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Clarke County Global Scholar Training

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1 Clarke County Global Scholar Training
Alabama State Department of Education Scott

2 Plan 2020-Our Vision Every Child a Graduate – Every Graduate Prepared
for College/Work/Adulthood in the 21st Century This is why we are here.

3 Absolutes During the Transition
Teach to the standards for each of the required subjects (Alabama College- and Career-Ready Standards - Courses of Study) Through a clearly articulated and locally aligned K-12 curriculum (Sample curricula found on ALEX and Alabama Insight) Supported by aligned resources, support, and professional development (Sample lesson plans and supporting resources found on ALEX, differentiated support through ALSDE Regional Support Teams and ALSDE Initiatives, etc.) Monitored regularly through formative, interim/benchmark assessments to inform the effectiveness of the instruction and continued learning needs of individuals and groups of students (GlobalScholar, QualityCore Benchmarks, and other locally determined assessments) With a goal that each student graduates from high school with the knowledge and skills to succeed in post-high school education and the workforce without the need for remediation as evidenced by multiple measures achieved through multiple pathways to meet the graduation requirements set for students in Alabama. (Alabama High School Graduation Requirements/Diploma) In the midst of change, there really are some absolutes! Dr. Bice and all of us are committed to listening to you – so we know it is frustrating when things seem to change from one meeting to the other. We are working on that – but remember that we truly have a year to figure this out and put the right things in place for the right reasons. This can only be done with input from you. So,


5 Introduction to Global Scholar Performance Series
Overview of Global Scholar Performance Series Scores and Reports Live Site Demo Resources and Materials Q & A Agenda in table of contents in packet Typically the session is a three-hour session; feel free to cut and paste sections out OR break down into separate sessions (i.e., 3 1-hr sessions) Q&A reminder: suggest writing questions on Post-its to share during designated time Assessment and evaluation Copyright © 2010 Scantron Corporation. All rights reserved. 5

6 What Are Performance Series Assessments?
Online computer-adaptive assessment Multiple-choice assessments with questions that automatically adjust to each student’s instructional level Items are aligned to Alabama’s College and Career Ready Standards, Common Core State Standards, and ACT College Readiness Standards “Performance Series is an online computer adaptive assessment available in reading, math, and science. PS uses computer adaptive testing to determine an individual student’s instructional level, in a given content area. Meaning: the student will answer questions to determine his/her learning ability level, regardless of grade level.” “Computer-Adaptive”- i.e., GRE, GMAT A chosen way to assess students Four separate assessments (in the three subject areas) Math assesses all NCTM strands (Algebra, Number and Ops, Geometry, Measurement and Data Analysis and Prob); Reading assesses Vocab and comprehension (fiction, non-fiction and long passage); Language Arts assesses Grammar and Usage; Science assesses Life Science Copyright © 2010 Scantron Corporation. All rights reserved.

7 What Are Performance Series Assessments?
There are no set amount of items per test. The student is tested until a level of consistency emerges. If the student’s ability level is significantly different from his/her assigned grade level, the assessment may take longer to adjust for this difference. “Performance Series is an online computer adaptive assessment available in reading, math, and science. PS uses computer adaptive testing to determine an individual student’s instructional level, in a given content area. Meaning: the student will answer questions to determine his/her learning ability level, regardless of grade level.” “Computer-Adaptive”- i.e., GRE, GMAT A chosen way to assess students Four separate assessments (in the three subject areas) Math assesses all NCTM strands (Algebra, Number and Ops, Geometry, Measurement and Data Analysis and Prob); Reading assesses Vocab and comprehension (fiction, non-fiction and long passage); Language Arts assesses Grammar and Usage; Science assesses Life Science Copyright © 2010 Scantron Corporation. All rights reserved.

8 Traditional Assessments
Normal Distribution Curve “Traditional Assessments give us good information about the majority of our students, about the middle performers, generally our students who are performing on grade level ( reference 68%). However, it’s the students on either end of the distribution- our higher performing students, and our students who are struggling to complete their on-grade tests- that are most difficult to target with supplemental instruction. While PS is a great tool to use with all students, it is of particular usefulness with the lower and higher-performing students in your class because it allows you to see exactly what their performance level is in standards-based language. This way you can create enrichment or remedial activities to keep knowledge growing regardless of enrolled grade level. Students on either end will be higher performing or lower level performing – where do I go to meet them in the blue areas, bring them forward When standardized tests are given, the range of student scores can fall anywhere between 0 and 100% (click for line to show). As we know in education, students can fall anywhere within this range. If we look at the typical distribution of scores, it will fall into what is known as a normal distribution curve (click to show curve) where the majority of students fall within one standard deviation from the mean (click to highlight the 68%). The students that score within this range are typically those students who are functioning at grade level, and those tests tell us whether these students have mastered or not mastered the content/standards that were tested. However, what about those students who exceed grade level content (click to highlight upper 16%) or who fall below the grade level skills being measured (click to add lower 16%)? These typical grade-level assessments do not provide the detail necessary to know what skills these students actually should be taught. Performance Series can help determine what skills these students CAN do and what skills they need to work on. Performance Series will adapt to the student’s performance level, regardless of grade level, to help define the skills the student needs to be taught to help them progress within the content area.” 0% 100% Copyright © 2010 Scantron Corporation. All rights reserved.

9 Scaled Score ranges from 1300 to 3700
Student begins test one grade level below enrolled grade-level Future tests begin where last test ended This slide shows a sample path for a 4th grade student as she would go through the assessment. You will see the Scaled Score listed on the left, and a number of questions along the bottom. “The student logs in, and enters the SITE ID, telling the program where they go to school; the STUDENT ID is entered telling the program who is assessing. The first time the student take the test, it will begin below their enrolled grade level. As the student answers questions correctly and incorrectly, this is when the actual assessment is being created. Notice this student entered the assessment, got the first few questions incorrect, then answered one correctly. This is because the program is using all of the prior testing information to determine which question to show next. The program is adjusting to her ability. the test is trying to identify a level where the student will answer consistently on one level (as shown on the right side of the screen). This is the point where the computer will stop the assessment, and give the students a Scaled Score (represented by the green line and a 4-digit number).” Typically, it takes the student minutes to complete an assessment. However, this will vary from student to student. Because the students are seeing different questions, based on how they answer, it may take a shorter or longer amount of time for the students to finish the test. If it is the case that the student is answering questions longer than a class period, or the teacher runs out of class time, the student may start and stop the test as many times as needed within two weeks. After two weeks, it will erase and “spoil” (delete), and the student will start again from the beginning. Amount of questions dependent on how student is answering (SEM reference) Mention that the assessment goes through all strands of content areas (i.e., Algebra, Numbers and Ops) Wholistic Diagnostic (entire content area- not specific to sub-units) Different for every student Copyright © 2008 Scantron Corporation. All rights reserved. 9

10 Performance Series Assessments
Assessment options include: Reading (grades 3-12) Reading Foundations (grades K-2) Math (K-9th/10th grade [Integrated Geometry]) Life Science (grades 3-8) Language Arts (grades 3-8) Algebra Geometry Identifies individual student instructional level, independent of enrolled grade-level, in a given content area “Performance Series is an online computer adaptive assessment available in reading, math, and science. PS uses computer adaptive testing to determine an individual student’s instructional level, in a given content area. Meaning: the student will answer questions to determine his/her learning ability level, regardless of grade level.” “Computer-Adaptive”- i.e., GRE, GMAT A chosen way to assess students Four separate assessments (in the three subject areas) Math assesses all NCTM strands (Algebra, Number and Ops, Geometry, Measurement and Data Analysis and Prob); Reading assesses Vocab and comprehension (fiction, non-fiction and long passage); Language Arts assesses Grammar and Usage; Science assesses Life Science Copyright © 2010 Scantron Corporation. All rights reserved.

11 Copyright © 2008 Scantron Corporation. All rights reserved.
Assessment Windows Each assessment takes an average of 45 minutes to complete Students not finished at the end of 45 minutes should be dismissed and allowed to resume and finish the assessment at another time Students have two weeks to resume the assessment before it is spoiled Systems set their own window within the big Global Scholar window, usually 2-3 weeks. Copyright © 2008 Scantron Corporation. All rights reserved.

12 Copyright © 2010 Scantron Corporation. All rights reserved.
Scores and Reports Assessment results are immediate and the data can be instantly viewed by teachers and administrators Scale scores are used to track student progress over time Individual student assessment results are compared to norm referenced data for National Percentile Ranks “Performance Series is an online computer adaptive assessment available in reading, math, and science. PS uses computer adaptive testing to determine an individual student’s instructional level, in a given content area. Meaning: the student will answer questions to determine his/her learning ability level, regardless of grade level.” “Computer-Adaptive”- i.e., GRE, GMAT A chosen way to assess students Four separate assessments (in the three subject areas) Math assesses all NCTM strands (Algebra, Number and Ops, Geometry, Measurement and Data Analysis and Prob); Reading assesses Vocab and comprehension (fiction, non-fiction and long passage); Language Arts assesses Grammar and Usage; Science assesses Life Science Copyright © 2010 Scantron Corporation. All rights reserved.

13 Performance Series Scores
How Performance Series scores can help gauge student achievement Scaled Score Unit Score Ranges (USR) National Percentile Ranking (NPR) Lexile Score After student takes assessment you will get a number of scores. The three scores a student will receive for every assessment in PS are: SS, USR, Lexile These scores will help you gauge how student is achieving There are additional scores that we will discuss once we log in to the system and view reports. Copyright © 2010 Scantron Corporation. All rights reserved.

14 Copyright © 2008 Scantron Corporation. All rights reserved.
Scale Score Measures a student’s ability against the content of a single subject Scaled Scores range from 1,300 to 3,700 Scaled Scores are based on a vertical scale, consistent across grade levels, allowing educators to track student progress over time Copyright © 2008 Scantron Corporation. All rights reserved.

15 Copyright © 2010 Scantron Corporation. All rights reserved.
Scale Score Scaled Score = Student to Content Here is a sample of the SS will look like on the student profile. The SS is in bold, and circled in red. The four digit number can be interpreted using the Placement Indicators. Use Placement Indicators to interpret the four-digit number, based on the student’s grade-level and time of year. *At this point, you can have the participants remember the SS; leave the ppt and open the Placement Indicators doc. to navigate. This would also be a good time to hand out the Placement Indicators to the participants. Copyright © 2010 Scantron Corporation. All rights reserved. 15

16 Copyright © 2008 Scantron Corporation. All rights reserved.

17 Unit Score Ranges (USRs)
Calculated from the responses to the actual test questions seen by the student The upper and lower bounds are determined using the Standard Error of Measurement (SEM). The SEM represents the number of Scaled Score points by which a student’s score may differ from his/her actual score. Copyright © 2008 Scantron Corporation. All rights reserved.

18 USRs USR = Student to Unit Content The USRs are below the SS.
The USR is an independent estimate of ability that is based on responses from each unit within a subject, with a confidence interval (range) based upon 1 SEM (+/-). The USR represents the possible range that a student may score, within each unit, if he or she was to take the test over again. It is a direct measure of student performance that will allow educators to measure unit-based growth. Copyright © 2010 Scantron Corporation. All rights reserved. 18

19 National Percentile Ranking
Uses the scaled score to compare the student to members of the Performance Series National Norm Group within the same grade level The numerical value illustrates the percentage of students that the selected student would be expected to score above in the norm group comparison Different values appear for fall, winter, and spring test administrations to reflect different levels of knowledge for those time periods. Assessments must be given within the testing windows to use norm referenced data Copyright © 2010 Scantron Corporation. All rights reserved. 19

20 Copyright © 2008 Scantron Corporation. All rights reserved.
Lexile Score A developmental scale for reading ranging from 200L for beginning readers to above 1,700L for advanced text Allows for selecting text that is targeted to a reader’s reading ability, and the result is an expected 75% comprehension rate Copyright © 2008 Scantron Corporation. All rights reserved.

21 Organize students by alphabetical or scaled score.
Classroom Profile Quickly assess which students have not yet completed testing for the current window. Can be used as new criteria to organize student groups within the classroom. Organize students by alphabetical or scaled score. When teachers view the Classroom Report, they will see performance ratings for their students based on a comparison to national averages. This report is found in PS in the Classroom Area or Classroom tab.

22 Classroom Profile View
College, Career, and Readiness Standards and Alabama Course of Study

23 Suggested Learning Objectives View
AL Course of Study, and the College Career & Readiness Standards (Common Core) The Performance Series test is aligned to three standards documents for Alabama – College Career and Readiness Standards (Common Core), ACT standards, and the Alabama Course of Study.

24 Assessment Experience for Students
Most students are unfamiliar with computer-adaptive assessments Each student’s assessment experience will be unique Let students know that the test is designed for students to get some questions correct and incorrect Students should be encouraged to do their best and to take the test seriously Copyright © 2008 Scantron Corporation. All rights reserved.

25 Rights and Permissions
Location Controller Can perform all tasks at a location/school Administrator Has full viewing/reporting, but cannot create/edit students or staff Teacher w/o Student Edit Can view the students and classes to which they have been assigned Copyright © 2008 Scantron Corporation. All rights reserved.

26 Preparation for Testing
Begin thinking about an implementation plan Staff involved Training Testing schedule Parent communication Ensure headphones are available K-2 (Reading Foundations) K-5 (Math Assessment) Copyright © 2008 Scantron Corporation. All rights reserved.

27 Preparation for Testing
Schedule the computer lab and develop a testing schedule Allow minutes of testing time for each subject area Allow at least 10 minutes between assessment sessions to allow for change of classes Secure Site ID & Student IDs Students will use State Student ID # (19********) Provide teachers with login information and credentials Prepare computers for test administration Ensure that computers are connected to the internet Turn off screen savers and pop-up blockers If using Internet Explorer, enable Compatibility View Copyright © 2008 Scantron Corporation. All rights reserved.

28 Copyright © 2008 Scantron Corporation. All rights reserved.
Troubleshooting Images/Items Slow to Load Press F5 Select compatibility view icon in address bar System Error (Red X) Logout and log back in Students are unable to login Confirm they are using the right Site ID and Student ID Confirm they are in the Global Scholar system Copyright © 2008 Scantron Corporation. All rights reserved.

29 Copyright © 2008 Scantron Corporation. All rights reserved.
Troubleshooting Student receives a message regarding an incomplete test Test has most likely been spoiled due to testing irregularities Review Performance Tests results in the Student’s Profile report In the Performance Tests tab; choose “Spoiled Tests” from the left-hand menu and look for student’s name Copyright © 2008 Scantron Corporation. All rights reserved.

30 Copyright © 2010 Scantron Corporation. All rights reserved.
PQ: What do you need to access the test? Open up an Internet browser Navigate to or Click “Student Login” and take a sample test Copyright © 2010 Scantron Corporation. All rights reserved.

31 Copyright © 2008 Scantron Corporation. All rights reserved.
Accessing the Website Site ID Staff ID Password Copyright © 2008 Scantron Corporation. All rights reserved.

32 Copyright © 2008 Scantron Corporation. All rights reserved.
Accessing the Website Copyright © 2008 Scantron Corporation. All rights reserved.

33 Copyright © 2008 Scantron Corporation. All rights reserved.
Accessing the Website Staff ID (Teacher Certification #) Password: passwordXXXX (Last 4 of ssn) Copyright © 2008 Scantron Corporation. All rights reserved.

34 Scores and Reports

35 District/School Reports
Summary Report Show the number of students who have completed the assessment and the average scale score Gains Report Show the growth between assessment periods Gains Analysis Report Show growth, gain targets, and growth categories, based on National Norm data Percentile Report Reports the NPR in comparison to students of the national norm group Performance Bands Report Performance bands ratings for the most recent test administration Copyright © 2008 Scantron Corporation. All rights reserved.

36 Copyright © 2008 Scantron Corporation. All rights reserved.
Resources Global Scholar/ALSDE Dropbox Scott Mohon Questions related to test administration, reports, data, scheduling, etc. Randy Pugh Questions related to technology, hardware, network, etc. Copyright © 2008 Scantron Corporation. All rights reserved.

37 Copyright © 2010 Scantron Corporation. All rights reserved.
THANK YOU! Copyright © 2010 Scantron Corporation. All rights reserved.

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