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1# BaBar Overview & Plans Hassan Jawahery, spokesperson University of Maryland SLAC Program Review July 7, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "1# BaBar Overview & Plans Hassan Jawahery, spokesperson University of Maryland SLAC Program Review July 7, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 1# BaBar Overview & Plans Hassan Jawahery, spokesperson University of Maryland SLAC Program Review July 7, 2008

2 2# Outline  Status of the Experiment  Status & Evolution of Run 7  Physics Reach of the data on Upsilon Resonances  Status of the collaboration  BaBar Physics and goals Details & in-dept coverage of recent BaBar physcis in Soeren Prell’s talk  Future plans

3 3# The setup of the experiment: Operating at the  s) resonance  Help from Quantum Mechanics:   (4S)  B 0 B 0 with C=-1; The system remains entangled as it evolves. Critical for determining flavor of B 0 when it decays in a CP eigenstate mode.  B 0 -B 0 Oscillation & inteference of mixing and decay allows extraction of time-dependent CP asymmetry.

4 4#  Run 6 concluded on September 3 rd, 2007:  Integrated lumi= 86/fb  Downtime: Sept. 3- December 3, 2007  Repairs and maintenance work on BaBar subsystems during the downtime, but no major upgrade this time.  Significant work on PEPII to prepare for higher beam currents & the luminosity regime of 2x10 34 /cm2/s.(John Seeman’s talk)  Expectation for run 7: 250/fb (50% increase in total data) - nearly a 3-fold increase in the data with fully upgraded muon ID.  Start of Run 7:  BaBar shifts started Dec. 3rd  stored beams in PEPII Dec. 9th  Accumulated ~0.6/fb on the 4S  Budget news on Dec. 17 - Switched to  (3S) running on Dec. 21.  Received a 2-month extension of the run in response to the physics case for 3S & another month on 2S & scan above 4S.  Run 7 concluded on April 7 th. Status & Evolution of Run 7

5 5# Conclusion of run 7 & the data taking phase of BaBar: On April 7, 2008 Status of the Experiment ~5/fb scan above 4S

6 6# The Run 7 on Upsilon physics ~30/fb Y(3S) run14.5/fb Y(2S) run  Ground state of bottomonium  b  Invisible width of  S)  Search for light Higgs/exotica  Measurement of R vs S above the  (4S) and paramters of “5S”, “6S”, and other interesting structures ….  Search for anomalies and Some of the key measurements aimed at from this data: ~5/fb scan above the 4S

7 7# More on Run 7 on Upsilon resonances  The run began in the evening of Dec. 21- the 3S found within a day.  The physics goals required significant changes to both L1 and L3 triggers:  For 3S   (1S); (1S)  invisible efficiency : was 18% to final ~80%  For  (3S)   (invisible) lowering the energy threshold as much as practically possible- within limits of L1 & L3 rates ( L1 <7 KHz)  Run condition more difficult with higher trigger rate/deadtime - all worked fine at the end. 3S found by Dec. 22.

8 8# First Observation of  b meson >10  significance (incl. systematics)  s   b Background subtracted  b peak More details in S. Prell’s talk next & P. Grenier (tomorow) 3S   bJ (2P) ->  S ISR  Energy spectrum of  ’s from  (3S)

9 9# Status of BaBar Detector  Now in a transition phase- preparing for the Minimum Maintenance State (MMS):  Flammable gas & cooling water to be removed from all sub- detector- mostly done.  Nitrogen/Dry air flowing  Special monitoring system being developed- expect completion by mid-august.  Our 200-core online farm is in use for event simulation.  Planning for the D&D and its timing underway  Some dismantling will take place during the MMS  The collaboration will have the ownership of the detector till end of MMS  Discussions are underway with International Finance Committee for transfer of ownership to the lab at the end of MMS. The lab will assume the responsibility for D&D.  More in break-out sessions on D&D.

10 10# Status of the Collaboration

11 11# Status of the Collaboration 74 Institutions in 10 countries Although fewer babarians than last year, with more than 200 students and postdocs the collaboration continues to be on a very strong foundation. FacultyPhD StaffPostdocGradNon-PhDTotals Canada102719 France14123 445 Germany7411527 Italy2728151484 Netherlands112 Norway213 Russia262 1 11 Spain3238 United Kingdom18112 144 United States7247406419242 Totals1531017513125485

12 Russia[1/11] Budker Institute, Novosibirsk Spain[2/7] IFAE-Barcelona IFIC-Valencia United Kingdom [10/43] U of Birmingham Brunel U U of Edinburgh U of Liverpool Imperial College Queen Mary, U of London U of London, Royal Holloway U of Manchester Rutherford Appleton Laboratory U of Warwick USA[32/223] California Institute of Technology UC, Irvine UC, Los Angeles UC, Riverside UC, Santa Barbara UC, Santa Cruz U of Cincinnati U of Colorado Colorado State Harvard U U of Iowa Iowa State U Johns Hopkins U LBNL LLNL U of Louisville U of Maryland U of Massachusetts, Amherst MIT U of Mississippi SUNY, Albany U of Notre Dame Ohio State U U of Oregon Princeton U SLAC U of South Carolina Stanford U Canada[4/19] University of British Columbia McGill University University de Montréal University of Victoria France[5/41] LAPP, Annecy LAL Orsay LPNHE des Universités Paris VI et VII Ecole Polytechnique, Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet CEA, DAPNIA, CE-Saclay Germany[6/28] Ruhr Universitaet Bochum Universitaet Dortmund Technische Univeritaet Dresden Universitaet Heidelberg Universitaet Rostock Universitaet Karlsruhe The BABAR Collaboration 10 Countries 74 Institutions 459 Physicists Italy[12/83] INFN, Bari INFN, Ferrara Lab. Nazionali di Frascati dell' INFN INFN, Genova & Univ INFN, Milano & Univ INFN, Napoli & Univ INFN, Padova & Univ INFN, Pisa & Univ & Scuola Normale Superiore INFN, Perugia & Univ INFN, Roma & Univ "La Sapienza" INFN, Torino & Univ INFN, Trieste & Univ The Netherlands [1/2] NIKHEF, Amsterdam Norway[1/3] U of Bergen U of Tennessee U of Texas at Austin U of Texas at Dallas U of Wisconsin November 10, 2007

13 13# BaBar Physics

14 14# A look at the timeline of BaBar’s physics publications  351 papers published/submitted  70 papers in 2007 & 24 in 2008  130 abstract at ICHEP2008  >200 Ph.D. Thesis  >300 Postdocs so far

15 15# The whole of BaBar Data Partial composition of the data BaBar collects ~97% of PEP II delivery Run 7:The  Run

16 16# The physics reach of the BaBar Data Just about any physics that is accessible at Charm Physics Tau physics Continuum e + e -  hadrons ISR: e + e -  hadrons from threshold to ~5 GeV CP Studies with B’s & B Physics The Principal Mission CP breaking in B decays Test the CKM paradigm Search for New Physics in SM suppressed decays D 0 Mixing, New States, F Ds New unexplained States: X,Y,Z’s Lepton Flavor Violation Measuring the hadronic part of photon vacuum polarization

17 17# sin2  fromcos2  from  from InclusiveExclusive [,Radiative B decays: Inclusive and exclusive [ Rate, A ch,..]  TDCP in [Probe of helicity of  Inclusive and exclusive [ Rate, A ch,..] Inclusive and exclusive [ Rate, A ch,A FB,..] Search for TDCP in Gluonic Penguin Dominated Channels:Charmless Decay Properties: Decay Rate, Direct CP, Polarization,,,D 0 mixing and CPV Rare Charm Decays ( Lepton Flavor Violation:, A list of topics on BaBar’s “core” physics program The ultimate job on CKM – until the SuperB era The no-stone- unturned search for New Physics A major effort underway to perform these measurements ~ 2/3 of the core measurements performed with <1/2 of the full dataset

18 18# Expansion of the “Core” physics: The Physics Reach of the data at Upsilon Resonances Sensitivity to New Physics effects:  Invisible width of  (1S): Significant enhancement possible due coupling to:  light dark matter (such as motivated by the INTEGRAL anomaly)  exotic light higgs(e.g. CP-odd higgs in NMSSM) Lepton Universality: Related channels

19 19# Conservative estimates of Physics sensitivies

20 20# The Physics Reach of the data at Upsilon Resonances (cont.) Bottomonium spectroscopy: an unfinished program The data set is comparable to the largest set on charmonium decays- 58 Million at BES  The measurements are of significant interest to tests of LQCD and potential models-  Observe as-yet unseen new states and transitions including: singlet states- e.g.  b & h b & suppressed M1 transitions

21 21# The Analysis-Computing strategy The task at hand More than 100 core physics measurements currently ~250 ongoing analyses

22 22# Analysis-Computing program: A few analysis realities  2/3 of BaBar’s core physics measurements have been performed with less than ½ of the full data set. Nearly all core physics channels are covered with active analysts.  We have had a large peak in analysis activity in the past few months:  A large set of physics results from the 4S data on the core channels will be presented at summer 2008 conferences  Our goal is to present preliminary results on some of the key elements of 3S physics at ICHEP 2008.  We already know that at least 20 of the 4S “core” physics measurements will use the fully reprocessed data set.

23 23# Analysis-Computing planning  Detailed assessments of the physics goals, required resources, timing, and manpower were done in the past two years:  Generated documents on BaBar Physics Reach and a plan for analysis-computing Beyond 2008  The core of the plan: an Intense-Analysis Period (2009-2011) to perform the “core” measurements  Conclusion of a series of workshops on potential benefits of full reprocessing.  Detailed study of computing resources needed to carry-out the program.  A study of the BaBar computing manpower needs & its time profile.

24 24# Analysis-Computing program: Current status  Data Processing :  In 2007, completed a special processing (TrkFixup) of runs 1-6 & the associated simulation. This constitutes the main data for 4S analyses planned for summer 2008 conferences.  Final processing and reprocessing of the data:  After a series of workshops in 2007, we developed the final BaBar reconstruction code (release 24)- and began the validation program.  The release-24 was used in processing the 3S, 2S and the scan.  We are now reprocessing all 4S data aiming for early fall completion.

25 25#  We have planned for a period of ~2 (perhaps 3) years of intense analysis activity following the end of the data taking.  The key element of the program is the continuing availability of the computing resources (hardware and manpower) at SLAC & the 5- Tier-A centers.  This strategy is consistent with BaBar physics goals and the manpower realities of the experiment:  The key players in the analyses effort are the current postdocs and graduate students, whose life span in the experiment is the next 2-3 year.  The success of this program depends on keeping a coherent and well coordinated effort- as it has been throughout the life of the experiment. A strong SLAC centered analysis effort is crucial. The intense-Analysis Activity has already begun  We expect the analysis life of the experiment to go on for another 2 to 3 years beyond this period- the plan assume SLAC centered computing resources beyond 2010. Analysis-Computing program

26 26#  With the early termination of Run 7 on the 4S, the 1/ab phase of BaBar is now set at ~0.5/ab:  Even so, an enormous amount of physics still to come from the analysis of the 4S data- although less than the goal of the collaboration for the full data set with the upgraded detector.  The majority of our core physics measurements will be updated in an intense-analysis period of 2 (or 3) yrs- already started.  The Run 7 data on Upsilon resonances expands the physics reach of the program with unique opportunities in the quarkonium spectroscopy and searches for effects of New Physics.  Our first discovery: The bottomonium ground state:  b  The collaboration is healthy with a strong base of students and postdocs- more than 130 Ph.D. thesis in the pipeline.  Strong support for the Intense-Analysis Period is vital to the program.  Planning for longer term (beyond 2010) is underway. Summary remarks

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