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Binary Code Does it mean anything? 0100100100100000011011000110111101110110011001 1001000000110001001101001011011110110110001101 11011001110111100100101110001000000010000001001.

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Presentation on theme: "Binary Code Does it mean anything? 0100100100100000011011000110111101110110011001 1001000000110001001101001011011110110110001101 11011001110111100100101110001000000010000001001."— Presentation transcript:

1 Binary Code Does it mean anything? 0100100100100000011011000110111101110110011001 1001000000110001001101001011011110110110001101 11011001110111100100101110001000000010000001001 01011100100010111000100000010010000110000101101 00011011000110100101101000011000010110111000100 00011010010111001100100000011011010111100100100 00011001100110000101110110011011110111001001101 01011101000110010100100000011101000110010101100 010110001101101000011001010111001000101110

2 Morse Code Does it mean anything?.. /.-.. ---...-. / -..... ---.-.. --- --. -.-- / -.-..-...-......-.-.- / --.-..-.-.- /.....-.-...-.........- -. /..... / --.-- /..-..-...- ---.-... -. / -..- -.-.......-..-.-.-



5 Genes contain the directions for making __________.

6 Everyone’s codes are slightly different. This means that different people make ____________ proteins. Person 1 AAGTTCGCC Person 3 AAGGGCGCC Person 5 AAGTTTACC Person 4 AAGTTCGAA Person 2 AAGTTCCCA

7  Proteins determine our looks, functions and behavior and even how we are put together while still inside our mothers! Look at your protein research and classify your protein into one of the categories on the board. Write the name of the protein and a brief function.

8 If proteins make up our body, and DNA contains the code for proteins.. Person 1 AAGTTCGCC Person 3 AAGGGCGCC Person 5 AAGTTTACC Person 4 AAGTTCGAA Person 2 AAGTTCCCA then differences in the bases would cause differences in our bodies!

9 Example Person 1 Person 2 CGGAAGTTAGCCTACATGC CGGAAGTTCCCATACATGC Gene Different codes, different proteins, different eye colors

10 What is Gene Expression?  All cells within an organism have the same DNA, but not all genes are expressed. Ex. An epithelial cell will express only genes specific to skin, whereas a neuron cell will express genes necessary for nerve function.  Therefore, some genes are active and making proteins (or expressed in some cells) and some genes are inactive and not making proteins

11 What is Gene Expression?  Genes can be “turned on” or “turned off” by chemical signals in the cell or chemical signals from other cells, this is known as: cell to cell interaction.

12 PROTEIN SYNTHESIS -the process cells use to make protein from genes found within the DNA How are proteins made?

13   Proteins are made in a part of the cell known as the _________________________.   The _____________________ are found outside of the nucleus in the _______________________.

14 Proteins are made of amino acids found in the cytoplasm. (strung together like beads on a necklace)

15 DNA’s Helpers  DNA never leaves the nucleus of the cell. It is protected there.  So how does the code get to the ribosome??

16 DNA’s Helpers  The DNA code can be copied to another chemical known as RNA.

17 Types of RNA  Messenger RNA (mRNA) –Copy of one gene from DNA –Carries the message from the DNA to the ribosome

18 Transfer RNA (tRNA) Transports the amino acid to the ribosome Types of RNA

19 Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) Makes up the ribosome This is where the mRNA will meet the tRNA to put together the amino acids Types of RNA

20 Making Proteins Step One = Transcription Step Two = Translation Copy the picture above

21 Transcription 1. DNA section with desired gene is unzipped by an enzyme (the blue strands) 2. A complementary mRNA strand is made (red strand) 3. DNA is rezipped by an enzyme and mRNA moves into the cytoplasm

22 Vocabulary CODON – 3 letter sequence/”word” on mRNA ANTI-CODON – 3 letter sequence on tRNA,

23 1.Ribosome finds the first CODON of the gene on mRNA Translation Blue thing = ribosome Purple strand = mRNA Yellow circles = tRNA

24 Translation 2. tRNA’s anti-codon is matched up to mRNA codon bringing the correlating amino acid

25 Translation 4. Amino acids are bonded together to create a chain of amino acids (a protein) 3. Ribosome moves along mRNA and continues to match up tRNAs

26 Scientists have learned which amino acid tRNA will bring based on the mRNA codons.

27 By using the mRNA codons, you can determine the amino acid order of the protein using this chart.

28 Decoder Chart #1 – How do determine what amino acid goes with the mRNA’s codon CODON = AUG Start in the center and work your way out A U G Amino acid is methionine Try finding the amino acid for the codon ‘CUA’LEUCINE

29 Explain the photo

30 Here’s another look at the overall process of PROTEIN SYNTHESIS

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