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10:04 PM1 Lesley McIntosh Softball NZ, RGDO. Upper South Island.

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Presentation on theme: "10:04 PM1 Lesley McIntosh Softball NZ, RGDO. Upper South Island."— Presentation transcript:

1 10:04 PM1 Lesley McIntosh Softball NZ, RGDO. Upper South Island.

2 10:04 PM2 Local Softball Strategy Talent – ID & Development High Performance On the diamond Off the diamond Softball NZ: Whole sport Plan

3 10:04 PM3 Organisational Development Review ODT results (Nelson) Review & Refresh outdated Strategic plans Attend meetings. Action items Help organise representative team merger Funding applications Organisation consultation Independent representative on committees & advice Attend meetings with councils & Sports Trusts Event help (promotion, information packs, on day help) Admin support Increase communication within & between organisations Upper S.I RGDO achievements

4 10:04 PM4 Volunteer development Upcoming Umpire convention Coach Convention. 19 attended. 36 accreditations Include into Strategic plan (important) Help with committee structures & Volunteer planning when asked Utilise Funding opportunities to up skill volunteers Ease the burden of Committee Volunteers Volunteer recognition Communication Future – use the RSTs to up skill ie: courses Kiwisport funding Upper S.I RGDO achievements

5 10:04 PM5 Game Development PINK ZONE. One of the first areas to promote. KIWISPORT Over The Line (OTL) Advice to Youth Committees about game structure Promotion of Little League Comps Organise interprovincial games Battery clinics Seddon shields development Assessment of Coach coordinators in schools Upper S.I RGDO achievements

6 10:04 PM6 PLAYER DEVELOPMENT: Battery ClinicsHelp increase or improve competitions.Game Development initiaitves – opens doors to membership of games Look into ways of developing rural softball (link with RST, cricket & youth committee development) Communication to schools, clubs playersKIWISPORTIncreased activity in schools (competitions, coaches, RST opens the doors)Coaching Convention (some players attended)Help RST with Playball comp Upper S.I RGDO achievements

7 10:04 PM7 Facilitate Qualifiers for tournaments (where necessary) Coaching framework – help with refresh of this structure (all RGDOs doing) Resource development (FUNdamentals of Softball) Resource Development for SNZ (game sense document, age specific characteristics, Differences coaching women A sounding board, listening device RST & NSO relationship study contact ADDITIONAL RGDO PROJECTS: Upper S.I

8 10:04 PM8 Work with those that want to work with you. Under promise and over-deliver. Work from an informed basis. Focus on sustainability. Keep records, store information. Relationship management. Understand the offer. KEY

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