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 Introducing Myself  What is communication  My teaching experience in creating communication tasks  Conclusion.

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2  Introducing Myself  What is communication  My teaching experience in creating communication tasks  Conclusion

3  Communication (from Latin " communis ", meaning to share ) is the activity of conveying informationthrough the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, visuals, signals, writing, or behavior. It is the meaningful exchange of information between two or a group of person.information  One definition of communication is “any act by which one person gives to or receives from another person information about that person's needs, desires, perceptions, knowledge, or affective states.

4  Communication may be intentional or unintentional, may involve conventional or unconventional signals, may take linguistic or nonlinguistic forms, and may occur through spoken or other modes.” [1] [1]

5 Intentional or Unintentional Conventional or Unconventional signals Linguistic or Nonlinguistic forms,


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19  Topic  Fast /Slow Happy/Sad  Skills:  Listening, Reading, Speaking

20  Boys  2-I ma sad  4- I am sad  5 –I am fast  7-I am fast  Girls  1-I am happy  3- I am happy  6 –I am slow  8- I am slow

21  C o m e o n e v e r y b o d y  L e t ‘ s g o.

22  Topic-- Present simple passive/Past simple passive  Skills— Communication in writing, Rising estimaion  Activities– St’s sit I pears.First they work on the exercise in the book individually then they exchange the books and check their desk neighbors’ works and discuss the mistakes and then the exercise is shared to the whole class by different st’s. 

23  Pr. Simple Pas.  We use lighthouse to help ships.  Many visitors enjoy the castle gardens.  Past Simp. Pas.  A famous actor opened the bridge.  My sister invited Maria to the party.  Pr. Simple Pas.  Lighthouse is used to help ships.  The castle (garden)is enjoyed by many visitors.  Past Simp. Pas.  The bridge was opened.  Maria was invite(d) to the party by my sister.

24  So classroom may not have a computer or some other teaching aids but every classroom has students. They need to communicate and use what they have studied. And each task should be students centered.For this we need to be creative and effective and ELCE was the great opportunity to awake creativity in me.

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