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System Design Engineering of Technical Products KKS/ZKMA b_ZKMA/… Pilsen, Czech Republic, 2014 Department of Machine Design 1 © S. Hosnedl, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic 6.1.2009 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stanislav Hosnedl Sylabuses to Lectures – Essentials
EssentialsIntroduction A1 Transformation System (TrfS) and Transformation Process (TrfP) - TS object/topological aspects A2 Technical Systems (TS) - TS object/topological aspects A3 TS Life Cycle (LC) - TS object/topological aspects A4 TS Properties - TS object/topological aspects A5 Taxonomy of TS Properties - TS object/topological l aspects A6 Relationships among TS Properties - TS object/topological aspects A7 TS Quality and Competitiveness - TS object/topological aspects A8 TS Design Structures - TS object/topological aspects C1 Design System (DesS) - DesS object/topological aspects D1 Design Strategies and Tactics - DesS process/procedural aspects D2 Design for X (DfX) and Prediction of X (PoX) - TS Prescriptive/Procedural aspects E1 Eng. Design Theory and Methodology (DTM) based on the Theory of Technical Systems (TTS) - DTM/TTS - Structure and Applications - Structure and Applications F1 Integrated Product Development (IPD) - Principles G1 Conclusions References References SYSTEM DESIGN ENGINEERING OF TECHNICAL PRODUCTS CONTENTS - FILES NEEDED 3 © S. Hosnedl, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic 25.11.2015
Attempts at theoretical and methodological support of creative engineering design activities - DTM (if we leave out from assisting knowledge support provided by mathematics, physics, mechanics, the disciplines of materials science, engineering technology, etc.) from the point of view of the fundamental difficulty of knowledge support of creative activities in the world since the 1940s, and in the Czech Republic since the 1960s. In this relatively short time this area has undergone dynamic and historic progress [Banse 1996] and has evolved into an independent science - Design Science – DS [Hubka&Eder 1996], in recent years more precisely called Engineering Design Science - EDS [Eekels 2000 a 2001]. The current level of knowing in this field, which we call here generally Engineering Design Theory and Methodology (EDSM) based on the Theory of Technical Systems (TTS) - DTM/TTS, has been most influenced by and, in a most of examples is still influenced by, other than already cited authors from Switzerland (ETH Zürich) and Canada (RMC Kingston) [Hubka&Eder 1996], authors from Germany (TU Darmstadt, Berlin, Braunschweig, München) [Pahl&Beitz (1986) 1995], [Roth 1994], [Ehrlenspiel 1995], Holland (Uni. Delft) [Roozenburg&Eekels 1995], Denmark (DTH Lyngby) [Andreasen (1987) 2000], Great Britain (Uni. Lancaster, M. Keynes) [Cross 1994], [French 1998], USA (MIT Massachusetts) [Yoshikawa 1981], [Suh 1990], [Dieter 1991], and Japan (Univ. Tokyo, now Univ. Delft) [Tomiyama 2000]. 4 © S. Hosnedl, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic 6.1.2009 SYSTEM DESIGN ENGINEERING OF TECHNICAL PRODUCTS PREFACE INFORMATIVE
This work and work by a most of other authors has been also used in national standards, the most interesting of which are the German VDI Richtlinien (general methodology VDI 2221 (1981), VDI 2222 (1982) and VDI 2223 (1969), special ergonomic aspects VDI 2242 (1983) and economic design VDI 2235 (1987), engineering design of mechatronic products VDI 2206 (2004)) and the British BS 7000 (1989). Our research in the field of DTM/TTS has been orientated since the start of the 1990s, through complete openness to all available specialist sources of knowledge, above all on the concepts found in the research of the couple of authors Prof. Hubka and Prof. Eder [Hubka&Eder 1996, and many others]. Their original approach to DTM knowledge is rigorously based on integrated theoretical foundations of ‘object’ – ‘theory’ – ‘method’. Here is a completely open system of knowledge from other said and unsaid traditional markedly methodologically orientated ‘schools’, whose worldwide acknowledged representative is [Pahl&Beitz (1986) 1995] and for knowledge from a qualitatively different axiomatic school, whose representative is [Suh 1990]. 5 © S. Hosnedl, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic 6.1.2009 SYSTEM DESIGN ENGINEERING OF TECHNICAL PRODUCTS PREFACE INFORMATIVE
No less significant is the fact that this concept made possible [Hosnedl 2001a a 2005] the solution of research problems and engineering design projects and essential use of empirical, intuitive and indispensible ‘trial and error’ approaches according to particular situations which traditional approaches had almost dismissed, or are predominantly accompanied by working out rules without a complex theoretical foundation. An axiomatic approach has on the contrary a rigorously theoretical basis but the designed object is understood so abstractly that, according to widely held opinion the theory has, for the time being, no applicability for the engineering design of individual technical products. Our contribution to the State of the Art in DTM/TTS at a national and international level is corroborated by book publications, starting with translations into Czech [Hubka 1991 and 1995] and editing [Eder 1992], to which have been added our own theoretical work on general DTM knowledge in the field of machine parts [Hosnedl 1999 and 2000], which correspond to a significant declarations [Albers 1997] and publications [Eder 1996], and in two monographs [Eder 2008] and [Eder 2010]. 6 © S. Hosnedl, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic 6.1.2009 SYSTEM DESIGN ENGINEERING OF TECHNICAL PRODUCTS PREFACE INFORMATIVE
From the available information, it is apparent that research into the complex problems of DTM/TTS is not performed at other workplaces in the Czech Republic. From the methods and methodologies of design engineering have been published several texts, e.g. [Maruna 1992], [Skařupa 1993], [Beneš 1995] and a methodological manual [Devojno 1997]. In the area of general theory of properties of technical products/systems (TS), solid theoretical foundations have been formulated in [Hubka&Eder 1988] and in related fields aiming at respective (class) properties “Design for X” (DfX), selected methodological knowledge in [Pahl&Beitz (1986) 1995] and [Pighini 1991], and theoretical concepts in [Andreasen 1993]. Theoretical elaboration in this field has been published in several contributions from researching workplaces, most recently in [Hosnedl 2005] and [Eder&Hosnedl 2006]. A crucial majority of DfX work is aimed at individual, at the time of publication of new knowledge as in the case of [Andreasen 1988] and [Ehrlenspiel 1998] without mutual systemic ties. 7 © S. Hosnedl, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic 6.1.2009 SYSTEM DESIGN ENGINEERING OF TECHNICAL PRODUCTS PREFACE INFORMATIVE
Traditional engineering design methods are more or less presented and stated in all the given literature and many other methodologically focused work [Pahl&Beitz (1986) 1995] and [Roozenburg&Eekels 1995]. A common trait is their traditional methodical instruction based concept without integration of theoretical foundations, whose efficiency and interconnection it is possible to improve in a fundamental way [Hosnedl 1997 and 2001b]. Of the most recent methods for effective searching and other uses of existing solutions are shown as perspective methods on the principle of Case base reasoning [Dankwort 2002], [Hosnedl 2002], [Redenius 2005]. Most recently DTM/TTM research has been deepened mainly in special fields, e.g. [Breeing 1997], [Chakrabarti 2002], in interdisciplinary fields, e.g. [Hales 1993], [Hundal 1997] and in fields aimed at complex product service [Alonso 2004]. Apart from this, increasingly evident are new trends towards the human factor in the design process, aimed at cognitive, aesthetic and ergonomic aspects of designing. 8 © S. Hosnedl, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic 6.1.2009 SYSTEM DESIGN ENGINEERING OF TECHNICAL PRODUCTS PREFACE INFORMATIVE
The current level of knowledge and research activities in DTM in the world and in CZ can be summarized thus: there is continuing emphasis on the methodical-instruction based approach to designing (65% in the world, 80% in CZ), e.g. assistance of design creativity (15% worldwide, 20% in CZ). Only a minor part of the work is aimed at generalized object of the design engineering - technical products/systems (5% worldwide, 0% in CZ) and on complex system theory and methodology of design (15% worldwide, 0% in CZ, if the work of the project plan proposal research team is not included). The given percentages are our qualified estimates on the basis of analysing a survey of cca 500 representative publications in the field of DTM published since 1940 (1960 in CZ). 9 © S. Hosnedl, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic 6.1.2009 SYSTEM DESIGN ENGINEERING OF TECHNICAL PRODUCTS PREFACE INFORMATIVE
There is a very unsatisfactory situation in the field of DTM terminology [Blessing 2003]. This is, apart from the relatively short period of the DTM existence, a result of its still continuous maturation, of the strong influence of very diversified practices, and of the parallel existence of several significant ‘world schools’ of engineering design theory. From the past is only available [Hubka 1980] and known [Chakrabarti 1994]. Not even these two, nor other attempts at solving this problem have yet been generally accepted. Members of the research team for knowledge integrated design stem from [Hubka 1980] and following in the compatibility of used and new concepts with other leading world ‘design schools’, recently including the respected [ČSN EN ISO 9000]. Pilsen, December 2008, formally updated in November 2015 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stanislav Hosnedl University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 10 © S. Hosnedl, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic 6.1.2009 SYSTEM DESIGN ENGINEERING OF TECHNICAL PRODUCTS PREFACE INFORMATIVE
STANISLAV HOSNEDL, Professor, Dr.-Ing. Born in 1942 in Czechoslovakia, Stanislav Hosnedl graduated (Ing.) in Design Engineering at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen,Czech Republic, in 1964 in the field of Machine Tool Design. He was employed in the engineering design and research departments in SKODA Concern Enterprises in Pilsen until 1990. Hereceived his first doctorate degree (CSc.) at the University ofWest Bohemia in 1984 with the thesis “Complex FunctionAnalysis of Driving Mechanisms of MachineTools Using Computers.” Since 1990 he has been lecturer in the Department of Machina Design at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University ofWest Bohemia in Pilsen. From 1990 until 2000 he was the head of the Department of Machine Design with a staff of 30. He received his second doctorate (Doc.) here in 1992 with the thesis “Computer Integrated Design Using Feature Based Machine Elements and Parts.” From 2001 to fall 2006 he was appointed Vice Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. 11 ABOUT THE AUTHOR 11 © S. Hosnedl, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic 6.1.2009 SYSTEM DESIGN ENGINEERING OF TECHNICAL PRODUCTS INFORMATIVE
His teaching, research, and industrial activities concern design engineering of machine elements, theory of technical systems, methodics of knowledge-integrated design engineering, and implementation of knowledge of engineering design science into CAD systems, machine elements, and manufacturing and transporting machines.He teaches both undergraduate and postgraduate students including those from other Czech and foreign universities, and has organized several courses for practicing engineers in major industries. He has supervised several completed Ph.D. research projects, and is currently supervising students involved in the above topics. Prof. Hosnedl is the author or main coauthor of two books; has 2 patents on inventions, more than 110 papers including more than 40 in foreign publications, more than 100 research reports; and is the main author of a large software package used in industrial practice and education since 1980. He is also coauthor of more than 30 realized engineering design projects of heavy machine tools utilized in industrial companies all over the world. He has led or participated in leading more than 20 research- and more than 11 teaching-related projects. He was the author and manager of “Courses for practicing engineering designers” approved by the Czech Ministry of Education, and chief manager of the state research plan (1999–2004). ABOUT THE AUTHOR 12 © S. Hosnedl, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic 6.1.2009 SYSTEM DESIGN ENGINEERING OF TECHNICAL PRODUCTS INFORMATIVE
He has been chairman, cochairman, or member of more than 35 international and 10 national conferences and workshops on design engineering. He has been Scientific Committee member of numerous national and international conferences. Dr. Hosnedl was cochairman of the steering committee of the “National Office of the European Union programmeTEMPUS”(Prague, 1994–1996), member of the steering committee of the “National Society for Machine Tools” (Prague, 1994–2000), and Advisory Board member of the “International Society WDK” (Zurich secretariat, 1990–2000). He is a member of “UNESCO International Centre for Engineering Education — UICEE” (Melbourne secretariat, since 1999), a founding member of the successor to the WDK Society, “The Design Society,” a worldwide community (Glasgow secretariat, 2000) and a member of its Advisory Board (since 2000), an Editorial Board member of the “Journal of Engineering Design” (London, since 2000), an Advisory Board member of “Design Education Special Interest Group—DESIG” of the Design Society (Glasgow secretariat, since 2003), a chairman of the “Applied Engineering Design Science Special Interest Group—AEDS-SIG” of the Design Society (Pilsen secretariat, since 2003), and a member of the Czech Association of Mechanical Engineers (Prague secretariat, since 1992). ABOUT THE AUTHOR 13 © S. Hosnedl, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic 6.1.2009 SYSTEM DESIGN ENGINEERING OF TECHNICAL PRODUCTS INFORMATIVE
AREnv Active and Reactive Environment CCost DDesP Descriptive topics related to Engineering Design Process DTSDescriptive topics related to Technical Products/Systems DesPEngineering Design Process DesSEngineering Design System DfXDesign for X EEnergy EDSM Engineering Design Science and Methodology DTMTheory and Methodology for Designing Technical Products IInformation LCLife Cycle MMaterial PDesP Prescriptive topics related to Engineering Design Process PTSPrescriptive topics related to Technical Products/Systems LC(Product) Life Cycle PoXPrediction of X qquality - only for end user QQuality – generally TDesP Theoretical/Descriptive Knowledge related to Engineering Design Process, Theory of to Engineering Design Process) TTime – deadline TgTechnology – way(s) of operand transf.(s) by operator(s) effect TGTechnology –way(s) of transformation of an operand incl. Tg tools TPTechnical Process TQTotal Quality TrfPTransformation Process – artificial, external TrfSTransformation System – artificial, external TSTechnical System TTSTheory of Technical Systems ZKMAbbreviation of the subject “System Designing of Technical Products“ SELECTED ABBREVIATIONS 14 © S. Hosnedl, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic SYSTEM DESIGN ENGINEERING OF TECHNICAL PRODUCTS NEEDED 31.12.2014
- SUBJECT / OPERATOR, or OBJECT / OPERAND e.g.: TECHNICAL SYSTEM - EFFECT (Transformation M,E,I output of a subject/operator on object/operand expressed by –ing.) =active:rotating,cooling,lubricating =passive:enable rotating/lubricating - PROCESS (set of interrelated activities which transforms inputs into outputs owing to effects of subject(s)/operator(s)) - INPUT/OUTPUT (of the Process in State M, E, I) - FUNCTION (generally) (transformation ability of subject/operator or its element expressed using infinitive, e.g.: = activeí: rotate,cool,conect = passive: rotation/connection enable) - FUNCTION of Receptor/Effector (ability of subject/operator on its inputs and outputs, e.g.: Enable taking of drive energy from machine attendant) Note: -Usual using the same symbol for: =PROCESSES and SUBJETS/OPERATORS & OBJECT/OPERANDS and FUNCTION = INPUTS/OUTPUTS and EFFECT make the interpretation engineering design schemes/models and their expressing ability more difficult (and vice versa). IMPORTANT SYMBOLS 15 © S. Hosnedl, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic 6.1.2009 SYSTEM DESIGN ENGINEERING OF TECHNICAL PRODUCTS IMPORTANT
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