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Z z as in zoo (graph) zz as in sizzle (digraph) s as in prism (graph) si as in erosion (diagraph) ss as in scissors (diagraph) ge as in garage (diagraph)

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Presentation on theme: "Z z as in zoo (graph) zz as in sizzle (digraph) s as in prism (graph) si as in erosion (diagraph) ss as in scissors (diagraph) ge as in garage (diagraph)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Z z as in zoo (graph) zz as in sizzle (digraph) s as in prism (graph) si as in erosion (diagraph) ss as in scissors (diagraph) ge as in garage (diagraph)

2 Word Lists r123456 zoo zip jazz buzz fizz zipper zigzag zebra frizzy fizzle drizzle sizzle prison present realise zoological zucchini ziplock resident president prism journalism criticism hypnotism flimsy scissors garage division television confusion conclusion emission illusion expression revision decision detention collision erosion admission commission confession conversion transfusion explosion aggression circumfusion depression extraversion extroversion measure pleasure treasure leisure measuring antidepression bioconversion hypertension hypotension miscomprehension omission resubmission suspension leisurely treasured

3 1 zipper zigzag zebra frizzy fizzle drizzle sizzle prison present realise

4 2 zoological zucchini ziplock resident president prism journal criticism hypnotism flimsy

5 s z zz Handwriting 31/8/15 zebra prison present frizzy 1 We saw a ____ at the zoo. 2 I can open my birthday _____. 3 My hair is very ____.

6 s z zz Handwriting 1/9/15 zucchini ziplock prism flimsy 1 The ____ bag is very _____. 2 I love to eat _____ pie. 3 A ____ refracts light.

7 ZIPPER a zip fastener z-i-pp-er = 4 zipp/er = 2 say sounds syllables zipper spell

8 ZIGZAG a line or course having abrupt alternate right and left turns z-i-g-z-a-g = 6 zig/zag = 2 say sounds syllables zigzag spell

9 ZEBRA an African wild horse with black- and-white stripes and an erect mane z-e-b-r-a = 5 ze/bra = 2 say sounds syllables zebra spell

10 FRIZZY formed of a mass of small, tight curls f-r-i-zz-y = 5 friz/zy = 2 say sounds syllables frizzy spell

11 FIZZLE make a feeble hissing or spluttering sound f-i-zz-le = 4 fiz/zle = 2 say sounds syllables fizzle spell

12 DRIZZLE light rain falling in very fine drops d-r-i-zz-le = 5 driz/zle = 2 say sounds syllables drizzle spell

13 SIZZLE (of food) make a hissing sound when frying or cooking s-i-zz-le = 4 siz/zle = 2 say sounds syllables sizzle spell

14 PRISON a building to which people are legally committed as a punishment for a crime or while awaiting trial p-r-i-s-o-n = 6 pri-son = 2 say sounds syllables prison spell

15 PRESENT in a particular place, existing or occurring now p-r-e-s-e-n-t = 7 pre/sent = 2 say sounds syllables present spell

16 REALISE become fully aware of (something) as a fact; understand clearly r-e-a-l-i-s-e = 6 re/al/ise = 3 say sounds syllables realise spell

17 ZOOLOGICAL relating to zoology/animals z-oo-l-o-g-i-c-a-l = 9 zoo/log/i/cal = 4 say sounds syllables zoological spell

18 ZUCCHINI a type of vegetable z-u-cc-h-i-n-i = 7 zuc/chi/ni = 3 say sounds syllables zucchini spell

19 ZIPLOCK denoting a sealable plastic bag with a two-part strip along the opening that can be pressed together and readily reopened z-i-p-l-o-ck = 6 zip/lock = 2 say sounds syllables ziplock spell

20 RESIDENT a person who lives somewhere permanently or on a long-term basis r-e-s-i-d-e-n-t = 8 res/i/dent = 3 say sounds syllables resident spell

21 PRESIDENT the elected head of a republican state p-r-e-s-i-d-e-n-t = 9 pre/si/dent = 3 say sounds syllables president spell

22 PRISM a solid geometric figure whose two ends are similar, equal, and parallel rectilinear figures, and whose sides are parallelograms p-r-i-s-m = 5 pri/sm = 2 say sounds syllables prism spell

23 JOURNALISM the activity or profession of writing for newspapers or magazines or of broadcasting news on radio or television j-o-ur-n-a-l-i-s-m = 9 jour/na/lis/m = 4 say sounds syllables journalism spell

24 CRITICISM the expression of disapproval of someone or something on the basis of perceived faults or mistakes c-r-i-t-i-c-i-s-m = 9 cri/ti/ci/sm = 4 say sounds syllables criticism spell

25 HYPNOTISM the study or practice of hypnosis h-y-p-n-o-t-i-s-m = 9 hyp/no/tis/m = 4 say sounds syllables hypnotism spell

26 FLIMSY lacking strength and solidity and easily damaged f-l-i-m-s-y = 6 flim/sy = 2 say sounds syllables flimsy spell

27 1 make a feeble hissing or spluttering sound an African wild horse with black-and-white stripes and an erect mane (of food) make a hissing sound when frying or cooking a line having abrupt alternate right and left turns become fully aware of (something) as a fact; understand clearly in a particular place, existing or occurring now a building to which people are legally committed as a punishment for a crime or while awaiting trial formed of a mass of small, tight curls light rain falling in very fine drops a zip fastener

28 2 the elected head of a republican state the expression of disapproval of someone or something on the basis of perceived faults or mistakes denoting a sealable plastic bag with a two-part strip along the opening that can be pressed together and readily reopened lacking strength and solidity and easily damaged relating to animals the study or practice of hypnosis a person who lives somewhere permanently or on a long-term basis a solid geometric figure whose two ends are similar, equal, have parallel rectilinear figures and whose sides are parallelograms the activity or profession of writing for newspapers or magazines or of broadcasting news on radio or television a type of vegetable

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