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Working Together to Deliver World Class Commissioning In The North East Or…How might NEPHO contribute to WCC locally….or Whither NEPHO? Nonnie Crawford.

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Presentation on theme: "Working Together to Deliver World Class Commissioning In The North East Or…How might NEPHO contribute to WCC locally….or Whither NEPHO? Nonnie Crawford."— Presentation transcript:

1 Working Together to Deliver World Class Commissioning In The North East Or…How might NEPHO contribute to WCC locally….or Whither NEPHO? Nonnie Crawford Sunderland Teaching Primary Care Trust and City Council

2 What I quickly reviewed Vision for World Class Commissioning Commissioning Assurance Framework Health Needs and Local Area Maps (WCC) Our Vision, Our Future, Our North East NHS Better Health, Fairer Health Health Inequalities: Progress and Next Steps Sunderland Joint Strategic Needs Assessment 500 of the Most influential People In The North East (newsletter of the Faculty of Public Health)

3 What will be covered The vision for world class commissioning Outcomes, competencies, governance Questions and random thoughts

4 Vision Better health and wellbeing for all Healthier longer lives, dramatically reduce health inequalities Better care for all Evidence based services, best quality, personalised Better value for all Informed considered investment decisions, optimised integrated care

5 Adding life to years and years to life

6 “ The aim of world class commissioning, and therefore the ultimate test of its success, will be an improvement in health outcomes and a reduction in health inequalities ”

7 3 Key elements: outcomes, competencies and governance

8 Improvement based on ‘relative’ outcomes

9 11 Competencies 1. Locally lead the NHS 2. Work with community partners 3. Engage with public and patients 4. Collaborate with clinicians 5. Manage knowledge and assess needs 6. Prioritise investment 7. Stimulate the market 8. Promote improvement and innovation 9. Secure procurement skills 10. Manage the local health system 11. Make sound financial investments

10 Each competency has 3 key indicators e.g Competency 5 Knowledge Management 1 2 3 Analytical Skills and insights Understanding of health need trends Use of health needs benchmarks

11 And each indicator has 4 levels of rating 1 2 3 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

12 Competency 5 – Manage knowledge and undertake robust and regular needs assessment that establish a full understanding of current and future local health needs and requirements Level 2Regular needs assessments, consistent methodology, prioritises current and future major health needs Level 3View of unmet needs and an disaggregate to locality/ward level Level 4Predictive modelling and analytical tools to discuss and describe trends in needs, create future projects and identify variants from expectations

13 Governance Reflects the ‘grip’ a Board and organisation has on its core business Good governance is at the core of a robust organisation

14 Random thoughts Will NEPHO be part of commissioning or providing? How does NEPHO match against the competencies itself? Has NEPHO taken ownership of and developed a meaningful strategy….how does this align with WCC? Does NEPHO have grip? Is it reactive or proactive?

15 How might NEPHO contribute locally Team North East Third sector organisations-engagement and capacity/capability building in specific areas How engagement might work with local authorities Equality/inequality work- Predictive modelling/prevalence modelling cf Bridging the Gap Comprehensive targeting models (neighbourhoods/streets/conditions) Systematic application of Health Impact Assessment Work with Regional Improvement and Efficiency Partnerships ….explain how Health England fits in


17 PCT preparation

18 Panel preparation

19 Panel day

20 Calibration

21 Follow-up

22 AprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarch Calibration PCT PLANS COMMISSIONING ASSURANCE* Publication of Next Stages Review (2008) PCT preparation Ongoing follow-up Ratings published (2010 onwards) Annual operating plan Five-year financial plan Strategic plan Revised strategic plan Organisation development plan Panel day Panel preparation Strategic plans complete

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