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4.Objective 1 – Financial Stability Immediate fund-raising to cover basic costs. Planning for raising long term large sums. 8. Objective 5 – Business Partnerships.

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Presentation on theme: "4.Objective 1 – Financial Stability Immediate fund-raising to cover basic costs. Planning for raising long term large sums. 8. Objective 5 – Business Partnerships."— Presentation transcript:

1 4.Objective 1 – Financial Stability Immediate fund-raising to cover basic costs. Planning for raising long term large sums. 8. Objective 5 – Business Partnerships Develop partnerships that could provide cash or in-kind donations to be used to support major funding applications when required. OVCN Strategic Plan 2013 - 2014 Strategic Direction Implementation Plan 12. Critical Success Factors Maintaining dynamic group Landowner consent Securing funding Gaining planning, flood defence and SSSI permissions. Maintaining support for the project Enthusiastic press coverage 13. Barriers Landowners, EA, ESCC Highways restrictions, lack of match funding. 16. Strategies Logo on all publications and press releases Review membership purpose and process including subscription Have a clear policy on the purpose and process of open meetings. 17. Action Plans Complete land ownership survey - Jan Continue land owner engagement.-Neville Establish list of potential funders -Barry 10.Strengths Strong, committed committee with range of expertise and contacts able to move quickly. 11. Opportunities Build on success of Kingston link, respond to national & local initiatives /reports / research/ surveys on a local basis when they arise 14. Weaknesses Organisational development and capacity; not having landowners consent; high funding requirement 15. Threats Funding availability; volunteer capacity; Landowners refusing to give consent; bad publicity due to objectors; willingness of partners to engage 6a.Target Submit P4C application Complete landowner survey by March and habitat surveys for river route by August 2013 Get signed consent by all landowners by December 2013 7a.Target Identify 10 groups and articulate specific benefits tailored to their needs. 1.Vision A network of accessible routes from a central multi- purpose pathway alongside the Lower Ouse improving connectivity, economic and social wellbeing for all. 2. 2013/14 Mission: Make significant progress on two core ‘pieces of the jigsaw’ and especially planning permission Kingston cycle link and promote its use Rodmell-Southease section of river route 6.Objective 3 – Landowners Engage landowners and get signed consent from all landowners along river route from Lewes to Piddinghoe in place for planning permission 4a.Target Promote 4 fund-raising events a year each to make £250. Identify 10 likely sources of substantial donations. 5. Objective 2 – Publicity To make much of the Lewes/Kinston spur as a part of the overall Egrets Way partnership vision and actively promote its use and logo. 7.Objective 4 – Community Pay particular attention to community groups that could use the Kingston and Rodmell spurs 8a.Target Identify and recruit 10 businesses by December 2013 Date: FEBRUARY 2013 3.Guiding Principles Consult with all relevant stakeholders continuously and address any concerns quickly and professionally Promote and facilitate social inclusion and healthy sustainable exercise Maintain a Sympathetic approach to landscape and environment Professional management of the organisation to meet increasing demands 5a.Target Liaise closely with the Kingston group to produce 3 news reports and one TV news report in 2013. Gain 200 new members by September 2013.

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