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7 th graders Copy: Final Exam tomorrow Study flash cards and review sheet Go on line to play this review game. Posted on my web page on ccs under teachers.

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Presentation on theme: "7 th graders Copy: Final Exam tomorrow Study flash cards and review sheet Go on line to play this review game. Posted on my web page on ccs under teachers."— Presentation transcript:

1 7 th graders Copy: Final Exam tomorrow Study flash cards and review sheet Go on line to play this review game. Posted on my web page on ccs under teachers. Take out your take home tests an

2 Mrs. King

3 Jeopardy Categories Stress Management Surprise In the mix Bullying & assertiveness Life Skills 100 200 300 400 500

4 When trying to relieve anxiety before a test while you are in a classroom, what relaxation techniques could you use? deep breathing, positive thinking A100 Back To Categories

5 When practicing deep breathing, how seconds should it take you to breath in, hold your breath and breath out? 12, 4 in, 4 hold, 4 out A200 Back To Categories

6 What relaxation technique could help you when you are going to audition for a play and have to memorize songs? Mental practice and rehearsal A300 Back To Categories

7 Bob wants to play baseball but he is worried about not being as good as the other boys. What positive thought can Bob tell himself that will help relax him? If I give it my best and try my hardest I am bound to make the team. A400 Back To Categories

8 Describe how to perform progressive muscle relaxation. You must name 4 of the 5 listed in the answer. Get in a comfortable position, close your eyes, think of a quiet peaceful place, relax your muscles starting at your toes, try not to think of anything but feeling your muscles relax. A500 Back To Categories

9 What is the product? What is the stated message? Pabst Beer So much more enjoyment, when you say Pabst B100 Back To Categories

10 What is the stated message? What is the hidden message? Stated Message: Camping Cottages Hidden Message: this is a cheap way to have fun with your family B200 Back To Categories

11 Where can a student get help if a parent abuses alcohol or drugs and it is making them worried? Name 3. School counselor, school nurse, a trusted adult, Alanon meetings and Insight House B300 Back To Categories

12 Moderate drinking for an adult male is ___ drinks/day For a female it is_______ drink(s)/day 2,1 B400 Back To Categories

13 Complete the equation: ______ounces of beer = ____ ounces of wine = ______ ounces of hard liquor 12 5 1 1/2 B500 Back To Categories

14 If you saw a friend who was unconscious and appeared to be overdosed on alcohol, what would you do after you call 911? Turn them on their side Stay with them Check for breathing Start CPR if you know how C100 Back To Categories

15 Why do companies advertise their products? To make money C200 Back To Categories

16 What technique is being used when Nike states their product is supported by the Physical Education Teachers of America? Voice of authority C300 Back To Categories

17 WKTV encourages its viewers to sign up for the “Trip Across Country by Train” They suggest to the viewer to sign up right away in order to get a reduced rate. What ad technique are they using? Deal Appeal C400 Back To Categories

18 What is a danger of using snap-chat? Pictures never really go away. Someone could snap chat your picture too. C500 Back To Categories

19 Jody wants her friend to stop taking her pencil case without asking. Where should Jody stand when she is assertively telling her friend to respect her stuff. About 3 feet away D100 Back To Categories

20 Why don’t kids report bullying? They don’t think an adult will believe them They don’t want the bully to retaliate They believe adults can’t help solve the problem D200 Back To Categories

21 Most acts of bullying happen (where)? At school D300 Back To Categories

22 When a person is being assertive, how do they sound? Speak with a firm confident voice They do not stutter or hesitate. D400 Back To Categories

23 If a person is “looking” assertive, what would we see in their body position? Name 3. They make eye contact They have a non expressive facial expression. They are standing straight They are 3-4 feet away. D500 Back To Categories

24 If you are a victim of a bully, what are two things you could do to protect yourself? Tell an adult Confront the bully Walk away Stay in a group Agree with the bully E100 Back To Categories

25 When making a decision, what is the first step to take? Clarify the decision What problem am I trying to solve? E200 Back To Categories

26 Sarah’s friend wants her to join a group of friends at a party where there will be marijuana. She doesn’t want to go. Using the broken record, give an example of her response to, “Come on Sarah, just go with me.” Answer will vary but group must repeat the phrase at least 3 times. E300 Back To Categories

27 Jill doesn’t want to go shopping with Sydney on Sat. She tells her, “I’ll go for an hour, but need to get home early.” Is she being passive, aggressive or assertive? passive E400 Back To Categories

28 Name four techniques that you can use to help you resist negative peer pressure. Simple no Give a reason or excuse The big stall Change the subject Broken record Walk away The cold shoulder Avoid the situation E500 Back To Categories

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