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#HASummit14 Session #15: Children’s Hospitals: “Tike-mares” Are the Monsters Under the Bed Real? Charles Macias, MD Chief Clinical Systems Integration.

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Presentation on theme: "#HASummit14 Session #15: Children’s Hospitals: “Tike-mares” Are the Monsters Under the Bed Real? Charles Macias, MD Chief Clinical Systems Integration."— Presentation transcript:

1 #HASummit14 Session #15: Children’s Hospitals: “Tike-mares” Are the Monsters Under the Bed Real? Charles Macias, MD Chief Clinical Systems Integration Officer, Texas Children’s Hospital Christopher D Spahr, MD Chief Quality Officer, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin David Bertoch Vice President, Informatics, Children’s Hospital Association Eugene Kolker, PhD Chief Data Officer, Seattle Children's Hospital Facilitator: Anne-Marie Bickmore Vice President, Health Catalyst

2 #HASummit14 Poll Question #1 2 On a scale of 1-5, how often would you say that the analytic data you receive is informative and actionable? 1)Never 2)Not often 3)Sometimes 4)Frequently 5)Always 6)Unsure or not applicable

3 #HASummit14 Poll Question #2 3 Is the shift in accountability due to: a)Affordable Care Act b)More informed consumers c)Greater competition between providers d)Unsure or not applicable

4 #HASummit14 Poll Question #3 4 Will more networks and collaboratives support or hinder pediatric innovation? a)Support b)Hinder c)Neutral, will not affect it either way d)Unsure or not applicable

5 #HASummit14 Poll Question #4 5 The most important factor for the future of pediatric healthcare delivery is: a)More mobile health b)Greater accessibility to personal health data c)More effective use of technology by doctors d)Unsure or not applicable

6 #HASummit14 Lessons Learned 6 Please take a few minutes to write on your handout 3 to 5 lessons you have learned from this panel.

7 #HASummit14 Analytic Insights A Questions & Answers 7

8 #HASummit14 Choose one thing… 8 Write down one thing will you do differently after hearing this presentation

9 #HASummit14 Thank You 9

10 #HASummit14 10 Session Feedback Survey 1.On a scale of 1-5, how satisfied were you overall with this session? 1)Not at all satisfied 2)Somewhat satisfied 3)Moderately satisfied 4)Very satisfied 5)Extremely satisfied 2.What feedback or suggestions do you have?

11 #HASummit14 Upcoming Speakers 3:45 PM – 4:35 PM 16)Delivering Excellence at Stanford Health Care Amir Dan Rubin, President and CEO, Stanford Health Care 4:35 PM – 5:00 PM 17)The Future World of Value-Based Healthcare (Documentary featuring Michael Porter) Caleb Stowell, MD, Vice President, Research and Development, International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM, Senior Researcher, Harvard Business School) 11 Location Grand Ballroom

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