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Superintendents’ Statewide Mentoring Meeting Thursday, September 24, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Superintendents’ Statewide Mentoring Meeting Thursday, September 24, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Superintendents’ Statewide Mentoring Meeting Thursday, September 24, 2015

2  Grow your professional network;  Ensure familiarity with SAI’s Mentoring and Induction program resources and expectations;  Revisit entry plans to process successes and challenges to date;  Consult with colleagues regarding a leadership challenge;  Discuss pertinent legal issues;  Gain insight to effective strategies for working effectively with the board;  Engage with advocacy experts to grow knowledge and skill in advocating; and  Adopt a strategy/ies to improve leadership-life fit. Outcomes:

3 Links  Resources : mentoring.cfm  Questions for panelists: Evaluation :  Mentoring Matters: induction.cfm

4  Name  District  In what learning are you and your administrative team engaging together? Welcome!!

5 SAI Mentoring and Induction

6 What has been most rewarding (and challenging) in your first days in session? Discuss your progress in implementing your entry plan. Mentors share the celebrations and frustrations from your first month of school. Grounding Activity

7 Break ! Grow your professional network— choose a new table!

8 Learning Community: Leadership Consultancy

9 Protocol  Leader who has traveled the farthest will be the first presenter  Timekeeper/facilitator will be the person to the left of the presenter  Presenter shares an overview of the dilemma and poses his/her focus question. 2 MINUTES

10 Protocol  Consultancy Group asks clarifying questions – those with brief, factual answers.  Consultancy Group asks probing questions:  Worded to help presenter clarify and expand his/her thinking about the dilemma presented to the group.  Help presenter analyze the dilemma. 2 MINUTES

11 Protocol  Consultancy Group talks with each other about the dilemma presented while the presenter listens and takes notes:  What did we hear?  What didn’t we hear that might be relevant?  What assumptions seem to be operating?  What questions does the dilemma raise for us?  What do we think about the dilemma?  What might we do or try if faced with a similar dilemma? What have we done in similar situations? 5 MINUTES

12 Protocol  Presenter reflects on what he/she heard and on what he/she is now thinking, sharing with the group anything that particularly resonated during the consultancy. 5 MINUTES  Rotate to second presenter. Rotate

13 Legal Update and Scenario Matt Carver, SAI

14 Lunch ! Grow your professional network— choose a new table!

15 Working Effectively with Your Board Jay Jurrens, New Hampton CSD

16 Discussion Panel: Legislative Advocacy

17 Take 3

18 Mr. Frank Wood, Former Senator and Representative Dr. Tom Narak, SAI Ms. Margaret Buckton, Iowa School Finance Information Services Dr. Dave Wilkerson, Waukee Schools Welcome, Panelists!!

19 Leadership-life Fit Dana Schon, SAI

20 Keeping our Jobs, but Finding a Better Fit…

21 Why not balance?  Balance…  Is discussed most frequently discussed in the negative  Keeps us focused on the problem rather than the solution  Assumes we are all the same  Infers there is a “right” answer  Leads us to judge  Results in unproductive guilt  Suggests the goal is a 50-50 split between work and life  Leaves no room for periods where there is more work and less life and vice versa; and  Ignores the constantly changing reality of work and life

22 A leadership-life fit…  Honors our unique situations throughout various points in our lives  Leads us to inspire  Recognizes multiple options based upon each person’s current circumstance  Acknowledges the ebb and flow of life’s events  Values flexibility

23 ★ Resonates with me ▷ Need to revisit this ? Makes me wonder… 1Needs to be a priority for me The Care and Feeding of the Superintendent

24 Upcoming learning opportunities: Evaluation: Next Meeting: January 21, 2016 Final Thoughts & Evaluation

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