependent Vs. Speaker Independent.

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Presentation on theme: "VoiceXML – Speech Recognition Yousef Rabah. VoiceXML Markup Language Dialogs Dependencies Standalone Vs. Hosted Speaker Dependent Vs. Speaker Independent."— Presentation transcript:

1 VoiceXML – Speech Recognition Yousef Rabah

2 VoiceXML Markup Language Dialogs Dependencies Standalone Vs. Hosted Speaker Dependent Vs. Speaker Independent VoiceXML CodeCode Abbott, Ken Voice Enabling Web Applications: VoiceXML and Beyond New York: 2002

3 VoiceXML- ASR Connection Integration of ASR system with VoiceXML Application Uses Larson, James. VoiceXML:Introduction to Developing Speech Applications New Jersey: 2003

4 What is Speech Recognition ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition) Speaker Dependent Speaker Independent Speaker Adaptive Isolated-word Continuous Speech Becchetti, Claudio, and Lucio Prina Ricotti. Speech Recognition: Theory and C++ Implementation. New York : 1999

5 Speech Performance Digital Sampling of Speech Acoustic Sampling Spectral Analysis (MFCC) Recognition of Phonemes

6 Speech Performance Recognition of Phonemes: – DTW – NN – HMM

7 Quick Life Example Restaurant

8 Speech Performance HMM - Probabilities - Parameters - Training

9 Speech Performance Words to Sentences

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