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WORLD ViEW IN ACTION a biblical perspective on current events and issues Current Event: Election 2016 The Christian and Modern Politics.

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Presentation on theme: "WORLD ViEW IN ACTION a biblical perspective on current events and issues Current Event: Election 2016 The Christian and Modern Politics."— Presentation transcript:

1 WORLD ViEW IN ACTION a biblical perspective on current events and issues Current Event: Election 2016 The Christian and Modern Politics

2 The Christian and Politics

3 Application: Laws and policies should not be based on the belief that men are by nature good. No human individual or institution can overcome human depravity.

4 The Christian and Politics Application: The Christian must always understand that it is God’s prerogative to raise up or bring down a leader, never man’s. That leader is accountable to God and God WILL bring his justice upon that leader in his time.

5 The Christian and Politics Application: The Christian may speak against wickedness in the government, and might refuse to obey wicked laws and commands, but they should not disobey needlessly, nor seek to unseat that authority by their own means.

6 The Christian and Politics Application: In modern democracies, the individual citizen bears a responsibility for the decisions of their nation in ways that are not the case in other forms of government. As a result, the Christian in a democracy should take seriously their responsibility to voice their positions, influence decisions, and participate in the voting process. We will give an account before God for every vote or non-vote that we cast as a citizen of the United States.

7 The Christian and Politics Application: The Christian should not place their trust and security in a particular form of government. The Christian faith should be able to accommodate almost any form of government so long as that government honors the LORD.

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