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Skolotāja kvalifikācija tiek iegūta ar Eiropas Sociālā fonda projekta atbalstu „Inovatīva un praksē balstīta pedagogu izglītības ieguve un mentoru profesionālā.

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Presentation on theme: "Skolotāja kvalifikācija tiek iegūta ar Eiropas Sociālā fonda projekta atbalstu „Inovatīva un praksē balstīta pedagogu izglītības ieguve un mentoru profesionālā."— Presentation transcript:

1 Skolotāja kvalifikācija tiek iegūta ar Eiropas Sociālā fonda projekta atbalstu „Inovatīva un praksē balstīta pedagogu izglītības ieguve un mentoru profesionālā pilnveide” Vienošanās Nr.2010/0096/1DP/ Darba autore: Ilona Riekstiņa Darba vadītāja: Asoc. prof., Dr. paed. Indra Odiņa Projekti novada mācībā angļu valodā skolēnu vietējās identitātes veidošanai

2 English Projects on Local Studies in Building Students` Local Identity Teacher`s Portfolio

3 The aim of the Teacher`s Portfolio to research, evaluate and disseminate the ways of building students` local identity to explore how English projects on local studies can be used in building students` local identity at E. Gluck`s Aluksne State Gymnasium The aim of the research:

4 Action Research 2011 – 2012 locally – 148 students of E. Gluck`s Alūksne State Gymnasium internationally – 49 teachers

5 Planning teaching and learning process of building students` local identity a long – term plan (for 3 school years): Grade 10 – the level of building local identity Grade 11 – the level of building national identity Grade 12 – the level of building European identity lesson plans for English lessons class teacher`s lessons after school activities

6 Organising English project work in E.Gluck`s Alūksne State Gymnasium since 2006: class level school level local level national level international level

7 Evaluation of teaching and learning process «A project is in itself a form of assessment» (Heyworth, 2002) students` self – evaluation: oral presentation guided discussion evaluation of a recipe of local food teachers` self – evaluation

8 The role of the project work in the development students` English knowledge and skills

9 The types of students` self – evaluation used by teachers during the project work


11 Dissemination of professional experience (Foord 2010) Teacher & profession Teacher & school Teacher & colleagues Teacher & students Teacher alone


13 Conclusions building students` local, national and European identity – for living in multicultural society and understanding the world better participating in project work increases students` self – confidence and the motivation of learning English The improvement of language, especially: students` vocabulary communication skills discussion culture


15 T HE RESEARCH WAS BASED ON THE THEORIES OF B YRAM (2000), F RIED – B OOTH (2010), F OORD (2010) H EYWORTH (2002), M ILLER (2009) ETC. English Projects on Local Studies in Building Students` Local Identity

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