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Chapter 6 – Sexuality and Society Roderick Graham.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 6 – Sexuality and Society Roderick Graham."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 6 – Sexuality and Society Roderick Graham

2 Sex as Biology and Sex as Culture  Biological…  Sex refers to the biological characteristics that separate females and males. These biological characteristics can be placed into two categories - primary and secondary sex characteristics.  Cultural…  People in different cultures show sexual affection as well as have sex in different ways.

3 American Views About Sexuality  Americans can be contradictory about their views on sex Sexual Correctness Individualism

4 The Sexual Revolution  The 1960’s brought a change in Americans’ views on sex:  Alfred Kinsey made sexuality a topic of public discussion with his studies on sexuality.  Youth began to express themselves sexually in public  The birth control pill allowed sex to be more spontaneous

5 Understanding Sexual Orientation (pp. 157)

6 Sexual Issues and Controversies Teen Pregnancy  America has the highest rate of teen pregnancy of all high income countries  Weak families increase the likelihood of teen pregnancy  The sexual revolution did not raise the rates of teen pregnancy (they were higher back then) Pornography  Sexually explicit material intended to cause sexual arousal  People think pornography is immoral  Some argue that pornography increases violence against women

7 Sexual Issues and Controversies  Prostitution  The selling of sexual services  Prostitution is greatest in poorer countries where women have a difficult time making a living  There are several classes of prostitutes Call GirlsMassage Parlor WorkersStreet Walkers

8 Sexual Issues and Controversies  Sexual Violence: Rape and Date Rape  Generally rape has less to do with sex, and more with the desire to hurt or psychologically dominate  Most rape is NOT done by strangers  2/3 of rapes done by acquaintances


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