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Review for final Communication Competence

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Presentation on theme: "Review for final Communication Competence"— Presentation transcript:

1 Review for final Communication Competence

2 Groups Groups: “A collection of more than two persons who perceive themselves as a group, possess a common fate, have organizational structure, and communicate over time to achieve personal and group goals.” John Baird

3 Group Theory A theory is a way to understand, explain, control or predict a phenomenon. Systems Theory Onion Model of cultural Critical theory/feminist theory

4 Systems Theory

5 Systems Theory

6 Onion Model of Culture

7 Research and the Basics
Qualitative Quantitative Theory: Understand, explain, control, predict Inductive/Deductive Qualitative Research methods Continuity Binder/Documents Google Drive

8 Critical Theory Critical Theory: Focuses attention on studies of power and abuses of power through communication and organization Hegemony: Process of control based on dominant group leading others to believe that their subordination is the norm


10 Group Roles & Group Leadership
Types of Group Roles The Power of Roles Types of Roles Role Emergence Role Fixation

11 Types of Roles Formal Informal Roles Task Maintenance
Disruptive Roles (Self-Centered Roles)

12 Task Roles

13 Maintenance

14 Disruptive Roles

15 Leaders vs. Managers a leader does not ordinarily operate from positional authority; a manager does . leaders work to change the status quo; managers typically maintain it. Leadership implies change because influence inherently means change—a change in attitude, belief, or behavior.

16 Perspectives on Effective Leadership: An Evolving View
Traits Perspective: The Born Leader View Styles Perspective: One Style Doesn’t Fit All Situational (Contingency) Perspective: Matching Styles with Circumstances Functional Perspective: Leadership Responsibilities

17 Styles Perspective on Leadership
Autocratic Democratic Laissez-fair

18 Ethical Leadership Leader as Servant

19 The Standard Agenda: Structuring Group Discussion
Problem Identification: What’s the Question? Problem Analysis: Causes and Effects Solution Criteria: Setting Standards Solution Suggestions: Generating Alternatives Solution Evaluation and Selection: Deciding by Criteria Solution Implementation: Follow Through

20 Group Decision-Making
Majority Rule: Tyrannical or Practical Minority Rule: Several Types Unanimity Rule: Consensus

21 Power Power: The ability to do, the ability to influence
Forms of Power Power imbalances

22 Forms of Power

23 Power Imbalances Compliance: Group Power Conforming vs. Obedience
2. Alliance: Coalition Formation 3. Resistance: Dragging Your Feet 4. Defiance: Digging in Your Heels 5. Significance: Self-Empowerment

24 Resistance

25 Self-Improvement Being Assertive DESC Describe Explain Specify

26 Conflict Management

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