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Workshop 4 – Global competitiveness of regions based on strong local economies DeTeC: Detecting territorial potentials and challenges Lukas Smas, Nordregio,

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop 4 – Global competitiveness of regions based on strong local economies DeTeC: Detecting territorial potentials and challenges Lukas Smas, Nordregio,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop 4 – Global competitiveness of regions based on strong local economies DeTeC: Detecting territorial potentials and challenges Lukas Smas, Nordregio, Sweden ESPON Internal Seminar 2013 “Territorial Evidence for Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 and Territorial Agenda 2020”

2 provide good guidance on analytical approaches and methods for detecting territorial potentials and challenges, be a source of inspiration for both practitioners and policy makers working with regional policy issues at different territorial levels, focus on how to integrate a European perspective in practice and policy making of all European regions and cities. An ESPON guide 2

3 Territorial approaches 3 Globalization and regionalisation Regional cohesion and competitiveness New regional formations Territorial and relational regions Territorial governance

4 Interactive handbook 4

5 To engage with policy makers and practitioners in the field of regional development and spatial planning at local and regional level To evaluate the draft handbook and receive input on how to further develop it into an applicable, concrete and usable e-book To identify good examples and practices and illustrative how cities and regions can use ESPON- knowledge for detecting territorial potentials and challenges Regional laboratories 5

6 Region of Skåne 6

7 Space Future challenges 7 Time

8 Lead Partner Nordregio, Nordic Center for Spatial Development, Sweden. Nordregio, Nordic Center for Spatial Development Project partners Austrian Institute for Regional Studies and Spatial Planning, Austria.Austrian Institute for Regional Studies and Spatial Planning Stanislaw Leszczycki Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland.Stanislaw Leszczycki Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, Polish Academy of Sciences Thank you! 8

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