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Mrs. Blythe Math, Science, & Social Studies Mrs. Rainge Language Arts.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Blythe Math, Science, & Social Studies Mrs. Rainge Language Arts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Blythe Math, Science, & Social Studies Mrs. Rainge Language Arts

2 WELCOME STUDENTS AND PARENTS! Don’t forget to get your family picture made before you leave today!

3 Contact Information Mrs. Blythe Mrs. Rainge 298-8370

4 The first day of school is Monday, August 10 th. This is a full day of school. Please let your homeroom teacher know how your child will be going home by completing the STUDENT TRANSPORTATION FORM located in your packet.

5 NEW CAR RIDER INFO. The car rider line will begin promptly at 2:30 CST. Please do not begin lining up until 2:15 CST. There will only be ONE entrance and ONE exit for car riders this year. There will be NO WALK UP pickups this year. If you prefer to walk up to pick up your child, you MUST go to the office, check out your child, and bring the slip to the teacher on duty. You will still be “stuck” in the car rider line anyway due to the one entrance/one exit. If you need to check out your child for a late doctor’s appointment, please park in the church parking lot and check them out prior to 2:00 CST.

6 Bus Rider Info. If your child has never ridden the bus before or has moved to a new home since last school year, he or she MUST ride the bus once in the a.m. before they are able to ride the bus home in the p.m. If your child is riding home with someone who rides the bus (or a bus other than the one they ride), you MUST provide written notification. Mrs. Thomas will sign all bus notes.

7 After School Program Fees: Mornings (5:30-7:05 CST) - $20.00/week Afternoons (2:50-5:00 CST) - $50.00/week Both a.m. & p.m. - $70.00/week If you are interested, please complete the form and return to school as soon as possible.

8 Lunch Please send money is a sealed envelope w/ child and teacher names. Please try to pay weekly or monthly as NO CREDIT WILL BE GIVEN. Lunch $1.50/day Breakfast $1.00/day Fast food should not be brought into the lunchroom in original wrappers.

9 MEDICIATION POLICY You MUST complete the medication form located in your packet for any over-the-counter and/or prescription medicine. The nurse cannot give medicine without a completed form. To administer prescription medication, the doctor must have signed the form. Parents MUST give the first dose at home in case of reactions. DO NOT SEND MEDICINE W/ CHILD. YOU MUST BRING IT, AND GIVE IT TO THE NURSE. Your child must be fever and diarrhea free for 24 hours prior to returning to school.

10 Class Schedule 7:30-7:45Homeroom/Morning Work 7:45-9:451 st Block Classes 9:45-10:25PE 10:25-11:001 st Block Classes 11:00-11:35Lunch 11:35-2:152 nd Block Classes 2:15 - 2:25Homeroom 2:25CAR RIDERS DISMISS 2:25-2:50Extra Help Time 2:50BUS RIDERS DISMISS

11 Weekly Information A newsletter is sent home every Monday (or the first day of the school week). –The newsletter contains information about homework, projects, items needed for the class, school and/or class events. –Depending on interruptions in the school day, timing of lessons, etc., some information may be moved to a later date.

12 How Will I Know How My Child Is Doing in Class? Graded papers are sent home every Tuesday. They will be in his/her RED folder. Please sign the slip attached to the papers and send back the following class day. You can check STI Home (I-Now). E-mail me ( Check web site and/or wiki for weekly newsletter, projects, etc.

13 “EVERY ASSIGNMENT EVERY TIME” We have a no zero tolerance policy. What does this mean? This means that we know your child can achieve and be successful in our classes. This means that there will be NO ZEROS accepted in our classes. Students MUST do all assignments.

14 How Is Discipline Handled? 1 st minor offenseWarning 2 nd minor offenseSilent Lunch 3 rd minor offenseLoss of Cosmic or Fun Friday PE 4 th minor offenseParent Contact 5 th minor offenseAfter-school detention Major offensesWrite-up & parent contact which would be the minimum (could receive detention/loss of Fun Friday/etc.)

15 Questions/Conferences If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us. Mrs. Blythe will respond quickest via e-mail, but you can contact me through notes or phone calls. If you would like a conference at any time, please contact Mrs. Ebrahim, Fifth Grade Counselor. She will schedule the conference for us. She can be reached at 298-8370.

16 GET FIRED UP FOR FIFTH GRADE! We are your child’s cheerleaders! We want him/her to succeed in all classes! LET’S WORK TOGETHER FOR A WINNING YEAR!

17 Thank you for coming! We’ll see you Monday. Don’t forget to sign up for PTO today. The cost is $3.00. All money is used to improve your child’s education. PTO members are located outside the lunchroom.

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