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US Army Risk Reduction Program Commander’s Package  ACSAP sees commanders as an important part of the Risk Reduction Program.  Commanders have a way.

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Presentation on theme: "US Army Risk Reduction Program Commander’s Package  ACSAP sees commanders as an important part of the Risk Reduction Program.  Commanders have a way."— Presentation transcript:

1 US Army Risk Reduction Program Commander’s Package  ACSAP sees commanders as an important part of the Risk Reduction Program.  Commanders have a way to view reports quickly and efficiently via “Quick Links”.  Quickly generate Shot Groups with one click.  Matrix reports for commanders of multiple units enables quick quarterly snapshot view of all units within a command.  The following slide is setup for what a Brigade/BCT commander might view. Software – Cmdr’s Pack

2 US Army Risk Reduction Program Software – Cmdr’s Pack BDE UIC BN UIC BDE UIC BN UIC BDE UIC Fort Swampy In these examples of “Quick Links” reports are set to what a BDE CMDR might see. All the report links within the “Commanders Package” will be “Quick Links”. These Quick Links will populate according to the users’ scope of visibility. Currently only R-URI installation/Area rollups are available through the online software. The “Matrix Report” is a quick way to view a quarterly snapshot of a group of units. The matrix shows rate/per 1000 and uses the same color criteria as the shot group.

3 US Army Risk Reduction Program Software – Cmdr’s Pack BDE UIC BN UIC BDE UIC BN UIC BDE UIC BN UIC The systems’ user rights and privileges ensures correct visibility & security. A Garrison or Mission Commander might see multiple Brigades or Brigade Combat Teams (BCT). BN/CO UIC A Battalion/Company Commander might see just one unit.

4 US Army Risk Reduction Program Deployment Cycle Support Directive  No cost for surveys  Usually no more than 1000 surveys sent per shipment  Turnaround time usually one week after receiving  Contact your local ASAP for R-URI surveys URI & R-URI – DCS Directive Survey Administration Guidelines  URI surveys should be administrated not less than 30 days prior to deployment  R-URI surveys should be administrated between 120-180 days after redeployment

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