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Chapter 15: The Theory of Evolution

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1 Chapter 15: The Theory of Evolution
Biology I

2 Pre-Darwin Each species is unique and unchanging Geology
fossils in strata changed with depth Sudden changes from catastrophism? Uniformitarianism changes continually act on earth

3 Lamarck – Acquired Inheritance, Use vs. Disuse

4 Charles Darwin Studied medicine and theology Natural scientist
Developed theory after observing organisms (Galapagos Islands)

5 Darwin’s Voyage on the Beagle

6 Descent with Modification – common ancestor


8 Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection
Overproduction in a population – supply and demand

9 2. Diversity – variation within a population
What causes diversity?

10 3. Struggle to survive - competition
Adaptations give advantages

11 Identify the adaptations

12 4. Differential Reproduction
Fittest reproduce more, traits of population shift

13 Clarification… Adaptation Acclimatization
A trait that gives advantage in a population Versus Acclimatization Individual physiological changes

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