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Web 2.0 in Teaching and Learning By Robin Rider, Andreas Brockhaus Jane Van Galen, Rob Estes.

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Presentation on theme: "Web 2.0 in Teaching and Learning By Robin Rider, Andreas Brockhaus Jane Van Galen, Rob Estes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Web 2.0 in Teaching and Learning By Robin Rider, Andreas Brockhaus Jane Van Galen, Rob Estes

2  Web 1.0  Consuming content  Users read, listen  Lecture modes of teaching  Web 2.0  Internet is a means of communication, content creation, collaboration  Users write, create media, interact with other users, participate in learning networks  Active, constructivist teaching and learning The “Evolution” of the Web

3 New Possibilities for Teaching and Learning with Web 2.0  Collaboration  External  Internal  Learning from expansive networks  Connecting to Authentic Audiences  Media Rich Content Creation  Millennials – “Technology is assumed to be a natural part of the environment.”

4  Wikis – online collaborative spaces:  Robin’s class: Final project  Amrit’s class: building and presenting small group projects  Google Docs  Sharing lesson plans, family letter with MT, ELL teacher for translation Collaboration

5  Social Bookmarks - saving bookmarks to a public website ,  Art Resources:  Social Networks – often includes profiles, public commentary and social connections  Ning  Facebook Network and Community Building

6 Connecting with Authentic Audiences  Blogs - personal online log/journal  Podcasts – media files distributed via the Web   Literacy Vignettes 

7 Media Rich Content Creation  Tech Portfolios  Digital Storytelling – audio/video narratives  How to Create a Science Notebook   Google Maps Our Community  Voice Threads - collaborative online conversations around images, documents and videos 

8 Possible Next Steps  Ideas? What Works Well for Us?  Some ideas:  Ten Minute Tech Shows  Faculty support: Andreas, Librarians, Colleagues, student lab support  Collaborate on technology for course assignments  Continue exploring learning/pedagogical issues

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