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2/5/20161 The Role Delineation Study & Credentialing of Athletic Trainers.

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Presentation on theme: "2/5/20161 The Role Delineation Study & Credentialing of Athletic Trainers."— Presentation transcript:

1 2/5/20161 The Role Delineation Study & Credentialing of Athletic Trainers

2 2/5/20162 Today  Review professional organizations that play a role in the profession of athletic training  What is the role delineation study?  What is the relationship between the RDS, the domains of responsibility (BOC & EC), and the CAATE subject matter areas?  National certification vs state regulation

3 2/5/20163 Organizations/Agencies  What organizations and/or agencies play a role in the profession of athletic training?

4 2/5/20164

5 5 Introduction to the RDS  Delineation study: - To describe or define the roles of the athletic trainer.  Survey of ATC’s to identify duties that an entry-level ATC would expect to encounter

6 2/5/20166 Comparison  BOC domains 1. Prevention 2. Clinical evaluation & diagnosis 3. Immediate care 4. Treatment, rehabilitation and reconditioning 5. Organization & administration 6. Professional responsibility

7 2/5/20167 Comparison EC Domains 1. Risk management 2. Assessment & Evaluation 3. Acute Care 4. Gen. Medical Conditions & Disabilities 5. Pathology of Injury/Illness 6. Pharmacological Aspects 7. Nutritional Aspects 8. Therapeutic Exercise 9. Therapeutic Modalities 10. Health Care Admin 11. Prof. Development & Responsibilities 12. Psychosocial Intervention & Referral

8 2/5/20168 CAATE Required Subject Matter Areas

9 2/5/20169 Role Delineation Study  Further breakdown of each domain 1. Tasks 2. Knowledges 3. Skills  Importance, criticality & frequency

10 State regulation of ATs  State licensure & regulation 1. 47 states with governance 2. Four categories a. licensure b. certification c. registration d. exemption 2/5/201610 Practice regulation

11 2/5/201611 =ESauS61OHFg

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