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How did the Nazis solve Germany’s Economic Problems?

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Presentation on theme: "How did the Nazis solve Germany’s Economic Problems?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How did the Nazis solve Germany’s Economic Problems?

2 Lesson objectives To be able to list the economic aims of the Nazi Party. To be able to describe the 2 economic plans created by the Nazis To be able to explain how the Nazis affected the lives of the workers

3 Nazi aims To reduce unemployment. In 1933 it was 6 million
To build up the German armaments industry and to re-arm and enlarge the German army, navy and air force. To achieve autarky, (able to produce enough goods of its own so that it doesn’t have to import goods) so it could not be blockaded in times of war.

4 The economy The Nazi economic plan can be split into 2 periods:
Period one: Known as the ‘New Plan’ Period two: Known as the ‘Four Year Plan’

5 You will be working in pairs.
One person will work on The New Plan and the other person will work on The Four Year Plan You need to find out: what was it called, who ran it, 3 examples of what it did and it if was successful You must then teach your partner about your plan.

6 Are the following statements about the :
A: The New Plan B: the Four Year Plan

7 Used forced labour

8 Made it compulsory for men between 18-25 to do military service

9 Reduce the number of imports

10 Persuaded big businesses to produce synthetic materials

11 This plan allowed Hitler to rearm his forces

12 This plan concentrated on rearming Germany at the expense of agriculture

13 How did the Nazis affect the life of the workers?

14 Putting the people back to work
When Hitler came to power in million people were unemployed, Hitler needed to get these people back to work. He set up several organisations to do this: The RAD (The National Labour Front) - It was compulsory for all men aged to complete 6 months in the RAD. They planted forests, built autobahns and schools. Conscription – From all 1935, all males aged had to join one of the armed forces for 2 years. Sacking people Many women and Jews lost their jobs and were replaced by unemployed men.

15 The German Labour Front (DAF)
This organisation promised to protect the rights of workers. It was the only trade union allowed by the Nazis. Workers were stopped from striking for better pay and also in areas were prevented from changing to better jobs. Beauty of Labour This improved the conditions for workers. It helped to introduce better washing facilities and low cost canteens.

16 Incentives Hitler wanted to control the leisure time of the workers, he did by offering rewards. Hitler set up a special organisation, Strength through Joy (KDF). It organised leisure activities for working people and to encourage hard work by offering rewards. Events set up by the KDF include: Free evening classes Organised sporting events Holidays Cruising

17 The Volkswagen – the People’s car
To help workers buy a car the KDF set up a saving scheme. Workers paid 5 marks a week until 750 marks were in the bank. Then they received an order number entitling them to a car when it was made. Millions started to save for their beetle, but the scheme was a swindle. Not one person received a car. Hitler said the car , designed by Ferdinand Porsche, should look like a beetle because he admired the insect’s tough fighting nature.

18 Task: answer the following questions
List the ways that the Nazis reduced unemployment Complete the worksheet ‘Nazi Labour organisations’ Give 2 examples of how the Nazis changed the lives of workers for the better? Give 2 examples of how the Nazis changed the lives of workers for the worse Why was it important for the Nazis to control the lives of the workers?

19 Lesson objectives To be able to list the economic aims of the Nazi Party. To be able to describe the 2 economic plans created by the Nazis To be able to explain how the Nazis affected the lives of the workers

20 A women aged 25 A male aged between 18-25 A Jew
Write a speech bubble explaining how the following people were affected by the Nazi economic policy: A women aged 25 A male aged between 18-25 A Jew

21 Homework Imagine you work for the Doctor Ley as a promotions expert in the Strength through Joy organisation. Draw a poster designed to promote the advantages of working hard in Nazi Germany. You want workers to see what rewards and benefits they could gain by putting that extra bit of effort.

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