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IEEE-USA Report to Region 4 Ron Jensen IEEE-USA President 2011 Region 4 Advisor January 22, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "IEEE-USA Report to Region 4 Ron Jensen IEEE-USA President 2011 Region 4 Advisor January 22, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 IEEE-USA Report to Region 4 Ron Jensen IEEE-USA President 2011 Region 4 Advisor January 22, 2011

2 Who is IEEE-USA? IEEE-USA's mission is "recommend policies and implement programs specifically intended to serve and benefit the members, engineering professionals, and general public in the United States. IEEE-USA shall be the organizational unit that represents the professional interests of the IEEE before U.S. governmental bodies. It shall also be responsible for coordinating and reporting, under federal disclosure laws, all official communications with government." 2/5/20162

3 How is IEEE-USA connected to Region 4? Jim Riess is one of 6 Region Directors on the IEEE-USA Board Don Bramlett is Treasurer of IEEE-USA Tarek Lahdhiri is the Region 4 PACE Chair Bob Dawson is IEEE-USA PACE Chair Gary Blank is an IEEE-USA VP Scott Grayson is an IEEE-USA staff and lives in the Twin Cities. 2/5/20163

4 What is going on in 2011? IEEE-USA’s twin strategic themes for 2011 are –increasing member engagement (i.e. member involvement, utilization and/or awareness of IEEE-USA and its products and services) and –diversifying IEEE-USA’s revenue sources in order to reduce our budgetary reliance on the U.S. membership assessment. 2/5/20164

5 How does that relate to our mission? These two themes relate to our broader strategic efforts, which are focused on: –Building Member Careers –Shaping Public Policy –Promoting Science, Engineering and Technical Literacy –Revitalizing IEEE’s U.S. Membership 2/5/20165

6 Why Member Engagement? We are concerned that too many of our members are disconnected from activities in IEEE –Look at membership as a purchase and look for specific value –Many members are not society members and don’t have a home there –Many members don’t participate in local activities and the networking there. –Don’t utilize the career services that are available –Not aware or able to participate in the policy activities 2/5/20166

7 How can we increase engagement? Increase local activities and encourage members to participate More communications on the benefits that are available for career support Develop new tools Encourage involvement in policy activities Increase the level of excitement Focus on a “home” for the practitioner. –We don’t know what this is going to be 2/5/20167

8 How can you be involved? IEEE USA Membership MGA/IEEE USA Region 1-6 Strategy/Programs Member Engagement Upcoming Annual Meeting IEEE-USA fund 2/5/20168

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