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Published byAgnes Fields Modified over 9 years ago
1# BaBar Overview & Plans Hassan Jawahery, spokesperson University of Maryland SLAC Program Review July 7, 2008
2# Outline Status of the Experiment Status & Evolution of Run 7 Physics Reach of the data on Upsilon Resonances Status of the collaboration BaBar Physics and goals Details & in-dept coverage of recent BaBar physcis in Soeren Prell’s talk Future plans
3# The setup of the experiment: Operating at the s) resonance Help from Quantum Mechanics: (4S) B 0 B 0 with C=-1; The system remains entangled as it evolves. Critical for determining flavor of B 0 when it decays in a CP eigenstate mode. B 0 -B 0 Oscillation & inteference of mixing and decay allows extraction of time-dependent CP asymmetry.
4# Run 6 concluded on September 3 rd, 2007: Integrated lumi= 86/fb Downtime: Sept. 3- December 3, 2007 Repairs and maintenance work on BaBar subsystems during the downtime, but no major upgrade this time. Significant work on PEPII to prepare for higher beam currents & the luminosity regime of 2x10 34 /cm2/s.(John Seeman’s talk) Expectation for run 7: 250/fb (50% increase in total data) - nearly a 3-fold increase in the data with fully upgraded muon ID. Start of Run 7: BaBar shifts started Dec. 3rd stored beams in PEPII Dec. 9th Accumulated ~0.6/fb on the 4S Budget news on Dec. 17 - Switched to (3S) running on Dec. 21. Received a 2-month extension of the run in response to the physics case for 3S & another month on 2S & scan above 4S. Run 7 concluded on April 7 th. Status & Evolution of Run 7
5# Conclusion of run 7 & the data taking phase of BaBar: On April 7, 2008 Status of the Experiment ~5/fb scan above 4S
6# The Run 7 on Upsilon physics ~30/fb Y(3S) run14.5/fb Y(2S) run Ground state of bottomonium b Invisible width of S) Search for light Higgs/exotica Measurement of R vs S above the (4S) and paramters of “5S”, “6S”, and other interesting structures …. Search for anomalies and Some of the key measurements aimed at from this data: ~5/fb scan above the 4S
7# More on Run 7 on Upsilon resonances The run began in the evening of Dec. 21- the 3S found within a day. The physics goals required significant changes to both L1 and L3 triggers: For 3S (1S); (1S) invisible efficiency : was 18% to final ~80% For (3S) (invisible) lowering the energy threshold as much as practically possible- within limits of L1 & L3 rates ( L1 <7 KHz) Run condition more difficult with higher trigger rate/deadtime - all worked fine at the end. 3S found by Dec. 22.
8# First Observation of b meson >10 significance (incl. systematics) s b Background subtracted b peak More details in S. Prell’s talk next & P. Grenier (tomorow) 3S bJ (2P) -> S ISR Energy spectrum of ’s from (3S)
9# Status of BaBar Detector Now in a transition phase- preparing for the Minimum Maintenance State (MMS): Flammable gas & cooling water to be removed from all sub- detector- mostly done. Nitrogen/Dry air flowing Special monitoring system being developed- expect completion by mid-august. Our 200-core online farm is in use for event simulation. Planning for the D&D and its timing underway Some dismantling will take place during the MMS The collaboration will have the ownership of the detector till end of MMS Discussions are underway with International Finance Committee for transfer of ownership to the lab at the end of MMS. The lab will assume the responsibility for D&D. More in break-out sessions on D&D.
10# Status of the Collaboration
11# Status of the Collaboration 74 Institutions in 10 countries Although fewer babarians than last year, with more than 200 students and postdocs the collaboration continues to be on a very strong foundation. FacultyPhD StaffPostdocGradNon-PhDTotals Canada102719 France14123 445 Germany7411527 Italy2728151484 Netherlands112 Norway213 Russia262 1 11 Spain3238 United Kingdom18112 144 United States7247406419242 Totals1531017513125485
Russia[1/11] Budker Institute, Novosibirsk Spain[2/7] IFAE-Barcelona IFIC-Valencia United Kingdom [10/43] U of Birmingham Brunel U U of Edinburgh U of Liverpool Imperial College Queen Mary, U of London U of London, Royal Holloway U of Manchester Rutherford Appleton Laboratory U of Warwick USA[32/223] California Institute of Technology UC, Irvine UC, Los Angeles UC, Riverside UC, Santa Barbara UC, Santa Cruz U of Cincinnati U of Colorado Colorado State Harvard U U of Iowa Iowa State U Johns Hopkins U LBNL LLNL U of Louisville U of Maryland U of Massachusetts, Amherst MIT U of Mississippi SUNY, Albany U of Notre Dame Ohio State U U of Oregon Princeton U SLAC U of South Carolina Stanford U Canada[4/19] University of British Columbia McGill University University de Montréal University of Victoria France[5/41] LAPP, Annecy LAL Orsay LPNHE des Universités Paris VI et VII Ecole Polytechnique, Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet CEA, DAPNIA, CE-Saclay Germany[6/28] Ruhr Universitaet Bochum Universitaet Dortmund Technische Univeritaet Dresden Universitaet Heidelberg Universitaet Rostock Universitaet Karlsruhe The BABAR Collaboration 10 Countries 74 Institutions 459 Physicists Italy[12/83] INFN, Bari INFN, Ferrara Lab. Nazionali di Frascati dell' INFN INFN, Genova & Univ INFN, Milano & Univ INFN, Napoli & Univ INFN, Padova & Univ INFN, Pisa & Univ & Scuola Normale Superiore INFN, Perugia & Univ INFN, Roma & Univ "La Sapienza" INFN, Torino & Univ INFN, Trieste & Univ The Netherlands [1/2] NIKHEF, Amsterdam Norway[1/3] U of Bergen U of Tennessee U of Texas at Austin U of Texas at Dallas U of Wisconsin November 10, 2007
13# BaBar Physics
14# A look at the timeline of BaBar’s physics publications 351 papers published/submitted 70 papers in 2007 & 24 in 2008 130 abstract at ICHEP2008 >200 Ph.D. Thesis >300 Postdocs so far
15# The whole of BaBar Data Partial composition of the data BaBar collects ~97% of PEP II delivery Run 7:The Run
16# The physics reach of the BaBar Data Just about any physics that is accessible at Charm Physics Tau physics Continuum e + e - hadrons ISR: e + e - hadrons from threshold to ~5 GeV CP Studies with B’s & B Physics The Principal Mission CP breaking in B decays Test the CKM paradigm Search for New Physics in SM suppressed decays D 0 Mixing, New States, F Ds New unexplained States: X,Y,Z’s Lepton Flavor Violation Measuring the hadronic part of photon vacuum polarization
17# sin2 fromcos2 from from InclusiveExclusive [,Radiative B decays: Inclusive and exclusive [ Rate, A ch,..] TDCP in [Probe of helicity of Inclusive and exclusive [ Rate, A ch,..] Inclusive and exclusive [ Rate, A ch,A FB,..] Search for TDCP in Gluonic Penguin Dominated Channels:Charmless Decay Properties: Decay Rate, Direct CP, Polarization,,,D 0 mixing and CPV Rare Charm Decays ( Lepton Flavor Violation:, A list of topics on BaBar’s “core” physics program The ultimate job on CKM – until the SuperB era The no-stone- unturned search for New Physics A major effort underway to perform these measurements ~ 2/3 of the core measurements performed with <1/2 of the full dataset
18# Expansion of the “Core” physics: The Physics Reach of the data at Upsilon Resonances Sensitivity to New Physics effects: Invisible width of (1S): Significant enhancement possible due coupling to: light dark matter (such as motivated by the INTEGRAL anomaly) exotic light higgs(e.g. CP-odd higgs in NMSSM) Lepton Universality: Related channels
19# Conservative estimates of Physics sensitivies
20# The Physics Reach of the data at Upsilon Resonances (cont.) Bottomonium spectroscopy: an unfinished program The data set is comparable to the largest set on charmonium decays- 58 Million at BES The measurements are of significant interest to tests of LQCD and potential models- Observe as-yet unseen new states and transitions including: singlet states- e.g. b & h b & suppressed M1 transitions
21# The Analysis-Computing strategy The task at hand More than 100 core physics measurements currently ~250 ongoing analyses
22# Analysis-Computing program: A few analysis realities 2/3 of BaBar’s core physics measurements have been performed with less than ½ of the full data set. Nearly all core physics channels are covered with active analysts. We have had a large peak in analysis activity in the past few months: A large set of physics results from the 4S data on the core channels will be presented at summer 2008 conferences Our goal is to present preliminary results on some of the key elements of 3S physics at ICHEP 2008. We already know that at least 20 of the 4S “core” physics measurements will use the fully reprocessed data set.
23# Analysis-Computing planning Detailed assessments of the physics goals, required resources, timing, and manpower were done in the past two years: Generated documents on BaBar Physics Reach and a plan for analysis-computing Beyond 2008 The core of the plan: an Intense-Analysis Period (2009-2011) to perform the “core” measurements Conclusion of a series of workshops on potential benefits of full reprocessing. Detailed study of computing resources needed to carry-out the program. A study of the BaBar computing manpower needs & its time profile.
24# Analysis-Computing program: Current status Data Processing : In 2007, completed a special processing (TrkFixup) of runs 1-6 & the associated simulation. This constitutes the main data for 4S analyses planned for summer 2008 conferences. Final processing and reprocessing of the data: After a series of workshops in 2007, we developed the final BaBar reconstruction code (release 24)- and began the validation program. The release-24 was used in processing the 3S, 2S and the scan. We are now reprocessing all 4S data aiming for early fall completion.
25# We have planned for a period of ~2 (perhaps 3) years of intense analysis activity following the end of the data taking. The key element of the program is the continuing availability of the computing resources (hardware and manpower) at SLAC & the 5- Tier-A centers. This strategy is consistent with BaBar physics goals and the manpower realities of the experiment: The key players in the analyses effort are the current postdocs and graduate students, whose life span in the experiment is the next 2-3 year. The success of this program depends on keeping a coherent and well coordinated effort- as it has been throughout the life of the experiment. A strong SLAC centered analysis effort is crucial. The intense-Analysis Activity has already begun We expect the analysis life of the experiment to go on for another 2 to 3 years beyond this period- the plan assume SLAC centered computing resources beyond 2010. Analysis-Computing program
26# With the early termination of Run 7 on the 4S, the 1/ab phase of BaBar is now set at ~0.5/ab: Even so, an enormous amount of physics still to come from the analysis of the 4S data- although less than the goal of the collaboration for the full data set with the upgraded detector. The majority of our core physics measurements will be updated in an intense-analysis period of 2 (or 3) yrs- already started. The Run 7 data on Upsilon resonances expands the physics reach of the program with unique opportunities in the quarkonium spectroscopy and searches for effects of New Physics. Our first discovery: The bottomonium ground state: b The collaboration is healthy with a strong base of students and postdocs- more than 130 Ph.D. thesis in the pipeline. Strong support for the Intense-Analysis Period is vital to the program. Planning for longer term (beyond 2010) is underway. Summary remarks
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