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The CSE Team Chace Stella Tyler Aiden Casey Nick Meller All you need to know about CSE.

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Presentation on theme: "The CSE Team Chace Stella Tyler Aiden Casey Nick Meller All you need to know about CSE."— Presentation transcript:

1 The CSE Team Chace Stella Tyler Aiden Casey Nick Meller All you need to know about CSE

2 Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) is when a young person is used by being made or tricked into doing something sexual sometimes receiving something in return like love, affection, money, drugs or alcohol. Definition of Child Sexual Exploitation

3 Jay’s Story

4 On average there are 95 Young People reported missing each month in Devon The REACH Team are presently working with 50 CSE cases Young people who go missing are at risk of Child Sexual Exploitation Why do I need to know about it?

5 Can you spot the signs of CSE?

6 It is not OK for someone to expect you or your friends to do things you don’t want to. Listen to your instinct; if it doesn’t feel right – tell someone. 24/7, FREE, ANONYMOUS, CALL OR TXT 116000 SAY SOMETHING Who can I tell?

7 Police: If you, or someone else, is in immediate danger then dial 999 and ask for help from the police. Remember you don’t need credit to ring 999. If you’re not in immediate danger you can tell the police about CSE by dialing 101. Childline: If you want someone to talk to you can ring Childline at any time of the day on 08001111 or chat to them at CEOP: CEOP gives information about staying safe on the internet and how to report someone who has made you feel uncomfortable on line. You can also tell

8 ClassroomICT Tutor time Take the relationships quiz in ICT tutor time me-loves-me-not/ Presentation in 4 parts with questions. Tutor time activities

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