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Hero’s Journey Archetypes & Tragic Heroes Vocabulary.

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1 Hero’s Journey Archetypes & Tragic Heroes Vocabulary

2 Herald  Noun  An archetype that invites the character to answer the call to adventure.  Heralds can be people, objects, or acts of nature. They may be positive, neutral or negative, but are found at the start of the story.

3 Mentor  Noun  This archetype is a source of wisdom, gift giver, and conscience to the hero. Sometimes the mentor has magic.

4 Threshold Guardians  Plural Noun  These archetypes ensure the protagonist is worthy of passing the threshold and are one of the hero’s tests.  They can be people, inanimate objects, animals, or a force of nature.

5 Trickster  Noun  This archetype can be a clownish sidekick or a hidden troublemaker.  They can provide comedy, cause change, create mischief, or cut down people’s egos.

6 Shapeshifter  Noun  This archetype brings uncertainty and tension into a story, by changing his/her appearance, mood, or behavior.  This character may dazzle, confuse, lie to, occasionally help and delay a protagonist.

7 Shadow  Noun  The archetype can be the villain OR the dark side of the hero, the unexpressed, hidden or suppressed side of their nature.  This character should be a worthy opponent who brings out the best in the hero.

8 Tragic Hero  Noun  A person of noble birth with heroic or potentially heroic qualities.  This person is fated by the gods or by some supernatural force to doom and destruction or at least to great suffering.

9 Catastrophe  Noun  An event causing great and often sudden damage or suffering; a disaster.  The resolution of a tragic story.

10 Tragic Flaw  Noun  It is also called Hamartia.  A defect or a fatal flaw leading to the downfall of a tragic hero or heroine. This can sometimes be an error of judgment.

11 Hubris  Noun  Foolish and/or excessive pride or self-confidence.  In Greek tragedy, this can also be defiance of or rudeness towards the gods.

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