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EuroVO-DCA WP6: Support to data centres from other European Countries Enrique Solano LAEFF-SVO Board-PCT Meeting, Trieste, Sep 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "EuroVO-DCA WP6: Support to data centres from other European Countries Enrique Solano LAEFF-SVO Board-PCT Meeting, Trieste, Sep 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 EuroVO-DCA WP6: Support to data centres from other European Countries Enrique Solano LAEFF-SVO Board-PCT Meeting, Trieste, Sep 2007

2 WP6: overall aims  Increased awareness about the VOs in the whole European Data Centre community. Board-PCT Meeting, Trieste, Sep 2007  Inclusion of European data centres from other countries in the VO framework. And as a result…

3 Identification Identification of data centres interested in publishing their data in the VObs in European countries beyond the partners’ countries  Census of European Data Centres outside the project. From centres: Contact point. Letter of interest to the WP6 leader indicating their objectives, specific needs and added value to the DCA projects and the VObs in general. Board-PCT Meeting, Trieste, Sep 2007 WP6: first step

4 Support Support to the take-up and implementation. Visits: To/from data centres Technical, info-days,… After the visit: Follow-up plans Feedback Participation in workshops (DCA & IVOA). Board-PCT Meeting, Trieste, Sep 2007 WP6: second step

5 University of Lisbon /SIM (Laboratory of Systems, Instrumentations and Modelling). André Moitinho Contact point André Moitinho The project: “Development of a VO service to provide access to a catalog containing UBVRI photometric information of open star clusters”. The goal: Multiwavelength analysis of these sources. Technical Visits: - Lígia Amorin visited LAEFF on March 2007. - Participation in the EuroVO-DCA workshop (June07): André Moitinho, Lígia Amorin, Sonia Anton Portugal Board-PCT Meeting, Trieste, Sep 2007

6 Roadmap: - Database ready - Web interface (almost) ready: lack of contents, documentation. - VO service with a public dataset available beginning 2008. Portugal (II) Board-PCT Meeting, Trieste, Sep 2007

7 Portugal (III) Board-PCT Meeting, Trieste, Sep 2007 Also interest in participating in WP5. VO dissemination André Moitinho is acting as a VO-coordinator in Portugal: - Collaboration with Coimbra University  Solar data with a time line of 100 years.  Stellar evolution models  Libraries of stellar spectra. - Presentation of the VO service to the stellar community (foreseen beginning 2008). - DCA Info-day in Lisbon for the Portuguese astronomical community (possibly).

8 Data - Catalogues: (stellar variability, sunspots) - Images (plate collections, CCDs, robotic telescopes) - Theory: stellar pulsation models Services - Time series analysis Publications: VO compliance of IBVS Board-PCT Meeting, Trieste, Sep 2007 Konkoly Observatory. Hungarian Academy of Sciences András Holl Contact point András Holl Hungary

9 Board-PCT Meeting, Trieste, Sep 2007 Conversion of ASCII tabular data from IBVS papers to VOTable. UCDs provided by IBVS staff Data will appear in the HTML paper as a link. Hungary (II)

10 Board-PCT Meeting, Trieste, Sep 2007 By clicking on it, Aladin is launched and the data displayed. Hungary (III)

11 Participation in the EuroVO-DCA workshop (June 2007) IBVS VO compliance: preliminary roadmap agreed. Foreseen First half of 2008: Technical visit to CDS. VO dissemination in Hungary is poor so far.  DCA info-day in Budapest for the Hungarian community in the first half of 2008. Major drawback Critical situation of the Academy of Sciences: On-going projects suspended, planned projects postponed. Board-PCT Meeting, Trieste, Sep 2007 Hungary (IV)

12 WFPDB contains descriptive information for 524169 wide-field photographic plates (23% of the existing ones all over the world). On-line previews as well as row data of scanned plates (FITS,TIFF) for a much smaller subset are also available. The Rozhen Observatory: spectra, photometry and imaging.  At present, the archive is only a wish… Board-PCT Meeting, Trieste, Sep 2007 Bulgaria Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Contact point: Milcho Tsvetkov

13 Board-PCT Meeting, Trieste, Sep 2007 Bulgaria (II)

14 Participation in the EuroVO-DCA workshop (June 2007) Participation in JENAM (1 invited talk+ 1 oral + 5 posters). Foreseen Before Spring 2008: Info-day in Sofia for the Bulgarian community. Board-PCT Meeting, Trieste, Sep 2007 Bulgaria (III)

15 Czech Republic Ondrejov Observatory. Astronomical Institute Contact point: Petr Skoda Board-PCT Meeting, Trieste, Sep 2007

16 Czech Republic (II)

17 Very active participation in the definition of requirements for a proper handling of optical spectra from ground-based observatories.  impact on SSAP and Spectrum DM. Technical visit: Lyon (P. Prugniel). July07 Use of Pleinpot for the Ondrejov archive. Participation: EURO-VO DCA Workshop “Spectroscopy and VO”. March07 Póster+ invited talk+roundtable co-chair EURO-VO DCA Workshop “Spectroscopy and VO”. June07 Poster ADASS. September07 Poster “the VO-compatible spectra archives for small observatories” IVOA Interop. September07 “VO for ground-based optical spectroscopy” (DAL session) Czech Republic (III)

18 Peter Skoda acts as (non-official) VO-contact point in the Czech Republic. Contacts with the solar community. University lectures in Prague and Brno. Conferences for amateur astronomers. Specific materials for teachers and students of secondary school. Czech Republic (IV) Board-PCT Meeting, Trieste, Sep 2007

19 Other centres: the Vatican Observatory Contact point: Alessandro Omizzolo The project: “VO-compliance of the Vatican Plate Archive”. Well preserved and ordered archive. 9815 plates For every plate there is a detailed description of the characteristics, the plate constants to do astrometry, and information concerning exposure time and weather conditions. Board-PCT Meeting, Trieste, Sep 2007

20 Other centres: the Vatican Observatory (II) Problems: Interest but the Vatican is not considered by Brussels an EU (or associated) country  only marginal support can be provided. VO-Italy will be asked for advice / support. Board-PCT Meeting, Trieste, Sep 2007 Status: 2/3 of the Schmitz plates (~ 1600) already scanned. Storage: 330 GB on DVDs.

21 Ernst Paunzen Contact point Ernst Paunzen Data● Theory Services - WEBDA: stellar clusters- VALD: atomic parameters Board-PCT Meeting, Trieste, Sep 2007 Other centres: Institut für Astronomie. Wien (Austria)

22 Board-PCT Meeting, Trieste, Sep 2007 Other centres: Institut für Astronomie. Wien (Austria) Problems: Participation in the VALD Workshop (Feb 2007)  VALD’s responsibles not very enthusiastic… - “If EuroVO-DCA cannot provide resources, who will pay the cost (computational resources & manpower) associated to the hypothetical increment of users when VALD becomes a VO-compliant service?”

23 Board-PCT Meeting, Trieste, Sep 2007 Other centres: Institut für Astronomie. Wien (Austria) Problems:  … and regarding WEBDA… - “If Austria is one of these countries which is not participating, why even care about WEBDA?” - “WEBDA will survive without Euro-VO, for sure, more than 70 refereed publications each year acknowledge its use.” - “WEBDA is _the_ data base about open clusters of the Milky Way and the SMC. Not more or less.”

24 Mary Kontizas Contact point: Mary Kontizas The project: “VO-compliance of a library of synthetic spectra (7149) of galaxies for the GAIA project”. Problem: Problem: No interest/manpower to become a Data Centre. They will published the library in the VO via Vizier/CDS. Other centres: University of Athens Board-PCT Meeting, Trieste, Sep 2007

25 Other activities Other EU calls Computational resources / manpower is a major concern / limitation for most of the projects.  “I have the plates but I cannot scan them.” In the WP6 framework we have provided information about other initiatives /calls of the e- Infrastructures Programme.  e-Contentplus: some movements in Hungary and Bulgaria. Board-PCT Meeting, Trieste, Sep 2007

26 The budget WP3 Workshops: 10912 / 19200 euros (57%) WP4/WP5 Workshops: 0 /2880 euros Technical visits: 2550 / 7680 euros (33 %) Board-PCT Meeting, Trieste, Sep 2007

27 What’s next?  On-going projects Clear definition of the objectives to be achieved at the end of the project.  Project not yet started (University of Helsinki, Finland). Roadmap definition. Extension of support to AIDA?  Start process for new participants (Lithuania?)  Advertisement  Presence in meetings with a high participation of potential newcomers (IAU GA, JENAM, National Astronomical Societies, ADASS,…). Board-PCT Meeting, Trieste, Sep 2007

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