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SKIN CANCER. How Cancer Occurs  Cancer develops only in cells with damaged genes (mutations).  If the genes that regulate the cell cycle are damaged,

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2 How Cancer Occurs  Cancer develops only in cells with damaged genes (mutations).  If the genes that regulate the cell cycle are damaged, the cells will divide out of control  Mutations can be inherited or caused by exposure to: Low-dose radiation Drugs Toxic chemicals  Infection with certain viruses can cause mutations.  Lifestyle plays a major role in cancer prevention.

3 Skin Cancer Related to exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun as well as tanning beds. Three types of UV radiation: UVA, UVB, and UVC. All types are harmful and have potential to cause skin cancer. UVA is associated with immediate tanning, skin cancer formation, and premature aging effects. UVB is associated with delayed tanning and burning; also contributes to premature aging (most is filtered by the atmosphere). UVC is the most damaging but it is completely filtered by earth’s atmosphere.

4 Skin Cancer (continued) – Artificial UV sources may also generate UVC rays UVC is potent cancer-causing radiation Earth’s atmosphere filters natural UVC  Prevention  Limit sun exposure  Use sunscreens  Wear protective clothing when exposed to sunlight  Avoid artificial sources of UV light (i.e., tanning beds).

5 Types of Skin Cancer: Basal Cell  Begins in the basal layer of the skin  Usually occurs in places that have been exposed to the sun (ex – face)  Most common type of skin cancer in people with fair skin  Rarely spreads to other parts of the body

6 Types of Skin Cancer: Squamous Cell  Begins in the squamous cells  Usually occurs in places not exposed to the sun (ex – legs and feet)  Most common type of skin cancer in people with dark skin  In people with fair skin, this cancer would appear where they have been exposed to the sun  Able to spread to other parts of the body (metastasize)

7 Types of Skin Cancer: Melanoma  If you are high risk for malignant melanoma, check skin regularly for skin legions that: Are asymmetrical (A) Have irregular borders (B) Have multiple colors (C) Have a diameter greater than pencil eraser (D)  More likely to spread to other parts of the body  Prevention  Limit sun exposure  Use sunscreens  Wear protective clothing when exposed to sunlight  Avoid artificial sources of UV light (i.e., tanning beds)

8 Reducing Skin Cancer Risk  Follow ACS’s recommendations for cancer screening tests.  Know warning signs of cancer and see your health care provider immediately if you detect any.  When in the sun, takes steps to limit UV radiation exposure.  Avoid unnecessary exposure to ionizing radiation, such as x-rays and UV light.  Don’t lie in the sun or tanning beds.  Avoid direct sun exposure between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

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