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Biomes 5 th grade Science. Desert Less than 10 inches of rain /year Dry, hot and sandy PlantsAnimals CactusCoyote Dragon treeScorpion.

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Presentation on theme: "Biomes 5 th grade Science. Desert Less than 10 inches of rain /year Dry, hot and sandy PlantsAnimals CactusCoyote Dragon treeScorpion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biomes 5 th grade Science

2 Desert Less than 10 inches of rain /year Dry, hot and sandy PlantsAnimals CactusCoyote Dragon treeScorpion

3 Grassland 10-30 inches of rain /year 70-80 degrees F Dry, grassy,flat PlantsAnimals Prairie grassLion WheatAntelope

4 Tropical Rainforest 200cm of rain/year 25 degrees Celsius Wet,green,humid PlantsAnimals BananasMonkeys FernsParrot

5 Deciduous Forest 100cm of rain/year 50-90 degrees F Shady, lots of trees 4 seasons PlantsAnimals Oak TreeSquirrels Maple treeDeer

6 Taiga (Think Mountains) 12-33 inches of precipitation 58-86 degrees F Cool Lots of trees Lakes and Ponds PlantsAnimals Fir treesElk Pine treesMoose

7 Tundra 6-10 inches of precipitation(snow) -30-54 degrees F Cold No trees PlantsAnimals Reindeer mossArtic Fox LichensPolar bear

8 Saltwater Biome PlantsAnimals PlanktonCoral AlgaeSharks Some cold Some tropical

9 Freshwater Biome PlantsAnimals MossBeavers Lily padCatfish Wet Green Moist

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